Chapter 705 Liu Bowen hates Zhaohong

Di Qing received the order and immediately led the army south from Xinye.

Zhuyang's army also went south to Xiangyang.

Soon the [-] troops of the Suzaku Army and the front infantry, rear infantry, and rear cavalry guards totaled [-] troops and set up camp under the city of Xiangyang.

This is the first time that the enemy has really attacked here in Xiangyang City!

And set up camp under the city.

[-] troops, although not boundless.

But it is also a continuous stretch, and the camps set up are also endless at a glance.

Xiang Yan's pressure is increasing day by day.

Although there are 20 soldiers and horses in the city, he has no confidence in defending the city.

"New orders from the capital!" Xiang Yan asked his confidants without answering.

The confidant who was in charge of the documents replied simply: "General, no, there is no new order from the capital.

However, support from all sides is coming, and it is estimated that there will be [-] soldiers and horses to support, and experts are also coming. Even if our city will be breached, Da Zhou will never want to capture our Xiangyang City. "

As soon as the confidant's words fell, a general ran up to the city and said: "General, people from the capital are here, and Lord Zhaohong has arrived in person!"

"Zhao Hong!"

This is the official of the Ministry of Rites.

The most important foreign minister of Chuyue Kingdom.

Last time, Zhao Xiang was only sent.

This time Zhaohong was sent over.

It can be seen that Jiangling City is also aware of the seriousness of the situation.

Xiang Yan went down from the city and returned to the general's mansion in Zhenxi.

Zhaohong was waiting for him in the hall.

"I've seen the general!"

Xiang Yan said: "Your Majesty Zhao, you don't need to be too polite. Let's make a long story short. The general still needs to talk about the purpose of this visit. If there is anything I can cooperate with and assist."

"General Gao Yi!" Zhaohong didn't expect Xiang Yan to be so sensible, so he said:

"General, the imperial court has made a decision based on the scriptures. It will send more troops to Xiangyang, and will not change the commander. Marshal Jing Hong will still be in Nanyang to contain Ye Qing and provide partial cover for Xiangyang."

"Also, Yijing sent people to South Korea to ask South Korea to send troops to the south.

And I will personally negotiate with Di Qing, and the two countries can reconcile. "

"Hejie, what does this mean? Can Mr. Zhao explain it more clearly!" Xiang Yan asked.

Zhaohong sighed and said: "If necessary, we would rather give up half of Nanyang to Dazhou than let him take Xiangyang. Once Xiangyang is lost, we will be more passive and lose more."


Most of Xiang Yan's spirit was taken away.

We really need peace talks.

In order to protect Xiangyang, the empire is willing to accept the loss of half of Nanyang and end the war with Zhou.

"General, can you give me an accurate word, can Xiangyang hold it? If you have confidence on your side, only my side can make room for change." Zhaohong asked, looking directly into Xiang Yan's eyes.

It's a pity that he didn't see the firm eyes.

Xiang Yan's expression was a little strange.

Eyes a little confused.

"General, if the 30 soldiers are increased by three sixth-rank masters, four fifth-rank masters, ten fourth-rank fighters, twenty third-rank fighters, fifty second-rank fighters, and one hundred first-rank fighters, they may hold on!" Zhaohong continued. asked.

Every time a piece of data is reported, Xiang Yan is stimulated.

30 soldiers and horses, and so many masters.

Bao Xiangyang, can you keep it?
This power is hard to come by in the whole world.

But Chuyue Kingdom can do it easily.

This is the foundation of Chuyue Kingdom.

In the battle of national fortune, we have to do our best.

"Master Zhao, please report to Your Majesty that unless the minister dies in Xiangyang, the soldiers and horses of the Great Zhou will not come in." Xiang Yan clasped her fists facing south and replied sonorously.

After Zhaohong heard this, he nodded in relief.

If so much strength is given, the soldiers here in Xiangyang will not have the confidence to defend the city.

Then Chuyue Kingdom is really in danger.

He really didn't have any confidence in coming to negotiate this time.

After parting with Xiang Yan, Zhao Hong went out of the city and first came to Da Zhou's barracks.

"Zhaohong, the envoy of the Chuyue Kingdom!" Di Qing rubbed his chin and said, "This person seems to have been to Chang'an, my Great Zhou, and he has been in frequent contact with South Korea. Let him come in!"

Soon Zhao Hong was taken to the big tent.

"Chu Yue Kingdom's envoy Zhaohong pays homage to Marshal Di of the Zhuque Group Army of the Great Zhou Dynasty!" Zhaohong came in and greeted each other with bows and bows.

Di Qing raised his right hand and said, "Master Zhao, please sit down!"

"Thank you, Marshal!" Zhaohong walked to the right and sat down.

"I don't know what is Mr. Zhao doing in my camp at this moment?" Di Qing asked directly.

He didn't have the time to play riddles with the Chuyue people.

The siege is still being prepared, and he still needs to inspect it.

Once all aspects are ready, the attack can be launched and the door of the capital of Chuyue Kingdom will be knocked out.

"To tell you the truth, Commander-in-Chief, Hong came here to persuade the general to stop fighting." Zhao Hong bowed his hands and said:

"General, I don't think Da Zhou doesn't want to continue fighting with Chuyue Kingdom."

"Stop!" Di Qing laughed when he heard this, shook his head and said:

"Why do you want to stop the army? The morale of my Da Zhou soldiers is like a rainbow and the fighting spirit is high. We will capture Xiangyang tomorrow. Why do we want to stop the army?"

"The general is a bit arrogant when he says that. My Xiangyang City is strong, with 50 guards, five masters of the sixth rank, and more than 200 warriors of the first rank or above. The army and the people are united and united.

Not to mention one day, even if you fight the general for a hundred days, you will not be able to attack! " Zhaohong stood up and continued:
"Besides, my Chuyue Kingdom still has 100 million troops on the way, and dozens of sixth-rank masters are also coming to support them. The general should consider the safety of the Suzaku army instead of blindly attacking the city!"


Everyone including Di Qing burst out laughing.

It was the funniest joke they had ever heard.

Liu Bowen shook his folding fan, and began to laugh: "Master Zhaohong is indeed the most eloquent person in Chuyue Kingdom, how can he trick South Korea into forming an alliance with you, and secretly attack our Dazhou!"

"As far as I know, the Chuyue Kingdom has no soldiers and horses that can be dispatched. Among the 20 troops in Xiangyang City, only [-] are old soldiers, [-] are recruits, and [-] have not even been sent to the battlefield. However, those who are temporarily recruited may not be able to hold their weapons securely."

"As for the city, the troops of Chuyue Kingdom are in turmoil and the hearts of the people are flustered. All the cities and towns of your Chuyue Kingdom are in panic, and the people have fled in large numbers. This is what Master Zhaohong said about united wills forming a city. You can't help being ridiculous!"

Zhaohong's face turned green and red, and he was so stunned that he had nothing to say.

It also terrified him.

The chill dc.

Da Zhou knew everything about Chuyue Kingdom like the back of his hand.

It's scary.

However, Zhaohong still stood firm, showing the face of a professional diplomat.

"Dare to ask Mr.?"

"Liu Ji!" Liu Bowen replied flatly.

Then sat down.

Regardless of what Chu Yueguo said.

This time, Xiangyang will also be captured.

If you want to negotiate, we will talk when we capture Xiangyang.

Negotiating now is nothing but a delaying technique.

"It turned out to be Junshi Liu, Junshi Liu, who was so confident that he insisted on capturing Xiangyang City in our Chuyue Kingdom." Zhaohong said:

"Mr. Liu must understand that there is still a basis for peace talks between our two countries, and it is in your best interest to strike at this time.

If the war drags on for a long time, with the national strength of the Great Zhou, I think it will be ruined within a few months, but my Chuyue Kingdom only consumes half a year of food and grass, the treasury is still full, and the national strength is still at its peak. "

(End of this chapter)

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