Chapter 704


Xin Wenxiang was very angry.

What is Da Zhou taken from South Korea.

This clearly belongs to their Great Wei State.

"General, Da Zhou is deceiving people too much. No matter who they took it from, this is the land of our Wei State!"

"General, let's fight over there, just grab it back!"

Those who have the courage to instigate them.

Others have seconded.

"That's right, General, we have enough soldiers and horses to fight over!"

The new text is also moving.

But still quite calm, shook his head and said:

"No, if it's a Korean, we'll just fight there and take back our city.

But in Dazhou, we haven’t started a war yet, so we rushed into the army rashly. Once the two countries broke out in a national war and completely broke off diplomatic relations, who among us can bear the responsibility of starting a war? "

Everyone was dumbfounded for a moment.

This responsibility is too great, not everyone can shoulder it.

"Send the situation here back to the capital, and leave it to His Majesty and the others to decide!"


Chuyue Kingdom!
There was no sound in the hall, it was eerily quiet.

Jing Hong's letter of resignation was delivered to Xiong Wan at the Chaohui.

The officials were silent.

The 20 army was frightened by the tens of thousands of Da Zhou's army and crossed the river.

The former commander-in-chief of the Eastern Expedition is now ill.

The situation in Nanyang was completely corrupted.

The state of Chuyue was in danger.

Xiang Yan gathered 20 troops in Xiangyang, but it was still difficult to defend Xiangyang.

The soldiers and horses that Chuyue Kingdom could draw were almost exhausted.

In the fight, there are really no soldiers to use.

When recruits go to the battlefield, they are simply sent to death.

"My lords, what do you think?"

Xiong Wan enters, please resign and ask Xiang Baiguan.

All the officials discussed in low voices, but did not dare to speak loudly.

Even the three nobles and the five nobles look at each other.

With a sad face.

Especially the head of the Jing family.

What Jinghong did was at the disadvantage of the Jing family.

But at this time, other families have to step on the Jing family.

The Jing family will be directly kicked off the altar.

However, the three Lu and five nobles are all related to each other.

This is not the time to add insult to injury.

In the end, the Patriarch of the Jing family couldn't bear the pressure, and stood up and said, "Your Majesty, since Jing Hong feels that he is lacking in talent and learning, I think he can be a virtuous person, and give a capable person to take over the post of Nanyang Commander, and continue to command and fight!"

Xiong Wan was expressionless, and asked indifferently: "Who can take over this position!"

Jing Hong can't do it, and it's not impossible to replace him.

Facing Xiong Wan's inquiry, for a while, no one answered.

Xiong Wan set his sights on the head of the Qu family.

The soldiers and horses of the Chuyue Kingdom have great power, commanding the commander-in-chief.

Either it belongs to the Jing family or the Qu family.

If the Jing family can't do it, I'll replace you with the Qu family.

The Patriarch of the Qu family also sensed the gazes from all sides, so he had no choice but to stand up and say: "Your Majesty, from my point of view, Jing Hong has great talent, experience, and can convince the public. At present, it seems that no one is better than him. It is more suitable to host the Nanyang War.

We should believe and trust him, and at the same time we need to support him. I believe that he will be able to regain his strength and lead our army of Chuyue Kingdom to turn defeat into victory. The minister does not agree with changing the commander during the war. "

The Qu family didn't want to stand out.

In such a rotten battle situation, as the coach is to take over.

No matter who goes up, it may not be good for Jing Hong.

Maybe the battle situation will be worse.

The Qu family doesn't want to accept this pot.

Others don't even want to pick it up.

Xiong Wan's face darkened even more.

Murder eyes.

The head of the Jing family also glanced at the Qu family resentfully.

At the critical moment, if you don't give me a hand, you have to push me into the water.

"I don't know how Qu everyone wants to support the front line, support Commander Jing Hong!"

Since you don't talk about Wood, you use flash.

Then I am not being kind.

The head of the Jing family asked directly.

The Patriarch of the Qu family thought for a while and said, "Your Majesty, I believe that there are three things that must be done.

First, continue to deploy troops from Yangzhou and the land of the East China Sea to Nanyang.In particular, ask for support from the major sects in Yangzhou, and ask them to send more experts to assist.

At the same time, I also ordered the lords of the counties and counties to lead troops to Nanyang to protect the border defense of our Chuyue Kingdom.

Second, urgently contact South Korea and ask them to send troops.

Third, summon officials from the Ministry of Rites of the Zhou Dynasty to discuss reconciliation! "

"Sure!" After Xiong Wan listened, he agreed directly without discussing with the officials.

At present, there are officials from the Ministry of Rites going out of the palace to invite officials from the Ministry of Rites of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

It was only half an hour after going there before returning.

However, no Zhou envoys came with them.

"What's going on? Where are the officials from the Ministry of Rites of the Great Zhou?"

"Yes! Where's the people from Da Zhou? Why didn't they come along!"

Xiong Wan said unhappily, "Where is the envoy Zhou?"

The official of the Ministry of Rites of Chuyue State knelt down and replied: "Return to Your Majesty, the people in the post said that the envoys of the Great Zhou Dynasty have gone out to play, and they seem to be taking a boat along the river to go to Yunmengze!"

"Bastard!" After Xiong Wan heard this, he exploded with rage.

At this time, the envoys of Da Zhou went to play.

tease me.

How dare you play tricks on me.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that the war in Nanyang has taken a turn for the worse.

The Chuyue Congress contacted the envoys of the Great Zhou Dynasty, but when you arrived, you sneaked out of the city to play.

Obviously avoiding it, not giving Chuyue Kingdom a chance.

"Your Majesty, calm down!"

Hundreds of officials bowed to express condolences.

"Come on, go find them, bring the envoys of the Great Zhou Dynasty back to Jiangling, and make sure nothing happens to them, and bring them back neatly!"


The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, Xiong Wan huffed and walked away with a flick of his sleeves.



"Your Majesty! All the counties in the north have been captured. Our cavalry scouted the news. Jing Hong led the [-]th army and continued to retreat eastward. After reaching Fuyang, he relied on Tongbai Dafu Mountain to defend and established a horizontal defensive position." Guo Jia reported the news he had just received.

Ye Qing walked to the sand table.

Tongbai Dafu Mountain is an east-west mountain range, and the terrain here gradually becomes higher in the east and lower in the west.

The Chuyue army had a geographical advantage.

To the south, you can protect the eastern part of Nanyang, such as Fuyang, Xiangxiang, Tongling, Suixian, and Jiangxia County.

The north and south can protect the south route from Nanyang to Runan.

Card logistics line and roundabout outflank.

So geographical location is extremely important.

20 million people.

Even if it is as strong as Da Zhou, it will be extremely difficult and time-consuming and food-consuming to conquer this area.

"Jing Hong is really a good coach. He can retreat and defend, and advance and attack. He chose a good place to set up." Ye Qing watched and pointed at Xiangyang with a stick:
"Unfortunately, now I have no interest in Runan.

This time I came here in person, if Xiangyang is not pulled out, then the troops will not be withdrawn! "

Eating Xiangyang opened the door to Nanjun.

It can go south to threaten Jiangling, the capital of Chuyue Kingdom, so Xiangyang has greater strategic value.

Ye Qingcai would not waste his energy to confront Jing Hong at Dafu Mountain in Tongbai.

"Master, then you can inform Di Qing that they are attacking Xiangyang!" Guo Jia said:

"We are also going to lead our troops south to take over Xinye and fight for him."

Ye Qing threw away the long pole and nodded, "Go south, inform Di Qing, gather the strength of the Suzaku Army to break through Xiangyang, and I want to go to Xiangyang to celebrate it!"


(End of this chapter)

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