I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 710? How dare you come

Chapter 710 How dare you come

Di Qing thought for a while before replying: "Your Majesty, I think that there should be no ordinary people from Chuyue Kingdom in Xiangyang City, so we can act boldly!"

"Oh! How do you know that!" Ye Qing asked with interest.

He never thought of this.

With Di Qing here, it must be because there is something in the city to report!
Di Qing said: "Your Majesty, according to our army's usual strategy, when we attack Chuyue Kingdom, once we capture a certain place, we will relocate the population back to Guanzhong.

The Chuyue Kingdom suffered greatly from the classics, and they understand it too well.

So they naturally won't leave the people to us, after all, they don't have the confidence to keep it. "

"Secondly, they have an army of 25, so many soldiers and horses want to be stationed in the city, and they want to start street fighting with us.

If there are ordinary people, they are not easy to use, so moving out of the population is also convenient for military operations! "

"Finally, Jin Yiwei did report that Xiang Yan removed a large number of ordinary people out of the city!"

Ye Qing then stood up, clapped his hands and said with a smile: "It seems that my Marshal Di has already planned everything, so I can rest assured, you only need to manage the military, fight well, and leave the rest to me.

No matter how many masters come from Chuyue Kingdom, these people will not affect your actions, they will be left to me to deal with! "

"No!" With Ye Qing here to help him suppress the situation, Di Qing felt more at ease.

After chatting with Di Qing, Ye Qing left quickly.

Then he called Ding Chunqiu.

"Send someone to tell the Chuyue people that I have come to Xiangyang, remember to leak it unintentionally, and keep it secret."

Ding Chunqiu looked puzzled.

Why did the emperor expose his whereabouts to the people of Chuyue.

And do it quietly.

But he didn't dare to ask, just do it directly!
An hour later.

Ye Qing was ready to turn off the lights and rest.

At this moment, the sound of the system suddenly popped out of my mind.

"Ding! Master, Xiang Yan of Chuyue Kingdom wants to know whether Emperor Ye Qing of the Great Zhou Dynasty really came to Xiangyang, and whether he came to Xiangyang to attack Xiangyang! Willing to spend 5000 taels of silver as a reward, whether to sell it or not!"

"Ding! Master, Prince Merce of Rouran wants to know how big and strong Da Zhou is, and how strong he is in the Central Plains dynasty? I want to know the general situation of Da Zhou so that I can prepare for the future hegemony in the Hexi Corridor. I am willing to spend Will you sell twenty thousand taels of silver as a reward?"

"Ding! Master, Wei Guo wants to know whether Da Zhou will return the occupied Beimang Mountain so as to prepare for taking back the Beimang Mountain area. He is willing to spend 5 taels of silver as a reward. Will he sell it?"

I wanted to set up a game, but I didn't expect Chuyue Kingdom to send an assist.

Ye Qing was very happy.

After reading the three intelligence information.

Then said: "System, sold, all three are sold!"

"Ding! The transaction was successful!"

"After deducting 20% ​​of the handling fee, master, you still have 60000 taels of silver, and 3 chances to draw prizes!"

Ye Qing continued: "System, draw a lottery!"

"Good master, now draw a lottery for you!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for drawing an item card!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for drawing a martial arts character card!"

"Ding! Congratulations, master, for winning a legion card!"

Item cards, martial arts character cards, legion cards, or regular cards!

Ye Qing said: "Use cards!"

"Ding, congratulations to the master for using the item card and obtaining [-] catties of sweet potato seeds!"

"Ding, congratulations to the master for using the martial arts character card and obtaining Guo Jing (Rank [-])!"

"Ding, congratulations to the master for using the legion card and getting 5000 Troubleshooting Soldiers, plus Lu Xun (first grade) as a gift."

Sweet Potato Seeds!

This is something that yields more than potatoes.

It can be cooked several times a year.

The land suitable for planting is wider.

Guo Jing, another sixth rank.

Another successor of Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms.

Together with Qiao Feng, this cannot become the Double Dragon Club.

5000 Troubleshooting Soldiers, with Lu Xun as a gift!
Lu Xun, a general of the Eastern Wu Kingdom, served as a coach and a prime minister.

A fire burned away the hope of the Kingdom of Shu, and directly burned Liu Bei to the west.

There are not many people who talk harshly, so Lu Xun is the flat-headed brother.

And it was Jie Fanbing from Soochow who helped him accomplish this pioneering feat.

Jiefanbing is a light infantry soldier who is good at sneaking in the dark.

Setting fire is an art, so the Exorcist is the nightfire elf.

"It's really not too beautiful. These helpers are really good." Ye Qing immediately had a draft in his mind.

The next day!

While Di Qing continued to smash the city wall, he rushed to work on various ordnance.

And Ye Qing took a small group of people to a nearby place called Ah Toushan for hunting.

Because of the great interest, the hunting did not stop until evening.

So he pitched a tent on the mountain and spent the night.

Dozens of bonfires were lit.

The temperature is getting lower and lower.

Several fires were gradually extinguished.

Except for a few ordinary soldiers watching the night in the entire camp, everyone fell asleep.


A gust of wind blows.

The fire that was about to be extinguished was suddenly ignited again, and sparks burst out.

As soon as several night watch soldiers turned around, their throats were cut by the flying black shadow.

Soon under the darkness, more black shadows emerged from all around, quietly approaching the tents in the camp.

Five or six people guarded a tent.

They exchanged a gesture with each other.

Then they opened the curtain one by one.

The next moment, a cold light flashed from the tent.

Then a sharp sword stabbed out.

Then countless crossbow arrows were fired from the tent.

Flying out through the tent cloth.


The black shadows were shocked, and many people were caught off guard, stabbed by long swords, or hit by repeated crossbow arrows.

These crossbow arrows have been quenched and poisoned.

Those below the third grade will die if they touch it.

Those who do not have deep internal strength cannot suppress the arrow poison.


One after another tents cracked open with a crash, and a master of Da Zhou rushed out from inside with a sharp knife in his hand.

As soon as they rushed out, they went straight to kill the incoming black shadow.


The sound of fighting kept ringing out, and the black shadows were killed one by one.

After a while, he was basically killed in battle.

The strongest black shadows are only at the fourth stage.

Compared to Ye Qing and others, he was extremely weak.

"Behead all the attackers!" Linghu Chong glanced at the black man lying on the ground and said.

Ye Qing shook his head and said:

"No, not yet, the real night raiders haven't started yet!"

After the words fell, I saw countless figures walking out from all around.

These people didn't wear black clothes, they were all Chuyue costumes.

"Your Majesty the Great Zhou Emperor, you are really smart, and the foreign ministers admire you!" A general in armor had a sneer on his face.

There was a strong murderous intent and aggression in his eyes.

Ye Qing snorted coldly: "You know that I have invited you here, but you still dare to come. There are people from Chuyue who are not afraid of death."

"Hahaha, Your Majesty, if you want to act, we'll just play with you. You just brought a sixth-rank expert, and the rest are only two fifth-rank and a few fourth-rank. If we dare not come like this, then we really don't deserve it." I'm practicing martial arts." The general bowed and saluted and said:

"Xiang Bo from Chuyue Kingdom, with first-rank strength, has brought four sixth-rank, four fifth-rank, four fourth-rank, four third-rank, and several others.

I hope that such a lineup can make His Majesty die more decently! "

(End of this chapter)

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