Chapter 711: Killing All
"It seems that this time my method of luring the enemy is very successful, four of the sixth rank, four of the fifth rank, and four of the fourth rank, if this is broken, Xiang Yan should be very heartbroken.

Even your Xiong Wan will be heartbroken! "After hearing Uncle Xiang's words, Ye Qing was not worried but happy.

"Shut up, Your Majesty, please be respectful, it's too rude to call my Majesty by my first name." Uncle Xiang's eyes were cold, and he snorted disdainfully:

"Your Majesty, you don't have to lie to us, we have already checked the area within a radius of ten miles, and you have no ambushes at all.

So this scene will end here, and I will send you to the underworld as soon as possible, or reincarnate as soon as possible to change to a stable home and be reborn as a son of man! "

"Yes, it's time to end. My saliva is still used to grow my teeth, so I won't talk nonsense with you." Ye Qing stretched out his right hand, and the Overlord Panlong Spear suddenly appeared in his hand.

Ye Qing swung his spear, pointed forward and said: "Guo Jing, Ding Chunqiu, Uncle Jiu, Zhuge is killing me!" The next moment!
Suddenly, four figures flew up from below where the masters of Chuyue Kingdom were standing.

These four people have extremely high martial arts skills and profound inner strength.

The masters of Chuyue Kingdom were shocked and dodged one after another.

But it's too late to hide now.

Only a few muffled grunts were heard.

Five or six masters from the Chuyue Kingdom fell to the ground.

These are all masters of the fourth rank.

Instantly killed.

"Heaven and earth have different phases, watch the stars!"

Behind Ye Qing, the Wolong Zhuge Liang card was thrown away.

The world changed, as if it had shifted, and came to an ancient battlefield.


The masters of Chuyue Kingdom didn't care about this. Although they were a little surprised, they still erupted and besieged them.

Suddenly there were two more sixth-rank realms.

Then the number of supreme beings on both sides here will be evened out.

Even the fifth-rank level is equal, the big difference is the number of entry-level people.

But all this can be reversed with the help of support.

Ye Qing, Qiao Feng, Guo Jing, Ding Chunqiu and others each fought against a sixth-rank master of Chuyue Kingdom.

The others are also looking for someone of equal strength to fight together.

The short-handed handover, each has casualties.

Soon Crouching Dragon Zhuge Liang began to mutter words again.

In the end, the pupils are released, and the eyes are bright.

"All right!"

At this time, the vision of heaven and earth reappeared.

It is surrounded by dense stone pillars.

It will be to trap here.

But at this time, Uncle Jiu took the opportunity to retreat, with seals constantly forming in his hands.

A handful of cinnabar was thrown out.

Then 49 yellow symbols were thrown out.

All of them were stuck to the corpse of the master of Chuyue Kingdom on the ground.

Then Uncle Jiu bit his index finger and drew a pardon randomly in the air in front of him.

Then he touched the bell on his waist.

"Sky spirits, earth spirits, gods, ghosts and monsters are here to obey orders!"

The words fall.

The corpses of the masters of the Chuyue Kingdom with the yellow talismans on them stood up one after another.

As if alive, he fully faced the nearby Chu Gao master.

"go with!"

Uncle Jiu shook the bell.

These corpses rushed to other Chuyue people who were fighting with the masters of the Great Zhou.

These Chuyue people were shocked.

Busy dodge.

But as soon as they got out of the way, the corpses immediately turned to attack.

What kind of strength is in front of them, and they are showing similar strength at this time.

Da Zhou suddenly had 49 more masters, including six of the fourth rank.

The balance of the battle suddenly tilted to Da Zhou.

Whether it is quantity or overall strength.

Xiang Bo retreated as he fought, his heart was terrified.

At the same time, there seemed to be a burst of cold air from the soles of the feet.

It was so cold that his whole body wanted to shudder.

Use the dead to fight.

Unheard, unseen.

So spooky, so spooky.

"The rain scatter the flowers, the wind blows!"

Ding Chunqiu seized the opportunity and threw poisonous powder among the masters of Chuyue Kingdom who did not have masters of Great Zhou.

They were so frightened that they stepped back and covered their noses, holding their breath.

But to no avail.

One by one, they fell to the ground softly, as if their bodies were about to be torn apart.



The masters of Chuyue Kingdom were killed one by one.

Da Zhou's fight became easier and easier.


Seeing that the situation was not good, Xiang Bo simply gave up and killed him by force.

He led people to rush out of the stone pillar, but they went around and couldn't get out at all.

It was like being hit by a wall by a ghost.

"Not good, there are some evil sects, Da Zhou will have witches and demons!"

The masters of Chuyue Kingdom were frightened from the bottom of their hearts.

Even those four at the sixth-rank level are getting more and more confident.

Constantly getting hurt.

to bear other threats.

Dead bodies, poisons.

There are equally powerful opponents who almost crush them.

"Overlord Slash!"

"Fearless charge!"

After Ye Qing figured out the opponent's strength, he threw out several skills and forced a wave of kills.

With the strong inner strength of the seventh-rank strength, he directly blasted the opponent to the ground.

With a thrust of the long spear, a gun flower spun around.


Although the opponent has the sixth rank, he mobilized his inner strength to make the final resistance.

But it couldn't last a few seconds.

Suddenly the gun shot in.

pierced his throat.

Seventh rank kills sixth rank, easy and not easy, simple and not simple.

After beheading one person, Ye Qing brandished the Overlord Coiling Dragon Spear, and charged at a fifth-rank Chuyue national who was fighting with Uncle Jiu. Two shots flew, and he was beheaded by Uncle Jiu's copper coin sword.

"Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms!"

"Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms!"

Guo Jing and Qiao Feng turned around at the same time, and hit the opponent's enemy with a big move.

Four dragons roared out from the tops of the two, and it was obvious that the four dragons tended to be more solid.


Although the two masters of Chuyue Kingdom at the sixth-rank level jumped away, they were still hit by the dragon head that flew back.

Landed heavily.

Then he vomited blood and was seriously injured.


On the other side, Ding Chunqiu also relied on his personal strength to injure a sixth-rank warrior from Chuyue Kingdom.

From the latter move, Hua Gu Mian Palm was abolished.

He landed heavily, unable to exert any strength in his whole body.


Including Xiang Bozai.

A group of masters from the Chuyue Kingdom were beheaded and fell to the ground one after another.

"Take it!" Crouching Dragon Zhuge Liang took back the eight cards.

The world has returned to its original appearance.

The difference is that there are more corpses of Chuyue Kingdom masters lying on the ground.

The blood flowed like a river, converging into a pool.

Uncle Jiu also put away the bell.

All the fighting corpses lost their spirits one after another and fell powerlessly to the ground.

Uncle Jiu was sweating profusely, took out a square towel and wiped his face.

"Cough cough!"

Ninth Uncle and Wolong Zhuge Liang coughed up a mouthful of blood almost at the same time.

Wolong Zhuge Liang came over.

Looking at Uncle Jiu with a tired expression, he said, "You and I are both spying on the secrets of heaven, using the energy of heaven and earth, and the way of heaven will damage more than it can make up for."

"Hehe, Mr. Wolong knows a lot at such a young age." Uncle Jiu showed his iconic charming smile, and then put away all the eating fellows.

Ding Chunqiu and others checked whether every Chuyue citizen was really dead.

After the inspection, he came over to report: "Your Majesty, all the enemies were killed, and no one survived!"

"Since there are no survivors, let's go back. This time we hunted very successfully. Without these masters, Xiangyang City will be destroyed sooner or later. There may not be many masters in the capital of Chuyue Kingdom. Next time we can go to Jiangling for a visit! "

Ye Qing received the Overlord Panlong Spear!
The crowd lit torches, rode on the horses they had come up, hummed cheerful songs, and returned to the Xiangyang military camp.

(End of this chapter)

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