I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 712: Battle of Xiangyang

Chapter 712 Battle of Xiangyang ([-])

Xiangyang City!
"General, something is wrong! None of the masters who went to ambush the Great Zhou Emperor last night came back!"

Suddenly, a leader who was supporting the masters outside the city ran back.

Xiang Yan's heart skipped a beat when she heard the words, and her mind was also in a trance.

Glancing at the sky outside the window, it was past noon.

No matter how you calculate it, the more than 100 masters who went to kill Ye Qing should also come back.

Four six grades.

Four five products.

Four four products.

This kind of plastic surgery has never been more gorgeous.

Chang'an didn't bring so many masters in the offensive last year.

It is not unsuccessful, and there will be no loss.

None came back.

This is weird.

"Go, go find it immediately, go to the ambush point! Quick!"

"It's the general!"

Soon the leader went down, and led some masters from outside the city towards Ahtoushan.

As soon as they entered the mountain, they felt a strange atmosphere in the mountain.

Is there any ambush.

It was the bloody smell wafting from the mountain, which was too strong.

Halfway up the mountain, there is a wooden sign tree.

It says - Broken Head Mountain!

Three characters.

Ah, Mount Head, how did it become Dead Mountain?

Cautiously walked up for a while, and then there was a small flat ground.

On the flat ground, there are countless corpses lying horizontally.

The owners of the corpses were all dressed in Chuyue costumes.

The weapon was wrapped in coagulated blood clots, and the scene was a mess.

"This is……"

"They're all dead! Even a few Supreme Lords died in battle!"

"My God, how did Da Zhou do it? Could it be that they dispatched ten supreme beings, otherwise how could they have done this..."

The news was sent back to Xiangyang City after dark.

Xiang Yan staggered a few times after listening.

"It's over, Xiangyang City can't keep it!"

More than 100 masters, just like that, all disappeared.

This is the backbone.

Apart from military power, it is the most important force to defend Xiangyang.

just this.

"Even though we knew it was a trap, we were still fooled. People are not strong enough to swallow elephants. The emperor of the Great Zhou is too terrifying, and the Great Zhou is too strong!"

Although I don't know how Ye Qing eliminated the master group of more than 100 people, but to round up such a group of masters, the number of masters needed to be dispatched is definitely a shocking number.

How could Da Zhou, who was weak before, be so strong.

Xiang Yan couldn't figure it out.

So he suddenly lost confidence in defending the city, and even his confidence in Chuyue Kingdom became smaller and smaller.

It is very likely that Chuyue Kingdom will really decline, and it will even be wiped out by Da Zhou.

The Great Zhou barracks outside the city.

After Di Qingde learned the news, she was both surprised and delighted.

His Majesty the omnipotent emperor actually wiped out so many masters in Chuyue Kingdom.

This time, the resistance to attacking the Xiangyang people became smaller and smaller.

"Understand that, when we attack the city tomorrow, all ministries can attack boldly with confidence. Your Majesty helped us kill four sixth ranks, four fifth ranks, and four fourth ranks of Chuyue Kingdom. There are not many masters of Chuyue Kingdom in the city." Already!"

The regiments below received this news, and they were so excited that they almost didn't sleep all night.

Finally, it is time to truly attack Xiangyang City.

With His Majesty the Great Emperor present, their battles in the Great Zhou Dynasty would never stop.

Early the next morning.

The soldiers of the Great Zhou had breakfast.

He began to push the ordnance towards the north gate of Xiangyang City.

The number of trebuchets and bed crossbows more than doubled from the previous day.

There are also well rails of vehicles that are also pushed.

There is a pulley under the well rail. Although the movement is slower, it does not take much effort.

It was invented by Mozi, and now he personally supervises the work.

Mozi also invented Chongche, a kind of armored siege tower with a hideous appearance.

Can be used to destroy gates and walls.

There is also Haoqiao.

The length of Hao Bridge is determined by Hao. Under the bridge, there are two big wheels in front and two small wheels behind.

If the Hao is wide, use a folding bridge, that is, connect two Hao bridges with a rotating shaft in the middle, and the usage is the same.

Mozi came on stage with a sword and commanded all the large ordnance to move forward.

Very proud.

Mozi has four levels of strength.

So it can not only protect itself, but also kill the enemy.

The soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty were also surprised by these novel and fierce-looking ordnance.

A sense of pride welled up in each of them, and they became more confident about this siege battle.

On the incomplete wall of the north city gate, Xiang Yan came to the front line with great dedication under the protection of a group of masters.

Looking at the Zhou soldiers who were slowly advancing outside the city, Xiang Yan looked serious and frowned.

His face was tense.

The other generals of the Chuyue Kingdom showed a trace of fear.

His eyes flickered a little.

"Da Zhou has deployed new weapons, and it looks more powerful than the trebuchets and bed crossbows!"

"This time they are serious. I am afraid that the North City Gate will not be able to hold it."

Just when everyone whispered.

Suddenly someone pointed to the sky behind the Great Zhou Army and said:
"Look, what is that?"

Everyone looked up one after another, and saw a dozen black spots moving slowly in the distance.

"One, two, three... twenty!"

Twenty black spots, slowly coming towards this side.

From childhood to adulthood, it becomes more and more clear.

It quickly flew to the sky above the North City Gate.

"Not good! This is Da Zhou's trick bird!"

Many people are at a loss.

What is an organ bird.

Someone who knows explained:
"I heard that when Emperor Da Zhou was still King Xiaoyao, he went to the Kingdom of Shu and presented a sacred bird. This bird is a mechanical bird, made of wood, and can fly in circles with its strength."

"What? There is such a thing!"

Many people are horrified when they hear it for the first time.

The supreme being of the sixth rank can only rely on his own strength to fly on the grass and leap a certain distance.

None of them can actually fly to the sky.

And Da Zhou actually has this kind of ordnance that can easily go to the sky.

So terrifying.

"Da Zhou, it's getting more and more mysterious, we can't understand it anymore!" Xiang Yan sighed, and then there was a flash of light in her eyes, and she hurriedly said:

"Hurry up, tell all the armies in the city to pay attention to the sky, so that the masters of the Great Zhou will descend from the sky and attack the important strongholds in the city!"

"Also pay attention to the generals, be careful not to be targeted by the masters of the Great Zhou, and you will be beheaded!"

I have to say that Xiang Yan is indeed a capable general.

The response is fast.

The sense of crisis is very strong.

But Da Zhou's mechanism bird didn't intend to come down.

I just flew over Xiangyang City, checked the situation in the city, and then turned back and checked again.

Only then did he fall into Da Zhou's camp.

The information obtained was quickly collected, and Guo Jia sorted it out in person.

After finishing this, I put forward some constructive comments.

Ye Qing glanced at it and said: "Give it to Di Qing, let him fight this battle, he will make up his mind."

Soon Di Qing got the information in the city, and after reading it, he had another draft in his heart, and then he drew his sword and said:

The thud thump of the Yu drum was beating.

The soldiers of Da Zhou really started to attack the city.

Catapult, start the first round of strikes.

The bed crossbow also started a crazy mode.

Violently abuse the North City Gate again.

"Withdraw! Withdraw all troops from the North City Gate."

Facing Da Zhou's more crazy bombing and strong shooting.

Xiang Yan knew that he couldn't stop Da Zhou's army, so he had no choice but to order the withdrawal of all soldiers on the north wall with the goal of reducing casualties.

(End of this chapter)

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