I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 713: Battle of Xiangyang

Chapter 713 Battle of Xiangyang ([-])
Soon, two machine birds flew into the sky and surveyed the situation at the North City Gate.

Immediately landed again.

"Report! Marshal, the aerial detectives have arrived, and all the Chuyue troops have withdrawn from the north city gate. At this time, the north city gate and the wall are empty!"

Di Qing felt slightly different upon hearing this.

Xiang Yan retreated very simply.

He really deserves to be a veteran.

"Send the order, the whole army advances, the bed crossbow stops shooting, and the trebuchets extend their strikes."

"The mechanism bird continues to fly to the detectives, tell them that they don't need to land, just wave the signal flag!"

Pass down the order one by one.

The soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty were in high spirits.

All advance.

Hao Bridge filled the trenches and moats.

The car smashed through the city gate, and the well was pushed to the bottom of the city. Based on the remaining city wall, fixed-point towers were built to guard the city wall.

The trebuchet continued to strike, throwing stones into the city.


The infantry rushed in through the city gate and the broken wall.

Echelon by echelon captured the land in the city and established defensive positions.

Put your roots in the city.

For the follow-up troops to come in.

The flying birds hovering in the sky constantly provide information for the infantry on the ground.

"Send a letter, five hundred paces to the right, there are a large number of Chuyue Kingdom ambush soldiers, requesting to throw stones."

Soon the coordinates were sent to the ordnance group outside the wall.

The ordnance group adjusts the range distance and azimuth.

The next moment, countless stone bullets fell into the hiding Chuyue army.


The walls fell down on the couch, and most of the Chuyue soldiers inside died directly.

A few climbed out and ran behind in horror.

"Soldiers who want to sneak attack my Great Zhou have to ask us!"

On the organ bird, the warriors of Da Zhou couldn't help laughing lightly.

With them cooperating with the infantry on the ground, the soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom could only be beaten passively.

So they opened their eyes wide one by one, searching for suspicious points in the city.

If it is really impossible to judge, then take out the torch and light a fierce oil tank.

The ignited fuel tank fell directly into an undetermined place.

It exploded directly, and then rose into a big fire.

A large number of Chuyue soldiers rushed out of it immediately.

"According to this Chengcheng, most of the houses in the northern city are probably hidden by the generals of Chuyue Kingdom. They will directly cover the attack and launch a wave of saturated attacks, sending the people of Chuyue Kingdom to hell!"

Soon the warriors on the mechanism bird returned to the flight and landed.

Put on another batch of mechanism birds.

Ran Bao ran to report to Di Qing personally.

After listening to the reports of these masters, Di Qing said:

"Through understanding, saturated throwing stones, extended step by step."

"After the fight, the trebuchets enter the city, and let the pawns entering the city clear the open space that is far more suitable for placing the trebuchet."

The order was issued again.

Soon, saturated stone throwing destroyed all the houses in Beicheng.

The soldiers of the Chuyue Kingdom inside escaped one after another and ran south.

The masters of bird traps in the sky waved their flags.

After the infantry generals entering the city had seen it, their opponents said:

"Archer, advance one hundred steps, and shoot at 15 degrees!"

The soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom who quickly retreated were shot and killed by arrows flying from the sky.

Da Zhou's bow has been upgraded and has a much longer range than the previous one.

Arrow was also inspired by Beishi Country and improved.

Plus there is plenty of iron ore.

The arrow clusters are sharp, which also helps to extend the range.

Therefore, Chu Yue's bow shot could not reach Da Zhou's, but Da Zhou could shoot first from a long distance to suppress it.


The Chuyue soldiers who ran out of the houses fell down one by one.

Soon Da Zhou's trebuchet was pushed into the city.

Put it everywhere, according to the guidance of the organ bird in the sky.

Continue to extend the strike.

Beicheng was captured in one day.

Beicheng was smashed into ruins.

It's getting dark.

Only then did the generals of the Zhou Dynasty stop advancing.

Xiang Yan and the generals of Chuyue Kingdom all turned pale and haggard after a day.

The expression is mostly helpless and a little bit bitter.

At the end of the day, he was beaten by Da Zhou and was helpless.

Not even a serious face-to-face killing.

He lost the entire North City, and his strength was aggrieved.

"Calculate how much our army has lost today!"

Xiang Yan had a headache. This was his first time fighting this kind of battle.

It simply overturned his cognition.

Brand new style of play, full of grievances.

There is no chance to fight the bayonet.

The well-prepared street fighting ambush has become a joke.

Soon the casualties of various ministries were reported.

The scribe quickly counted it out.

"General, today we lost 2000 people and wounded 1000 people!"

The combined casualties exceeded [-], so many.

Xiang Yan's heart was bleeding.

Waving his hand, he signaled his generals to go down.

Only the confidant was left in place.

"How do you want to defend the city?"

"If this continues, our army will be kicked out of Xiangyang City tomorrow. How can we be worthy of His Majesty, and how can we explain to the empire!"

The confidant said: "General, during the day when Da Zhou attacked, we certainly couldn't hold on, but at night their advantage is gone.

We should take back Beicheng by night. "

"According to our expert spying, Da Zhou sent trebuchets into the city and arranged them in various places.

If the night attack is successful, not only can Beicheng be recaptured, but the trebuchet can also be captured! "

This is a great idea.

If you change someone, you will agree directly, and you will show a happy look.

But Xiang Yan didn't.

He shook his head and said with a chuckle: "I'm afraid it's not easy. We can think of it, and Di Qing can also think of it. This person is not an incompetent person, so he must be prepared."

"General, we have no other choice. This is our last chance. Even if Di Qing sets up a trap, we still have to get in." The confidant reminded with determination.

Xiang Yan was taken aback.

Immediately also showed a wry smile.

A sigh.

That's right!

They have no choice.

This is the last chance.

Even if you know that there is a knife and gun in front of you, you still have to hit it.

Otherwise, there would be no chance of suicide.

Night is their best cover.

Even if Di Qing is prepared for the huge Beicheng District.

But how can they cover everything and protect the entire North City.

"Well, after half an hour, call all the generals to come over to discuss the matter, and attack Beicheng at night!"


North City!

Di Qing's temporary headquarters.

The guards began to light the lamps, and the soldiers who had been fighting for a day also began to have dinner and rest.

"Marshal, this is sent by Mr. Guo!" A guard handed the letter from outside the city to Di Qing.

After reading it, Di Qing said with a smile: "Mr. Guo and I agree with each other, and both believe that Xiang Yan will come to attack at night.

This is Xiang Yan's last chance. After tonight, he will leave Xiangyang City.

Had to make one last gamble! "

Throw the letter into the stove.

Di Qing looked at the sand table map of Beicheng just made by the civil servants who joined the army.

After thinking about it for a long time, he said: "Put five openings here, here and here, and set me up against the crossbowmen, here and here let them come in and hide, and put flammable objects on the ground or around me... here Get me here..."

(End of this chapter)

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