I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 714: Battle of Xiangyang

Chapter 714 Battle of Xiangyang ([-])

All sounds are silent.

But the rustling sound can still be heard in the wind, and it is getting more and more abnormal.

The shadows were densely packed.

The cold light flashing from the weapon blade from time to time indicated that this night was extremely extraordinary.


A soft urging sounded.

The cautious Chuyue Kingdom will obviously speed up the pace.

Only the top generals know that this is a decisive battle that both sides know well.

Destined to be close to death.

Lose more and win less.

But Chuyue Kingdom had no choice, they had to gamble for this level of hope.

In order to strengthen this night attack.

Xiang Yan gathered all the Liannu.

All to the raiding army.

Melee still needs these explosive weapons.

Bows don't work well at night.

After groping all the way, the alarm has not been triggered, and no battle has broken out.

Da Zhou didn't play any tricks on Chuyue Kingdom, and didn't need any obvious patrol soldiers to keep watch.

A fire was lit at every intersection.

Every once in a while someone would come to add firewood.

In that place where there is no light, I don't know how many soldiers of the Great Zhou are hiding.

The generals of Chuyue Kingdom looked left and right, trying to find suspicious things.

But Shuang didn't want to fight with the soldiers of the Great Zhou too early, after all, the sooner they fought, the better their chances of regaining the north of the city.

It was a tormenting inner battle.

After walking for nearly three quarters, a general of the Chuyue Kingdom suddenly shouted:
"Attack, hurry up, charge me!"

At this time, the distance to come in is not short, and the outbreak of battle must start with Chuyue Kingdom.

Otherwise it will be more passive.

The soldiers of the Chuyue Kingdom who were walking in the front immediately got up on their way after hearing the order.

Charge towards the intersection ahead.

When they reached the intersection, they divided their troops to other directions.

Then quickly occupied the nearby ruins of collapsed houses.

Suddenly, a sharp whistle sounded.

This is the Cloud Piercing Arrow.

used to transmit signals.

Then dozens of cloud-piercing arrows launched into the sky at the same time.

Then the torches and piles of fire were lit in various parts of the northern city.

"Fire arrows!"

Outside the ambush, the soldiers of the Great Zhou raised their bows and shot arrows.

The closer ones use continual crossbows.


Countless soldiers of the Chuyue Kingdom were shot and fell to the ground.

"Kill! Charge and kill!"

The generals of the Chuyue people immediately shouted an order.

Countless Chuyue people rushed forward one after another.

The Chuyue people holding the crossbow in their hands pulled the trigger and counterattacked the soldiers of the Great Zhou.

Keep shooting, keep going.

The bows and crossbows of both sides came and went, and countless crossbowmen of Chuyue Kingdom fell down.


Soon the soldiers of Dazhou actually retreated.

The soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom were overjoyed and took the opportunity to rush forward.

Captured Da Zhou's original line of defense, and then continued to charge forward.

Fighting is happening all over the North City.

A different battle situation was staged.

On the tall buildings in Nancheng!Xiang Yan was wearing a thick fur coat, and looked towards the north of the city with her confidants.

Seeing the flames in Beicheng getting bigger and bigger, the whole Beicheng was constantly fighting.

Shouting to kill more than.

No one could raise a smile.

"Report! General, our army rushed into Beicheng from five streets. The soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty were killed and retreated. Our army is attacking!"

"Report! General, the attacking troops of our army were attacked by Zhou's strong bow and crossbow, causing heavy casualties. General Yuan requested to send more troops!"

"Report! General, our army was surrounded by the soldiers of Dazhou. Dazhou used a lot of tung oil and fierce fire oil, and a large number of our troops were burned..."

"Report! General, our army's offensive is weak, and it is now completely defeated..."

"Report! General, our army's night attack failed!"

It was good news at the beginning, but bad news came one after another.

Hearing that at the end Xiang Yan spit out blood directly and passed out.

Wait for it to wake up.

At this time, it was almost dawn in the early morning.

The first thing Xiang Yan said when she woke up was: "How many people were killed or injured last night?"

The confidant replied: "General, [-] of our troops died last night and [-] were injured!"

Thirty thousand!
plus daytime.

One day and one night, [-] combat power were lost.

"Be prepared to withdraw from Xiangyang, stabilize the army, don't panic, don't give Da Zhou a chance!"

"It's the general!"

According to the order, the generals went down to prepare for the southward withdrawal.

The closest to Xiangyang is Zhonglu, but this city cannot be defended.

Therefore, the generals of Chuyue State sent troops to Ji State, Yicheng, and Nuo State.The last is the first line of defense of the navy, Lan Jukou. "

"Dawn! Start cooking!"

The smoke outside the city is full of fir.

Soon the aroma of the food filled the city and beyond.

Today's breakfast is extraordinarily rich.

One is to celebrate yesterday's big victory.

The second is to celebrate in advance the capture of Xiangyang City today.

Eat and drink well.

Di Qing ordered to start pushing south.

Xiang Yan knew that it was impossible to defend, but he still put [-] troops in the city, as if scattered in the city.

Trying to delay the advance of the Great Zhou Suzaku army, so as to usher in time for the army to withdraw all over the south.

Or fight for a chance to turn defeat into victory.

However, Dazhou has a bird, aerial reconnaissance, and can clearly see the situation of Xiang Yanren.

Di Qing gave the order decisively and charged forward.

One hour before dark, they captured the entire Xiangyang City and wiped out all the remnants of the Chuyue Kingdom in the city.

"Commander, the organ bird has reported that Chuyue's [-] troops have withdrawn to the south early in the morning."

"Xiang Yan is slowly withdrawing southward with other tens of thousands of troops, and all of them are lightly or seriously wounded."

Di Qing said: "Bring the Hanshui sand table!"

Going south from Xiangyang is generally going south along the Han River.

There are a large number of Chuyue Kingdom cities on the east and west banks of the Han River.

Estimate the distance.

Di Qing said: "Send all our cavalry out, bite them up, leave some of the ambush points to wipe them out, no matter what method we use, we can't let Xiang Yan retreat south easily.

He will not be able to enter the country until nightfall tomorrow, and we have two nights to attack him. "

One of the generals under his command said: "Commander, it's getting dark now, we cavalry chase down, I'm afraid we will easily be ambushed by Xiang Yan.

Why don't you catch up tomorrow morning! "

Di Qing shook his head and said:

"Who said we were going to chase along the Han River? Xiang Yan definitely didn't send troops to Zhonglu. Then our cavalry will attack here, then go south from the west bank to attack Yicheng, go to Xiang Yan's front, and circle around it from the middle and lower reaches. Back way!"

"General, we don't have any cavalry, how can we pursue Xiang Yan?" The generals were puzzled again.

Di Qing smiled and said: "Just use our pawns to chase after him, Xiang Yan can't escape!"

Using infantry to chase infantry, people can walk sixty or seventy miles a night in advance, how can we chase them?
Naturally, Di Qing would not tell the generals that Emperor Ye Qing had already prepared for it.

The troops to strike at Xiang Yan's death were dispatched long before the siege of the city.

Di Qing believed in Ye Qing's arrangement.

From time to time, a special force appeared in Ye Qing's hand.

Who knows what kind of strong army it will be.

At that time, even if Xiang Yan cannot be severely injured, he believes that he can still hold Xiang Yan.

So he just needs to be steady.

Xiangyang City had just been captured, and the entire North City was destroyed.

Half of Nancheng was also destroyed.

Building the city and constructing the defense of Xiangyang is the most troublesome thing.

(End of this chapter)

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