I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 715 Battle of Xiangyang

Chapter 715 Battle of Xiangyang ([-])
Once Xiangyang was broken, Jinghong's Nanyang defense line also lost a support.

Ye Qing decisively sent Zhao Yun to attack Caiyang City in Nanyang, and then attacked Tongling, Suixian, and Jinghong's left rear flank.

He also ordered Zhang Yun and other troops in Wancheng to advance eastward.

"Commander, there was a sudden change in Zhou's army, and Zhang He's soldiers and horses left the city to kill eastward.

There are also reports from the south that Zhao Yun's troops have attacked Cai Yang. "Sun Miao walked in and reported the news he had just learned.

Sick all over, Jing Hong rushed to the wall, his eyes scanning the map of Nanyang and Nanjun.

Finally he sighed and said: "Xiangyang is over, Xiang Yan is defeated."

"Commander, what do you mean is that Di Qing captured Xiangyang, so Ye Qing sent Zhao Yun to attack the rear of our army, trying to cooperate with Zhang Yun in attacking our army's 20 troops!" Sun Miao was not an idiot either. Have a better ability to analyze evidence.

Jing Hong coughed up two mouthfuls of blood and nodded: "Of course, except for this possibility, it is impossible for Ye Qing to divide his troops to attack us.

Not only was Xiangyang lost, but Da Zhou hadn't lost any soldiers, so he could continue to attack and want to capture the entire Nanyang County! "

"Then handsome, we..."

"Let's retreat! Tongbai Dafu Mountain Yijing has lost its role as a barrier. Let's go to Runan, the richest county in the empire, there must be no mistakes!"


Jing Hong also withdrew quickly, and Zhao Yun, Zhang He and other soldiers easily took the eastern part of Nanyang County without bloodshed.

So far, Nan County of Chuyue Kingdom has completely fallen into Da Zhou's pocket.

The northwest gate of Chuyue Kingdom was completely opened.

Nanjun, Jiangxia, and Runan were all exposed to the front of the Zhou army.

I'm here to see Xiang Yan.

Although most of the soldiers and horses withdrew from Xiangyang, Xiang Yan, who had been walking all night, did not see Da Zhou's pursuers, but became more disturbed.

There must be a demon in the abnormal situation.

It wasn't until dawn that they received the information that the infantry of the Great Zhou Dynasty had left Xiangyang and went south.

"No, where did Da Zhou's cavalry go?"

"Even if Ye Qing's Jingwei cavalry doesn't go south, the Suzaku Army's cavalry should go south as well.

Where have they all gone! "

Da Zhou's cavalry could not be found.

Xiang Yan's heart was full of fog.

"How long will it take to arrive at Jiguo City?"

Xiang Yan asked casually.

The confidants replied: "General, we should be able to arrive before dark!"

It's dark!

It's only dawn now, and we have to walk all day.

too slow.

Not safe.

Xiang Yan looked serious, and urged: "Tell the soldiers, hurry up, and you must arrive at the city of Jiguo two hours before dark!"

"General, I'm afraid this can't be done. There are too many wounded soldiers in our army, and such a huge army is on the way together, so it's impossible to come soon!" The subordinate persuaded: "General, can we ask someone to set up a simple barracks in Bulu in advance. "

After walking all night, the defeated army was very tired.

Even during the day, the journey is slow.

This is the negative effect brought about by the decline in physical strength.

The confidant must take this reason into account.

Xiang Yan shook her head: "It's not necessary, you have to enter the city of Jiguo before dark, camping outside is too dangerous, if you can't reach the city of Jiguo, it will slow down the entire army and all the troops will be executed according to military law!"

Martial execution.

Too ruthless, too harsh!

"Go down and pass the order, just do it!"


Firmly ordered to come down.

Sure enough, tens of thousands of troops moved much faster.

We did arrive at Jiguo City before dark.

But it was different from what Xiang Yan and others planned.

The city of Jiguo was belching thick smoke and burning into the sky.

There are countless people fighting fires and looking for water inside and outside the city.

"Why don't you go back? Why did the city of Jiguo burn down?" Xiang Yan was almost furious.

How can such an army enter the city to rest.

The master general who came earlier ran out and knelt down and said:
"General, Da Zhou sent a large number of spies to arrange combustible objects in the city. At noon, when our army was not paying attention, they infected many places in the city.

So that the fire burned the city, the last general was negligent, please punish the general! "

"You..." Xiang Yan was half dead with anger.

It would be fine if it was just the city being burned.

The army cannot barely survive a night in the wild.

The problem is food.

A large amount of food was stored in the city.

20 troops eat, these are astronomical figures.

If there is no food, they will have to die.

"Come on! Drag it out and chop it up!" Xiang Yan waved his hand, giving this order reluctantly.

Military law is ruthless.

Committed a serious crime, death penalty is inevitable.

The generals who can be selected by him must be talented and highly valued.

No one wants to change it.

The other generals all looked sad.

For the sake of the battle, no one could have imagined that it would turn out like this.

It's fine if you lose.

It's okay to hurry.

Now I can't even eat.

How to live then.There is no need to hurry tomorrow.

"Send an order to Yicheng to bring food over overnight!" Xiang Yan thought for a while and said:

"Go to the big families nearby to collect food, remember that only rich households can be collected, and ordinary people can't move!"

"It's the general!"

Xiang Yan's subordinates immediately went down to do it.

Soon the people who recruited the big households came back, but they didn't get any food, only the housekeepers of these big households.

"General, there is no problem in collecting food, but what about the money!"

These butlers all smiled brightly.

There is no doubt that the face of a philistine is obvious.

Xiang Yan knew what they were thinking.

He closed his eyes and snorted coldly: "Tell your patriarch that there will be no shortage of money, so hurry up and get the food. An army as large as the empire is still waiting to be cooked. You can't afford to delay the important military affairs.

And don't be lucky, if something happens to the imperial army, your wealth will be lost, and Da Zhou will loot you! "

"Yes, yes, yes, the general has enough time to say yes, let's go to transport food!"

These housekeepers echoed one after another, showing flattery.

This side bid farewell to Xiang Yan, turned around and said to Xiang Yan's subordinates: "General, food is very precious in this season, and the price should be twice as high as usual. You have no objections!"

Xiang Yan's subordinates trembled with anger when they heard this.

Grab money, it's twice as high as usual.

The fortune of the country has been paid to us.

"Don't be angry, this general. Our Yang family is also a well-known lord of the empire, and there are also people who are officials in the court."

"That's right, our Cheng family and the Huang family are still in-laws. If you mess around, my family's head will join General Zhenxi for a book!"

"If you want food, you have to give money. If you don't give money, we won't give a single grain!"

The face becomes too fast.

Xiang Yan's generals were half dead with anger.

However, as these stewards said, it is the same.

Behind each of them, the family power is huge, not much worse than the Xiang family.

The network of relations between North Korea and China is dense.

Even Xiang Yan can do nothing.

"Here, here, here, get food quickly!"

The most important thing now is to have a hot meal and restore strength.

Otherwise, tomorrow, when the Great Zhou army catches up, there is no need to fight, and they will all starve to the ground, unable to hold their weapons, and surrender directly to the flag.

(End of this chapter)

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