Chapter 716

"Hey, my lord is waiting, we're going to fetch food now..."

This is what I was waiting for, and the housekeepers of each family immediately went down to report to each family.

Soon there was chaos around the country.

In order to earn this double profit, these aristocratic families not only sent all their food to the military camp, but also searched for the people nearby.

In the name of the court of Chuyue Kingdom, all the rations of the people were collected.

Soon an endless stream of food was delivered to Xiang Yan.

However, these are not enough.

For an army of tens of thousands, this amount of food could barely make some porridge to drink.

In the camp of Chuyue Kingdom, the torches are brightly lit.

The cooking smoke kept coming.

Tens of thousands of troops rotated overnight before barely filling their stomachs.

"General, Da Zhou's infantry are coming! Stop five miles away now!"

The general in charge of the rear embankment ran back to report to Xiang Yanhui.

Xiang Yan asked: "How many are here? Who leads the army!"

"General, there are at least [-] people, and the leader is Di Qing himself!" The general replied.

Thirty thousand!

Not many!

But it's not too much.

If it is to find peace, then it must be a direct field battle, with the superior force, to overwhelm Di Qing.

But not now.

Although they had just eaten something, the [-] troops were too tired and had no fighting spirit.

There is a high probability that they will still lose.

"Strict monitoring, good protection, don't be rushed in by the army of the Great Zhou!"

Xiang Yan confessed, then waved his hand to signal that he could go down.

After thinking for a while, he said: "Head the order, the army sets off and marches towards Yicheng!"

The [-] troops who first arrived in the country.

He was the first to set off, but when he was halfway there, he received a horrifying news, so he hurriedly sent someone back to inform Xiang Yan.

At this time, Xiang Yan, who was in the country, was about to lead the army to set off.

When I received the news of the army going south, I was taken aback for a moment.

Immediately he smiled wryly again.

"I said that Di Qing couldn't be so disciplined. His cavalry didn't see it all the time. It turned out that he went around Zhonglu and attacked Yicheng!"

Xiang Yan seemed to be a little used to the difficult problems that Da Zhou posed for him.

"Order, the army will change course and go to Ruoguo!"

"Send another order to order the Huang army to take back Yicheng with 5 people. If I can take back Yicheng and destroy the cavalry of Da Zhou, I will make great contributions to him, honor your majesty, and give him the title of Marquis!"

The fall of Yicheng made it impossible for Xiang Yan's army to retreat to Lankouju.

You can only go to Ruoguo, which is more remote.

Moreover, this area is relatively barren, and there is no city that can provide him with food supplies.

There are only some rural pavilions, which can barely be replenished.

"Report! General, Di Qing only sent 1 people to chase after him, and another 2 are heading towards Yicheng!"

Information came from behind from time to time, Xiang Yan heard it, and only said: "Quickly go south!"

Di Qing wanted to eat the Huang army first, and was using the mobility of the cavalry to fight Lankouju.

So there is not much time left for Xiang Yan.

If Di Qing is allowed to attack Lankouju first.

Then his tens of thousands of troops will also be in bad luck.

Because Lankouju was the only way for him to cross the south and return to Jiangling.

If you can't gather across the river from Lankou, you can only go southeast to Jiangxia County by taking the mountain road.

The vast Dabie Mountains, in the absence of food and no roads, how can they reach the hinterland of Jiangxia County.

"Come on, go to Sui County, forget it!" Xiang Yan originally wanted to send someone to the east of Nanyang to seek help.

But when he thought of Ye Qing, he felt that there was no need to do anything extra.

Ye Qing will definitely send troops to the south of Nanyang.

Without Xiangyang, Jing Hong would not be able to survive on Dafu Mountain in Tongbai, and would definitely retreat to Runan.

It took two days for the army to reach Ruo County.

"The general is in trouble. Ruo County was also burned by fire the day before, and a small Zhou army appeared."

"The people nearby have all fled, and our army can't collect food!"

Xiang Yan swayed for a while, her eyes darkened.

After feeling dizzy for a while, he stood still.

"Where is Shiguo from Ruoguo, solicit food from them!"

This was Xiang Yan's first reaction after she came to her senses.

The general who came to report said bitterly: "General, the treasuries of the major families have also been burned, and the family of Ruoguo has no food!"

"I... poof..."

Xiang Yan really fainted this time.


Blue mouth poly!
A naval camp of the Chuyue Kingdom is located here.

"I heard that Nanyang lost another battle?"

"That's right, I heard that Zhenxi General Xiang Yan stayed in Xiangyang for two days before he was kicked out by Da Zhou's army!"

"Dazhou only dispatched 7 to 25 people, but we have [-] people, why did we lose again!"

The soldiers of the Chuyue Kingdom who were watching the night sat around the fire, warming it up, discussing what happened on the front line.

"Who knows, anyway, I heard that Dazhou has very powerful siege weapons, and the tall city walls of Xiangyang City can't stop it."

"Xiangyang can't stop it, so can our Lankouju stop Da Zhou's attack?"

The leader said: "Don't worry, our Lankouju is a water village, and the city is on the west bank. If Da Zhou wants to cross the river, it will be far behind the warships of our navy.

Without ships, even if Da Zhou had thousands of troops, he would not be able to kill them. "

"That's true. In terms of the navy, our Chuyue Kingdom is invincible in the world. Da Zhou can only ride a horse in the northwest to be arrogant. When we reach the south, we will be swallowed by our river network all over the place!"

"Keep your eyes open. Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, it is estimated that all of our army will be withdrawn here, and we will be busy by then."

These Chuyue people did not notice.

Not far away, there are countless black shadows approaching quietly.

Each of these shadows is agile.

The wooden fence camp wall of the water village was quickly overturned by these agile black shadows like monkeys.

Not long after, the black shadows approached the Shuizhai barracks.

Generally, half of the water village is on the shore and one side is in the water.

There are barracks on the shore, as well as facilities for making fire and living.

Warships of different sizes and purposes are parked in the water.

There are two gates in the water village, one in the water, which is used for boat income.

One is on land, traveling in and out of chariots and soldiers.


A soldier of Chuyue Kingdom who was warming up and chatting, noticed a black shadow passing behind him.

Asked reflexively.

The next moment, several throwing knives came.

directly cut the neck.

Then several black shadows flew over.

The poisoned dagger pierced the chests of these Chu soldiers.

cut their necks.


These patrolling soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom were easily beheaded like this.

"A team looking for something flammable, set it on fire!"

"The second team boarded the boat, seized the boat and burned it."

"The three teams blocked the reinforcements from the Chuyue Kingdom coming from the city!"

"Four teams and five teams fought with the enemy in the water village to prevent the Chuyue Kingdom's water army from extinguishing the fire!"

"The sixth team ambushed in the direction of Yicheng, blocking the remnants of the Chuyue Kingdom who escaped!"

Lu Xun commanded the Jiefan soldiers and issued orders one by one.

The Troubleshooting Soldiers were dispatched one after another and carried out their tasks.

Soon the water village of Chuyue Kingdom caught fire.

The flames were soaring into the sky, and the entire camp was full of smoke.

"Not good! There are enemies, get up and meet them!"

The sailors of Chuyue Kingdom were awakened one after another, and even their barracks were set ablaze.

One by one, they got up in a hurry and rushed towards the barracks door.

The next moment, I saw a bow and arrow coming.


The Chuyue soldiers who rushed out in an instant fell down one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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