Chapter 717

Not long after, the warships in the water were also set on fire one by one.

The Chuyue soldiers who were on duty in the water were beheaded by the Da Zhou soldiers who rushed up.

Inside and outside the camp, there were endless calls to kill.

The army of Chuyue Kingdom in the city also came to help, but was quickly stopped by Jiefan soldiers.

The two sides fought again.

Until the Shuizhai camp was engulfed by the fire, it was hopeless.

Then Lu Xun withdrew with the Troubleshooting Soldiers.


Jiangling City!
The court of Chuyue Kingdom was mournful.

Xiangyang fell, and the door opened wide.

South County is at stake.

Jiangling was threatened by Zhou Bingfeng at any time.

Xiang Yan's army was chased south by Da Zhou like ducks.

In the entire court hall, it was eerily quiet.

Xiong Wan darkened his face and scanned the officials.

"Report! Your Majesty, something is wrong. Last night, the troops who sneaked in from Dazhou attacked Lankouju. The Lankouju water village was destroyed and all the warships were burned!"

The whole court was completely fried.

Da Zhou's troops all reached Lankouju.

It is less than two hundred miles away from the capital of Jiangling!
How to play this.

We were still discussing whether to continue to increase troops.

People are going to call the capital.

Guarding Jiangling is the first thing.

"A group of bastards, Lankouju can be attacked by surprise. I, the Chuyue National Navy, have never been so incompetent!"

Xiong Wan completely went crazy, furious.

All the officials trembled for it.

Stealth a glance upward.

Xiong Wan's eyes were red, like a beast about to eat people.

"Your Majesty, blame is not the most important thing at this time. Your Majesty, please issue an order to transfer the Jiangxia navy to the north, and reconnect with Lankouju."

The Patriarch of the Qu family stood up and said: "Lankouju is the key to Xiang Yan's army crossing the Han River westward. If you can't completely control Lankouju, the tens of thousands of troops may be wiped out by the Zhou army. Then I, Chu Yue The country will have no soldiers to guard the capital."

"Your Majesty, I think that we must compromise with Da Zhou now, and ask the Ministry of Rites to come up with a feasible negotiation plan and discuss with Da Zhou."

"Your Majesty, the ministers and others seconded the proposal..."

A hundred officials stood below.

The situation is critical.

This time, we have to talk if we don’t talk about it.

If the fight continues, the capital of the country will be lost. Will we all become prisoners of Dazhou?

"Talk about it, okay, you guys go talk about it." Xiong Wan stood up, shook his sleeves and walked away.

The indemnity and ceding of land has never happened to him in Chuyue Kingdom.

As the monarch of Chuyue Kingdom, he will completely bear this shameful infamy.

How can you have a good temper.



The war is over!

The [-] Chuyue army led by Huang Jun failed in the siege and lost a lot of soldiers and horses, and then was overtaken by Di Qing.

With the cavalry in the city, they should cooperate with each other from the inside and the outside, and charge to kill with one turn.

The [-] troops of the Huang Army were defeated by Chongluan and fled all the way to Nanlankou.

The Jiefan soldiers set fire to block the road.

Finally the army was wiped out.

"The cavalry go south immediately to attack Lankouju! Capture here before Xiang Yan and control the pier!"

"It's handsome!"

All the cavalry units set off immediately, and with the cooperation of Jiefan soldiers, they took a small path to Lankouju first.

Looking at the water village being burned down, everyone couldn't help giving Xie Fanbing a thumbs up.

Then they immediately surrounded Lankouju City.

On the city!

The soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom saw more than 1 cavalry circle the city back and forth.

No one dared to go out of the city to fight.

An hour later.

The shadow of Xiang Yan's army appeared on the east bank.

"General! Jushui Village in Lankou was burned, and there are no warships on the other side."

Xiang Yan's chest heaved violently.

At this time, his heart was completely cold.

"General, what should we do now?"

The generals under his command looked at Xiang Yan one after another.

There is no way to cross the river, and the army is really going to die.

Xiang Yan said: "When it gets dark, if the people in Lankoujucheng can't deal with the Da Zhou soldiers and horses facing the world, then we... go south into the mountains and go to Jiangxia!"

Go to Jiangxia!
Go up the mountain!
Just thinking about it makes me shudder.

How far can the army go in this state.

I'm afraid they will all die in the mountains.

Even if they walked out of the Dabie Mountains, how many people would be left.

In Lankou Jucheng, the flags of Xiang Yan and others on the east bank of the river were also found.

"It belongs to General Zhenxi and the others!"

"What should we do now? If the Zhou cavalry cannot be driven away, General Zhenxi and the others will not be able to cross the river."

"Ten tens of thousands of troops, if they can't cross the river, they will be trapped on the other side, and let Da Zhou attack and kill them!"

The general of Chuyue Kingdom who was guarding Lankouju had a serious expression on his face.

His eyes are complicated.

"Assemble the team and go out to fight!"

These generals of the Chuyue Kingdom suddenly ordered Hong Sheng.

The soldiers below were all stunned.

Out of town to fight.

We have less than 1 people.

It's infantry again, how to fight against the cavalry of Dazhou.

It's okay to have a city defending.

Can barely hold off a battle.

Going out of the city to fight is tantamount to courting death.

"If we can use our lives to save General Zhenxi and the others, then it will be worthwhile for us all to die in battle."

"What does an army of more than [-] mean to the empire? I don't think I need to say more!"

"The empire needs General Zhenxi and the others, and Jiangling needs experienced veterans. Even if it's just a hope, we have to fight!"

The generals of the Chuyue Kingdom who were around were touched after hearing the words.

After being silent for a while, they all said: "I am willing to go out to fight with the general, and I will not pay back if I die!"

"Okay! Sure enough, I read you right, get ready!"


Soon the seven thousand troops were ready.

The gates of the city were opened.

The soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom left the city slowly.

Going out of the city gate, even the city gate is not closed.

This is the last stand.

If they can't beat the cavalry of the army, they won't be able to defend Lankouju City.

So it doesn't matter whether the city gate is closed or opened.

"Chuyue people have come out, get ready!"

The [-] cavalry of the Suzaku Army turned around and came towards Lankou Jucheng.

[-] cavalry, five regiments, divided into left, middle and right to form a character.


The [-] troops of Chuyue Kingdom roared first, and then ran.

The leaders of the Suzaku Group in Dazhou waved their command flags and rushed towards the army of Chuyue Kingdom.

One step at a time.

Two unequal armies fought outside the city east of Lankouju.

The commanders of the two armies ordered the arrows to be released at the same time.

The arrows of both sides were thrown at 45 degrees towards the sky.

Then fell into the opponent's assault formation.

People on both sides fell.

But they are all indomitable, continue to charge.

"Boom bang..."

Soon the two armies collided.

A pawn is still a pawn.

Cavalry is cavalry after all.

All the cavalry rushed over, directly flying away the soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom.

The horses are galloping, the spears are stabbing, there is no hindrance
The Chuyue Kingdom's charging army gathered in Lankou was smashed into a mess by the collision.

There is no formation at all.

All of a sudden, the cavalry rushed over.

Countless Chuyue soldiers who hadn't come to swing their weapons in a hurry were trampled to death by iron hooves.

After a round of charging, after the iron cavalry passed, only less than a third of the Chuyue soldiers were left on the ground, and most of them were injured.

A regiment of Zhou cavalry took the opportunity to enter the city and captured Lankouju City.

The other four regiments just turned around and rushed over again.


These undefeated soldiers of the Chuyue Kingdom held their weapons tightly and confronted the cavalry of the Great Zhou.

"Puff puff……"

The horses stepped on, and no one survived.

After a while, all the soldiers of the Chuyue Kingdom gathered in seven thousand blue mouths were killed in battle.

Very tragic, this is the first time since Da Zhou entered Chuyue Kingdom, he encountered such a staunch army.

Can't help but sigh.

If Chuyue Kingdom had such staunch soldiers, it would not be so easy for them to attack Nanjun in the Great Zhou Dynasty.

(End of this chapter)

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