I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 718?? The lion opened its mouth wide

Chapter 718: The Lion Opens His Mouth

"General, our soldiers are out of the city!"

On the east bank, Xiang Yan and a group of soldiers suddenly discovered that Lankouju's defenders had left the city.

I couldn't help but be delighted.

The friendly forces on the other side did not forget them.

But soon, they witnessed the one-sided tragic battle on the other side.

Everyone gasped for it.

All dead.

Fight to the last moment.

The [-] army lost to the Zhou cavalry.

Died almost without any suspense.

"Blow the horn to see off the brave soldiers on the other side!" Xiang Yan took off her helmet and pulled out her saber.

The generals under his command showed regret and respect.

Take off the helmet.

The horns in the army sounded, and the mournful sound was long and deep.

Two quarters later, Xiang Yan really gave the order: "Withdraw into Dabie Mountains, go to Jiangxia, kill the war horses, and leave none, including mine!"

Into the mountains, the war horse is a burden instead.

He, the dignified general of Zhenxi, has to walk.

Nobility, any aristocratic status, all are not easy to use.

West Bank!

Gather out the soldiers who died in battle,

The leader of the team wanted to burn the corpses of the Chuyue soldiers.

Lu Xun said: "General, I think it's better to bury them collectively and set up a monument. Although this army is not a strong army of Chuyue Kingdom, the courage they have shown is still worthy of respect."

"Build a monument for them?" The general was a little reluctant.

Lu Xun explained: "After my Great Weekend, there will be more Chuyue kingdoms to conquer, and the people of Chuyue Kingdom will also be my subjects in the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Treating the heroes and the dead kindly will bring us benefits in the future. Since ancient times, those who have won the hearts of the people have won the world. This...is also the hearts of the people. "

The general thought for a while and said: "Okay! Just as you said, gather them all up, bury them under the mountain in the southeast of the city, erect a monument for them, and tell Chuyue Kingdom that I, Da Zhou, is the real teacher of benevolence and righteousness.

It is the emperor of Chuyue who has no way and keeps fighting! "

After capturing Lankouju, the Dazhou iron cavalry did not continue to go south.

Instead, a pontoon bridge began to be erected at the pier.

Then the army used the pontoon bridge to cross the east bank and joined Di Qing to chase Xiang Yan's army.

Three days later, the Da Zhou soldiers who chased into the Dabie Mountains withdrew.

In the past three days, Xiang Yan's army of more than [-] troops has been left behind one after another.

Or too hungry to walk.

Or just starve to death.

Either deserted and ran away.

Because the further you go to the depths of the Dabie Mountains, the more difficult the road will be, and the more desolate and crowded it will be.

It's all wild jungle.

Whether they can get out of no man's land alive is a question.

So the more you get to the end, the more people desert.

The generals of the Great Zhou followed behind, arresting people and picking up corpses.

"Commander, according to our army's statistics, in this pursuit, [-] enemies were captured, and [-] of the enemy's heads were captured!"

"Eighty thousand people, most of Xiang Yan's army is gone, nothing to worry about, return, don't chase after them, let them fend for themselves!"

Xiangyang City!
Zhaohong came to see Ye Qing again.

This time the attitude was more humble.

Because Jiangling gave a letter of approval.

It's real negotiation, not fake.

Below Xiangyang, Lankouju is also lost.

Jiangling is always exposed to the soldiers of the Great Zhou.

If you don't talk, you have to talk.

Ye Qing was in no hurry.

He just said: "Come here, serve Zhao Aiqing tea, good tea!"

Serve good tea!
This is simply sarcastic.

This is only true for valued guests.

I came here with the sincerity of the Chuyue Kingdom, and gave the flesh to Da Zhou.

It's not like a VIP.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Zhao Hong sat down.

"Your Majesty, the two countries can stop the war. I, Chuyue Kingdom, are willing to give up Nanyang and recognize Nanyang as the land of the Great Zhou Dynasty."

Ye Qing looked at Guo Jia
Guo Jia stood up and said, "Your envoy, now the whole of Nanyang is actually occupied by our army, and even one-tenth of Nanjun is in my hands. You are so dishonest!"

Zhaohong cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, Nanjun is related to the safety of our Chuyue Kingdom, and the Great Zhou wants to occupy Xiangyang, and our Chuyue Kingdom is also willing to give Xiangyang to Dazhou.

I hope that Your Majesty will be more considerate of my Chuyue Kingdom, and other conditions can be improved by my Chuyue Kingdom. "

Ye Qing remained unmoved.

Guo Jia stood up and said: "If Chuyue Kingdom thinks that we are going too far, then we can go too far, as if Lankou gathered in Jiangling, only Dangyang City is separated.

Otherwise, we will go to Jiangling, or take down Jiangling and start talking again! "

Guo Jia had a smirk on his face.

Zhaohong was so angry that he wanted to go crazy.

It is only two hundred miles from Lankouju to Jiangling.

You can kill them in a day by riding a Mercedes-Benz.

What Guo Jia said was not like a joke.

Zhao Hong was really afraid that Da Zhou would continue to be reckless.

Then the Chuyue Kingdom is playing tricks.

If the capital is lost, how can the huge Chuyue Kingdom be ruled.

What do the princes of the world think of Chuyue Kingdom?

"Mr. Guo is speaking out of anger, the soldiers of the Great Zhou were divided into many places, and the troops going south are also stretched short.

I am afraid that the combat effectiveness will shrink when going south, so it is better to stop as soon as possible and get real, so that everyone can talk about it. " Zhao Hong took a deep breath, he knew that Da Zhou really had a meeting this time.

Because it's a fact.

There are quite a few soldiers and horses in the Great Zhou Dynasty, but they are arranged in every aspect.

In the southeast, the number of people is limited.

In the big week, the gain outweighs the loss.

Ye Qingdao: "Feng Xiao, since the Chuyue Kingdom wants to talk, give them some sincerity and talk slowly, don't worry!"

"It's Your Majesty!" Guo Jia stood up, answered, and then clapped his hands.

A soldier was carrying a sand table.

Guo Jia picked up the long stick, pointed at Yicheng and said, "Let's take a step back, the north of Yishui belongs to Dazhou, and the south of Ruoguo and Lankouju can be returned to you.

But what kind of sincerity do you have to show! "

Seeing that Lankouju was able to return it, Zhaohong knew that this scripture was very rare.

It is unrealistic for Da Zhou to return Yicheng, Jiguo, Zhonglu and other cities in Nanjun.

Because Xiangyang City also needs these outposts to block the Northern Expedition of Chuyue Kingdom.

It is impossible to regard Xiangyang as the front line and let the Chuyue Kingdom attack.

Zhaohong thought for a while and replied: "I, Chuyue Kingdom, can pay 20 taels of silver and 50 shi of grain! Open up business with Da Zhou."

Ye Qing didn't say a word, and picked up the teacup.

The effect is dissatisfaction.

The huge Chuyue Kingdom gave 20 silver and 50 shi of grain to send beggars away.

If you dare to quote a low price, Guo Jia is also unambiguous. He sneered and said, "The lower limit of the sincerity of the Chuyue Kingdom really opened my eyes. Since you are not willing to pay the real price, let me say it!"

"Chuyue Kingdom needs to pay Da Zhou 2000 million taels of silver and 500 million shi of grain. In addition to opening up business, it also needs to apologize to Da Zhou and send a prince-level mission to the mausoleum of my late emperor to repent. Return Ye Mao, the traitor, to our country.

And cut off the covenant with South Korea, not to support South Korea overtly or secretly, and return the capital of the country that occupied the East China Sea to the East China Sea! "

One million taels of silver!

500 million stones of grain!

We also need our country to send a prince to apologize.

to repent.

Zhao Hong's expression changed drastically upon hearing this.

(End of this chapter)

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