I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 719? The world is in an uproar

Chapter 719 The world is in an uproar
This is simply opening the lion's mouth.

"Mr. Guo, this is too much, your country's conditions are too harsh, too much!"

Zhao Hong shook his head and expressed that he could not accept it.

Guo Jia said: "Not much, not much, this is just the beginning, you know, these things are a drop in the bucket for Chuyue Kingdom, once the war ceases, your country can safely produce and develop the economy.

Continue to train millions of soldiers to develop a strong army.

Time is too precious to Chuyue Kingdom. "

"I..." Zhao Hong was swallowed.

Of course he knew that this was only a temporary settlement.

After the armistice, the Chuyue Kingdom would of course have to arm an army of one million.

Then train the fierce soldiers, and then fight against the Great Zhou to regain Xiangyang and other Nanyang lost territories.

These words can only be held in the stomach, and they cannot be mentioned.

Can't even recognize it.

"Guo successively made a joke. Our state treasury of Chuyue is now empty, we have no food and no money. After the truce, we have to appease the people, and we have no money or food to supply the army.

So I can't give so much money and food to Da Zhou! "Zhaohong turned on the mode of selling misery, and began to pour out bitterness after being aggrieved.

But Ye Qing and Guo Jia could see through it at a glance, so they wouldn't believe it.

The state of Chuyue is rich and famous all over the world.

A few battles must have been miserable for others.

But to Chuyue Kingdom, it was nothing.

The only real thing is that Chuyue Kingdom really doesn't have a strong army anymore.

The number of soldiers is seriously insufficient at the moment.

Inexperienced veterans are even more pitiful.

So it is true that the fighting power is weak.

Everything else is fake.

"Your envoy, do you think I will believe it? Will the people of Great Zhou believe it? Will the people of the world believe it?" Guo Jia said bluntly:
"If the Chuyue Kingdom is unwilling to show their city will, then not only will our Da Zhou not retreat from Lankouju, but we will continue to go south and attack Nanjun. At that time, we will take down Jiangling and negotiate."

"This..." Seeing Guo Jia's tone was so tough, Zhao Hong hesitated for a second.

Chuyue Kingdom really couldn't stand the toss.

So Zhaohong hurriedly said: "Mr. Guo, the peace talks between the two countries, even if it is a business, they have to negotiate back and forth between the two countries. We have lowered it, so we can raise it.

If you are high, you can also lower it! "

"Hehe, it seems that your envoy can't be the master, so it's better to change to someone who is important. I don't like procrastination, so let your majesty come over and talk to my majesty.

In this way, everyone has sincerity, and the result can be reached after one negotiation. If the result fails, then continue to fight.

At that time, my Dazhou will not have such a small army, but other army groups will go south together, not only to fight Nanjun, but also to fight Runan and capture Pei! "Guo Jiayue said more and more vigorously, pointing to the entire Chuyue National Road on the sand table:

"Your Majesty, why don't you directly conquer the entire Chuyue Kingdom? In this way, the size of our country can be doubled."

Suddenly, Zhao Hong stood up.

Ye Qing smiled and waved to the two of them: "Sit down, don't be so angry with Fengxiao, discuss it carefully, we still need to give Chuyue Kingdom some time."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your understanding. Thank you, Your Majesty, for understanding our difficulties in Chuyue Kingdom!" Zhaohong heaved a sigh of relief. Ye Qing didn't follow Guo Jia crazy, which is a good thing!

But the next moment, he didn't think so.

Ye Qing said again: "In this way, give Chuyue Kingdom five days, let Chuyue Kingdom discuss it for five years, and come up with a plan that satisfies Da Zhou. If it is feasible, then cease the war.

If not, then transfer the White Tiger Army on the western front, the Xuanwu Army in the north, and the Yaoguang Army in the southwest. "

"This, this... Your Majesty, is the time too hasty!" Zhaohong began to make a bitter face again.

Ye Qing and Guo Jia simply did not give them a way out.

Guo Jia said coldly: "Your envoy, if I were you, I would return to Jiangling immediately and report this matter to your emperor as soon as possible! Instead of talking nonsense here!"

Guo Jia's words can be said to be merciless.

Ye Qing also said that he was tired.

Zhaohong had no choice but to get up and said to Ye Qing: "Your Majesty, the foreign minister will retire first, and the foreign minister will convey the conditions and attitude of Da Zhou to the officials of Chuyue Kingdom and His Majesty.

During this period of time, I ask Da Zhou to exercise restraint, and don't provoke war or dispute between the two countries! "

After saying that, Zhaohong retreated, and then hurried back to Jiangling.

"Your Majesty, do you think the Chuyue Congress agreed to these conditions?" Guo Jia asked.

Ye Qingdao: "It doesn't matter whether you agree or not, the important thing is that Chuyue Kingdom is afraid of us, this time we are really scared.

As long as we admit our cowardice, we can easily send troops in the Kanto region. "

"Notice, let the Suzaku Army attack as soon as possible to plunder the population of the relocated South County.

As long as it is a place we can threaten, don't leave a single person to Chuyue Kingdom. "

"Your Majesty, with these populations, the three northern counties and the Hexi Corridor will no longer be so empty." Guo Jia said in agreement.

Immediately draft the document and send it to Di Qing.

All of a sudden, there was another wave of migration in various places in Nanjun.

A large number of Chuyue people were relocated northward.

Chuyue Kingdom completely withdrew from Nanyang and lost Xiangyang.

To talk with Da Zhou.

As soon as the news came out, the world was in an uproar.

The stubborn Chuyue Kingdom finally succumbed to the peak of the Great Zhou's soldiers.

In the past, he was beaten like a bear in less than B year of occupation.

The Chuyue Kingdom in this world can't do it!

The Donghai Kingdom, which is still struggling to support Mount Tai, heard the news and was very encouraged.

Happier than when they won the battle.

And the hardest one is South Korea.

At this time, Han Guo's attack on the three major barriers was forced to withdraw.

Da Zhou's cavalry was in Yingchuan.

South Korea's South Army had to return to guard Yingchuan, and had to draw troops from other directions to deal with Da Zhou's cavalry.

The Chuyue Kingdom ceased fighting.

Da Zhou's troops in Nanyang can go northward in large numbers and occupy the border county of Yingchuan.

This also affects the fighting near Luoyang.

South Korea's 20 are leaving Hulao Pass and rushing westward.

Han Xin withdrew all his troops and built fortifications in Gong County.

Masses of cement were pulled to the front lines.

The construction of Luoyang City has stopped.

Han Xin directly extended the southern city of Gong County for three miles, and built a city wall for wartime.

This wall blocked the possibility of the Han army going around.

Of course, in Dongcheng, Han Xin also ordered people to reinforce and heighten it.

There are strong materials like cement, which set quickly.

A brand new city wall can be built in just a few days.

See what's new in Gong County.

Everyone in Han Jun was surprised.

The chief general Bu Fei even held a whip and said:
"This is the city defense newly built by Dazhou. Why is it so high and fast, it's astounding."

It turned out that the general guarding the Hulao Pass came out and said: "General! Da Zhou didn't know what kind of magic method was used. The city wall was built weirdly, and it only took a few days. I heard that their Luoyang City was also built using this method. skeleton.

In less than a year, Luoyang has begun to take shape, with the general pattern of Chang'an. ",

"Oh! There is such a thing. It seems that there are many magical things in Dazhou. When fighting, we have to pay more attention to see if there are any strange things in Dazhou." Bu Fei told him, and then said :
"Siege the city tomorrow and take Gong County first. I don't believe that our 20 army can't take down the small Gong County. No matter how many secret weapons Da Zhou has, they must be taken. I, Korea, cannot lose the three major barriers. "

"It's the commander!" The generals were full of confidence, and suddenly took orders.

(End of this chapter)

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