I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 720? The Korean War

Chapter 720: War with Korea ([-])

The next day!

The drums of war drummed.

The 20 army marched towards the small Gong County and killed them.

The 20 army came in densely like an ant's nest being pierced.

Outside the east city of Gong County, there is a piece of Korean khaki dress.

The flags are also mostly yellow, embroidered with silver borders.

"Dong dong dong..."

The drums of war sounded.

The 20 soldiers of the Korean army issued a unique chant in South Korea.

The sound shook the sky and soared into the sky.

The momentum is majestic, and there are pieces of it as far as the eye can see.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Soon a cavalryman rushed out of the Han army formation, holding a scepter with a talisman on it.

It represents the gift of a country.


So Da Zhou didn't shoot arrows at him, but put him under the city gate.

General Han shouted at the top of the city: "The commander of our army asked the commander of Zhou Hanxin to attack our Dahan city, retreat on his own, and withdraw to Luoyang City, Han and Zhou can avoid a war.

The conflict between the two countries can also be resolved, and there is still a chance for relaxation, I hope you cherish it.

After three quarters, if the troops do not retreat, the 20 soldiers of our Great Korea will break through the city gate and kill all of you. "

The generals of the Great Zhou Dynasty in the city were all furious when they heard the words.

What a brave man.

I really thought that I, Da Zhou, was afraid that you would fail in Korea.

20 so what.

Come and fight as usual.

Four and a half million soldiers from Chuyue Kingdom entered Guanzhong, and all of them were beaten to annihilation.

I am still afraid of your 20 in Dazhou.

I really thought that our Qinglong Army hadn't fought any tough battles so we could be bullied.

Our Azure Dragon Army is the largest army in the empire.

Although there are only [-] soldiers and horses in Shougong County, it is not easy to deal with the weak Han army like you.

"Marshal, Weijiang asks to fight with South Korea, kill South Korea's spirit!"

"Marshal! Call for battle even if you haven't had any generals!"

The generals of the Great Zhou Dynasty took the initiative to fight.

Han Xin said to the South Korean envoys at the base of the city: "Go back and tell Bu Fei that Great Zhou is not the country of the East China Sea. Little Pengcheng has let you fight for more than half a year. You want to take my Great Zhou's city, and you are sending 50 troops here."

"Since Da Zhou insists on fighting, Hugh didn't warn Da Zhou to me in South Korea, and didn't give Da Zhou a chance!"

The South Korean envoy turned around and rode back to the South Korean army.

Only then did Han Xin say to the generals in the city:

"South Korea has an army of 20. They don't know how to do such thankless things as fighting generals. Let's be more realistic!"

"Also... our army has only [-] officers and soldiers defending the city, which is not a lot. There are no dry generals in our Qinglong Army, and there are no Beijing guards sent by His Majesty to assist in defense. To be honest, we are indeed very weak.

South Korea is coming fiercely, all ministries need to pay attention, don't underestimate the enemy! "

Han Xin likes to do things with certainty.

The more soldiers and horses, the better, but there is a limit to the number of soldiers and horses in hand.

In fact, he didn't have much confidence in his heart.

The only consolation is that South Korea's combat effectiveness is one of the weakest among all countries.

So he still has the confidence to defend Gong County.

"It's handsome!"

When the generals heard the words, they had no choice but to put away their underestimation of the enemy.

Dazhou is strong, but it doesn't mean their Qinglong Army is strong.

All army groups have grown stronger under the experience of blood and fire.

The generals guarded their posts, and Han Xin glanced at the master warriors of his country in the gate tower.

There are not many masters of the rivers and lakes who follow the Qinglong Army, and they are not very strong.

Hongnong County is now dominated by the Huashan School.

This time, Yue Buqun, Linghu Chong, and Feng Qingyang from the Huashan faction were the main supporters.

And other sects in Hongnong County.

At the same time, there are Yang Guo, Kong Jian, Shi Potian, Yuan Tiangang and other people from the old Xiaoyao Mansion.

And the Xiaolongmen brought by Lan Dong.

There are also black and white impermanence, Xue Jian and others recruited by Yuan Yezhen's subordinates.

Although there are many people.

But top notch.

Supreme did not send over to Han Xin.

"Marshal, are you worried that the South Korean side will dispatch the Supreme to attack the city?" Yuan Tiangang is an old man, he sees things more clearly, and because of his job, even though Han Xin is well hidden, he can still detect the subtle changes in Han Xin.

Han Dao said: "I'm not worried that the other party will send masters to attack the city together with the army. I'm worried that after South Korea is beaten by us, they will sneak up at night to steal the city and destroy it."

There is no Supreme to restrict the other party, after all, there are some restrictions.

Yuan Tiangang said: "Marshal, I don't think you need to worry about this. It is impossible for your Majesty to threaten you along the way. Now we don't have a supreme master sitting in charge, it doesn't mean that there really aren't any."

The empire is more than the few supreme beings that Ye Qing carried with him.

There are also Zhang Sanfeng, Li Xunhuan, Hua Bei, Ye Qiu, Cao Cao, Lu Lian and all the Supremes of Meimen.

After all, there are not many Xeon masters in the empire.

Han Xin seems to understand something?
Did Ye Qing really not give himself the Supreme along the way?


Han Xin's eyes suddenly brightened.

Get up in good spirits.

"Very well, I believe Your Majesty, since His Majesty has ordered my Qinglong Army to go to war with South Korea, he must be prepared."

"Even if His Majesty ignores it, the general will arrange everything for us in Luoyang.

In this battle, we only need to give full play to the greatest advantage according to the current conditions, and we don't need to think about the rest! "


Under the city!

The South Korean envoy ran back and reported Han Xin's original words to Bu Fei.

Bu Fei drew his sword and pointed at Gong County, "Attack!"

The South Korean generals rushed to their respective troops.


The command flag in the Han army waved.

The huge Han army pressed towards Gong County like a cloud.

When it is about to reach the range.

There were countless shouts of orders from the Han army.




Countless Korean soldiers began to charge.

In the city!

The guards of the Great Zhou Dynasty in each city section also swung down their sabers.

The next moment, the archer of Dazhou on the city raised his bow and shot the arrow.

The arrows fell into the densely charged Korean army, and countless soldiers of the Korean army were hit by the arrows but fell down.

"Bed Crossbow! Let it go!"

At the crenel on the wall, a bed crossbow shot out ferocious long crossbow arrows.

The charging South Korean army was directly shot by an arrow.

The powerful impact knocked over the surrounding Korean soldiers.

Han Xin also slowly pulled out his sword.

"Throw stones, smash them!"

As soon as the words fell, in the inner city, under the order of the commanding general, the trebuchets rammed into the trebuchet immediately.

Countless stone bullets crossed the city and fell into the South Korean army outside the city.

"what is this?"

Most ordinary Korean soldiers don't know about trebuchets.

So facing the falling stone bullets one by one, they all looked at them in shock.


The next moment, the stone bullets fell, and the South Korean soldiers who were caught off guard were smashed into meat paste. The stone bullets that landed continued to roll, injuring the nearby South Korea.


Stone bombs fell one after another.

If one falls, there will always be more than a dozen soldiers of the Korean army killed or injured.

Killing is second, this kind of stone falling from the sky is simply the spy of death.

The power of shock and awe is its strongest weapon.

When the first stone bullet fell, the soldiers of the Korean army became more frightened.

"This... is Da Zhou's throwing stone!"

Behind the Han army, Bu Fei and a group of generals and counselors also saw the stone bullets projected by the trebuchet for the first time.

For the first time, I felt the great power of stone bullets and the powerful impact and visual deterrent force it brought.

(End of this chapter)

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