I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 721? The Korean War

Chapter 721: War with Korea ([-])
"With such power, it's no wonder that the Chuyue Kingdom has been emphasizing the power of the Dazhou catapult, and we should try our best to be careful."

"The soldiers on the front line don't know if they can withstand it."

Bu Fei's face also tensed up.

Without saying a word, the long sword in his hand was firmly placed on the left side.

Everyone checked Bu Fei's face, seeing this, they had to shut up and continue to watch the siege ahead.

With the fall of the stone bomb.

The Korean soldiers did not advance for a while, but retreated several hundred meters in fright.

But under the supervision of the frontline generals.

The soldiers of the Han army rushed forward again.

Braving the rain of arrows at the top of the city, Han Jun carried the ladder and pushed the battering hammer to the bottom of the city.

"Quick! Quick! Build a ladder!"

These 20 Korean troops have attacked the East China Sea on the Eastern Front, and they have quite rich combat experience.

So they can be said to be familiar with how to attack the city.

Hang a ladder or something to the city.


Not right.

The ladder is out of reach.

This is awkward.

The city defense of Gong County was raised.

And the outer wall is coated with oil.

It was slippery and greasy, and the ladder could not be hung up or placed properly.

They slipped and fell to the ground.

Instead, he hurt his own people under the wall.

"The continuous crossbow..."

Suddenly there was a call from the city.

Then countless repeating crossbows appeared in the crenels of the wall.



Countless crossbow arrows flew down.

The Korean soldiers under the city were shot by arrows one after another, making countless miserable noises.

There is no way to hide from the rain of arrows, and there is no way to avoid it.

There were too many dead and injured, and the ground was directly stacked.

But the South Korean defenders don't care about this.

The generals behind kept urging the infantry soldiers to step forward to connect to the ladder and set it up again.

"Shield, come up, stand up!"

"The Liannu soldiers stepped forward and suppressed the Zhou army in the city!"

With the continuous command of South Korean generals, more Korean troops rushed to the front.

These men held their shields against the front.

Followed by the Liannu soldiers, they began to counterattack the city.

The two sides fired at each other with crossbows, and the crossbow arrows flew back and forth.

There were casualties.


At the gate of the city, Han soldiers pushed battering rams and kept hitting them.

The city gate had already been reinforced, and there was a loud vibration, but the city gate was as solid as gold, and there was no sign of it opening.

"Go on, hit me hard!"


The battering ram continued to strike.

This is just to cheer up our soldiers.

Like this kind of must-defend battle.

The city gate must have been blocked by stones.

The probability of being knocked open is too low.

But the Koreans still have to hit.

Han Xin was standing on the city, and he didn't care about the Han army under the city cave.

Let them hit.

There was just a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

So far, the Great Zhou defenders still have the upper hand.

The corpses of the Han army under the city became more and more exhausted.

None of those ladders could hold up.

Even if it is erected, it will be difficult to climb up.

The two sides turned into a shooting battle between the city and the city.

Although the Han army was covered by shields.

But it still can't make up for the disadvantage of low position.

Coupled with the defense-breaking ability of the crossbow on the bed in the city, it can easily break through the shield formation and expose the nuns who are covering the front.

Han Jun has the ambition to conquer.

He didn't give up just because he couldn't attack the city.

Still trying to find a way to increase troops.

After the battle lasted for an hour.

The two sides are still fighting fiercely.

The corpses of the Han army under the city were more than ten feet tall.

Blood flowed like a river, and Ning Ni was soaked in blood on the ground.

"Go ahead!"

Han Jun took the initiative to shoot rockets towards the city this time.

After fighting for so long, they finally knew why the city wall was slippery. It was because Da Zhou had smeared oil on the outer wall of the wall in advance.

And this oil is not ordinary tung oil.

So he set fire to burn it.

However, the strange thing is that the rocket shot did not ignite.

Those black smear layers can't be burned at all.

"General, it still doesn't work, what kind of oil is that, it won't catch fire."

The frontline generals were also puzzled and depressed when they saw it.

"Go on, don't stop, build a ladder."


Han Jun ignored it and continued to build the ladder.

This time they summed up their experience and put iron chain hooks on the ladder, and the hooks flew to the wall crenel to catch the inner wall of the wall crenel.

Then glue the ladder to the wall firmly.

"dash forward!"

This time the height and claw grip were sufficient.

The Koreans climbed up the ladder crazily, climbing up one after another.

In the city, a general of Zhou Dynasty wanted to touch the hook of the iron chain with his hand.

However, he was scolded by experienced veterans.

"Don't touch it, chop it with a steel knife!"

"This thing is poisonous, and has little barbs.

If you touch it, you will be injured and poisoned! "

The generals of the Zhou Dynasty, who were about to use their hands just now, took a deep breath when they heard this.

"Don't stand still, throw stones and trees at me, and kill the Koreans in the city!"

"Lian Nu, continue to shoot me, and send me all the Han soldiers on the ladder to see the King of Hades!"

The siege continued.

With the ladder, you can climb, but in this way, there are more Han troops exposed to the eyes of the soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty.


Countless Han soldiers fell from the ladder.

Be part of the mountain of corpses.

They fought for another hour and a half.

South Korea barely took the top of the city, and a small number of soldiers handed over the city with the generals of the Zhou Dynasty.

However, he was soon besieged and killed by the soldiers of Da Zhou.

"Marshal, it will be dark in two and a half hours!"

The front line was fought too hard.

The city is full of Han Jun's corpses.

It piled up like a mountain, almost submerged to half the height of the city wall.

The casualty rate was too high.

It was much more tragic and difficult than fighting the East China Sea.

"Continue, send out our masters to participate in the battle." Bu Fei said coldly and confidently:

"If Han Xin is at this level, then Gongcheng can be captured."

The front is just an appetizer.

Both sides played conventionally, except for the powerful trebuchet.

Bu Fei didn't see the difference between Han Jun and ordinary generals and commanders.

The real battle is now beginning.

Soon South Korean masters, disguised as soldiers, mixed into the new batch of siege troops.

Bu Fei thought he was doing it very covertly.

What they didn't know was that in Han Xin's city gate, there were several desktop telescopes watching Bu Fei's movements.

Pay close attention to the mobilization of the core of the Han army.

These desktop telescopes are assembled from newly manufactured and more precise mirrors.

The device is bigger and can see farther and more clearly.

Han Xin can know what semaphore Bu Fei is playing here.

"Marshal, it seems that the South Korean masters are dispatched, and a 5000-strong Korean elite is divided into [-] teams from behind and quietly moved forward."

"Marshal, a very high-ranking martial artist beside Han Junzhu Zaobufei has also mixed into these Han troops, and his visual strength will not be lower than the fifth rank!"

A smile finally appeared on Han Xin's face upon hearing this.

I couldn't stand it anymore, and finally I was going to use my trump card.

Bu Fei is nothing more than that. If you want to capture my Gong County on the first day, you really underestimate me, Han Xin.

"Here's an order to replace two-thirds of the trebuchets with oil tanks filled with special items."

"Send an order for the militia to bring up a batch of explosive fuel oil!"

"The archers are going to replace the rockets..."

(End of this chapter)

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