I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 722?? With the Korean War

Chapter 722: War with Korea ([-])
This is going to be big!

All the soldiers heard that the cells in the whole body became active.

The blood starts to speed up.

"It's handsome!"

The generals in charge of this aspect immediately went down to prepare.

Then I heard Han Dao: "Organize our big Zhou masters, disguise themselves as soldiers, and give the Korean masters a surprise."

"It's handsome!"

The Dayan Wusi, led by Lan Dong, Shi Potian and others, immediately organized the masters of the empire.

Soon, the scouting post on the table-top telescope sent out another alarm.

"Marshal, the Korean masters are here, two hundred steps away from my city!"

Two hundred paces is very close.

Together with the shields under the city, the crossbowmen were mixed together.

There were still [-] elite soldiers, and even smaller groups rushed to the city.


These teams took advantage of the group of ordinary soldiers rushing to the city in front to attract the attention of the soldiers of the Great Zhou.

Then climbed the ladder.

Take advantage of the time when the person in front falls.

Using both hands and feet, he climbed to the top three or five times.

Fenran jumped and landed on the crenellation of the wall.

"Kill!" Zhou's spearmen stabbed from below.

The Han army who had just landed was beheaded.

But they bought time for the accomplices behind.

More Korean soldiers took the opportunity to jump in.

more and more.

And mixed with Korean masters.

These people have keen six senses, more flexible bodies and quicker reactions

Whether it is a crossbow for long-range killing or a spear for close combat.

These Korean masters can easily avoid them.

Of course, some were covered by the crossbow and shot, and they didn't come to dodge in a hurry, and the arrows fell into the city.

War or not alone.

Never be caught off guard against cold arrows, and there are more than one aspect, more than one.

"For the great Korea, kill!"

With these masters joining in, the Han army fought vigorously, and the generals of the Great Zhou were a little overwhelmed.

But soon more Liannu gave up shooting at the lower part of the city, and focused their fire on the Han army in the upper part of the city.

As well as Da Zhou's masters and military generals rushed out to hack and kill with their weapons.

The Korean army that was about to rush to the city also suffered a large number of casualties.

Even Korean masters are no exception.

The two sides with equal strength will mix together, you attack and I retreat, I attack you and retreat, and fight.


Suddenly the catapults in the city will be thrown out by the ignited oil tanks.

It fell into the Han army outside the city.

"Boom bang..."

One by one, the oil tanks with fire fell into the Han army.

A mass of fire rose.

Meng Huoyou splashed all over the place, covering all the Han troops nearby.

The flames also followed suit.

In one piece.


The fire raged, and the Han soldiers rolled and fought on the ground one by one.

Other Korean soldiers also wanted to help them put out the flames.

As a result, I was also ignited, and I couldn't extinguish it no matter what method I used.

The flames, accompanied by thick black smoke, shot straight into the sky.

The city is still constantly projecting out.

Larger and larger oil tanks hit the ground nearby and exploded.

Groups of fires linked together to form a fire dragon.

The fire dragon devours the surroundings with the help of the wind.

Han Jun was either burned to death or scorched by the high temperature.

They retreated one after another.

"This...Da Zhou still has such strong fire oil!"

There are stone bombs in front, and the scriptures are enough to make the Han army retreat in fear.

Now throw fireballs again.

Not only did they injure the soldiers of the army, but they also smashed out fireballs one by one.

Burn their Korean soldiers.

The fireballs that rose one by one, and the fire dragons that spread out.

It all made the South Korean generals fearful.

Even Bu Fei's face darkened.

Brows furrowed.

The fire balls created by these fire bombs could not be extinguished.

This is a very scary point.

"Commander, the situation is not good! These fire bombs hit a basic point.

There is a tendency to form a fire dragon, and the attacking army of the generals is about to be separated. "

Bu Fei's confidant Yu Long reminded.

Bu Fei looked at Yu Long thoughtfully.

Yu Longdao: "Commander, these fireballs are difficult to extinguish, and they seem to burn for a long time. The Han army has been prepared for a long time. If we take action at this time, there may be some conspiracy!"

When Yulong was speaking, he saw that the city of Gong County had changed again.

The soldiers of Da Zhou in the city dropped oil tanks one by one.

Countless rockets shot out.

There was a sea of ​​flames under the city.

Shield soldiers, Liannu soldiers, and ladders were all swallowed by the fire.

There were more screams than the fire bomb attack just now.

After all, the Korean army under the city wall is the densest.

The fire was raging, and all the Han troops who still wanted to attack the city were forced to retreat.

One by one escaped as far as possible.

When the generals of the Han army saw it, they also knew that it was hopeless to attack the city.

It is impossible to rush into the sea of ​​fire to attack the city.

In that case, before climbing up the city wall, he would burn himself to death.


The general of the Korean army commanding the front line had to retreat ruthlessly.

"The general can't retreat. We have the most elite soldiers in South Korea, and there are still a large number of masters in the city. If we retreat at this time, they will have no reinforcements and no support."

Someone advised.

It's just that these words were not approved by the chief general.

"Aren't we going to be roasted under the city? Look at the back, there is a big fire at the same time, wait a minute when Da Zhou's trebuchets are hitting us, we don't even have a chance to escape."

"As for the city, look at the fire, what can we do to support them?"

As long as he can support, he will watch helplessly.

He didn't know that those who rushed to the top of the city were all the most elite soldiers of the empire, and they were all precious masters of the empire.

, strength does not allow it.

At this moment, it is better to keep the army.

Otherwise, all these soldiers and horses will be folded here.

I am even more sorry for Great Korea.

"Withdraw, stop trying to persuade me!"

After the words fell, more fire bombs flew out of the city.

Everyone was so scared that they didn't dare to say a word more.

They retreated one after another.

After all, no one wants to be buried in a sea of ​​flames.

The soldiers of the Han army fighting on the city, as well as those masters, were all dumbfounded.

There was a sea of ​​flames outside the city, and the fiery heat wave moved with the wind and rushed towards it.

Let them also feel a sense of burning.

The city was full of the miserable howls of the Han army.

And the South Korean soldiers who kept retreating.

These masters were also flustered.

Without the support of these armies, there would be no such ordinary cannon fodder to attract the firepower of the generals of the Zhou Dynasty for them.

How long can they last alone in the city.

The key is that there are also many masters of the Great Zhou in the city.

And the strength is not low.

Both sides are struggling.

At this moment, the balance tilted sharply towards Da Zhou.

Can South Korean masters not lie?

"How to do?"

Everyone in South Korea covers each other back to back.

"What else can I do? Fight with the people of Da Zhou. Don't you want to jump down and be burned by the fire?"

"Yes, we fought with the people of Dazhou. We went to the city gate tower. I saw Master Hong went to kill Han Xin. As long as we can get rid of Han Xin, our trip will not be in vain!"

Master Hong is naturally a sixth-rank Supreme in South Korea.

This person was beheaded and assassinated Han Xin.

If Han Xin can be killed, not only Gong County can be destroyed.

Even Luoyang in the Great Zhou Dynasty can take the opportunity to capture it and take it as the territory of South Korea.

"Okay, let's kill, we will cover for Master Hong!"

"Kill it!"

(End of this chapter)

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