I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 723? The Korean War

Chapter 723: War with Korea ([-])

South Korea's masters and soldiers rushed to the gate tower to kill them.

Shi Potian, Lan Dong, Feng Qingyang and others couldn't help but snort coldly.

Also threw himself into the South Korean master.

Each uses means to kill the opponent's master.

"Liannu, burst!"


Point shooting broke the momentum of the Korean army, and the continuous shooting killed a large number of people.

A large number of soldiers of the Han army fell on the city wall, bleeding all over the place.

Archer throws in the back.

The soldiers and masters of the Han army who hadn't come to make a quick effort were hit by arrows one after another.

No matter how they knocked down the arrows, they couldn't avoid being injured by the arrows.

In front of the city gate.

Suddenly a black figure wearing Da Zhou's costume flew towards Han Xin.

Han Xin drew his sword and waved it.


The long sword blocked the opponent's sword.

The opponent changed his move and slanted, and the sword style thrust forward again.

Extremely fast.

A violent aura rushed towards him, and it was also wrapped in a sword aura.

Han Xin is not easy to be with.

A dignified fifth-grade master.

In a flash, he quickly slipped away.

At this time, several first- and second-rank masters around him waved their weapons to stop him.

A few sword flowers came out.

These Han Xin's guards all fell to the ground bleeding.

At this time, Han Xin had distanced himself from him.

After thinking about killing, there is no chance.

"I didn't expect the commander of the Qinglong Army to be so afraid of death. Are you still a general of the fifth rank?" The South Korean master Hong sneered and sneered.

However, Han Xin just replied coldly: "The aggressive general is useless to me, because... the commander-in-chief is really afraid of death, so... you must die!"

"Arrogance, you don't even have a sixth-rank master, and you still want to kill me!" The Korean master Hong surnamed was furious, jumped up, and flashed ghostly in front of Han Xin's guards.

The long sword hit Han Xin directly.

Han Xin swung his sword back and walked towards the gate tower.


As soon as Han Xin entered, the two doors slammed shut.

But the next moment, a master surnamed Hong broke in.

The long sword broke through the door, and the sword energy swept left and right, up and down, and the two doors exploded into countless pieces.

"Han Xin, you can't escape anywhere today, you will die!"

Han Xin stopped suddenly.

With a push of the long sword in his hand, he flew towards the master surnamed Hong.

The master surnamed Hong from South Korea swung his sword with a blow, and knocked the flying sword away.

A mere sword can do nothing to him.

He thought Han Xin was out of weapons, but Han Xin stretched out his hand and threw out a gun.

The gun head stabbed straight.

The master surnamed Hong hurriedly avoided, and the long sword struck Han Xin's neck.

The spear surnamed Han shook.

Block its sword.

Just when the two were fighting fiercely.

Gao Zi, surnamed Hong, suddenly had an ominous premonition.

Look up.

It turned out that there was an expert hidden above his head, and he slammed down with his palms down.

The South Korean master Hong surnamed was shocked.

Swing the sword to borrow strength to retreat.


With a bang, the place where he was standing just now exploded.

The stone slabs shattered and the flying stones hit the surrounding walls, making a crackling sound.

The South Korean master Hong only felt pain in his right arm.

There was a tear in the clothes.

Blood flowed from it.

"Damn it! You hurt me!" The Korean master Hong surnamed had a fierce light in his eyes, and his face became more and more ferocious.

"If I hurt you, I'll kill you! I really think I'm incapable! What cats and dogs dare to come in!"

The person who came was Ye Qiu, the strongest patriarch of the Ye family.

After speaking, Ye Qing moved, and the figure swayed for a while.

The master surnamed Hong shrank his pupils and swung his sword to protect his surroundings.

Sword Qi shot out one after another.

However, a gray figure beside him was also circling around him.

Ye Qing's strength is far above him.

People are Qipin.

The master surnamed Hong felt a little undecided at this moment.

Didn't it mean that Han Xin didn't have supreme protection around him?

This appearance is the seventh rank.

When did Dazhou have a seventh grade!
If he knew that Da Zhou had a seventh rank, he would never dare to kill Han Xin by himself.

But it's useless to talk about it at this time.

The two are attacking and defending one by one.

The wind blows all around, and the afterimages of the two are spinning there.


Suddenly, the figure of master Hong Xing was sent flying and hit the doorpost.

It landed heavily, the sword fell aside, and two mouthfuls of blood spit out.

Undead is also seriously injured.

The soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty outside the gate tower pulled their crossbows one after another.


Countless crossbow arrows were sent into the body of the Korean master Hong in an instant.

The master surnamed Hong twitched a few times.

Eyes full of unwillingness, he finally tilted his head and held his breath.

The Korean Supreme is dead again.

"Thank you, Lord Ye!" Han Xin clenched his gun and clasped his fists in thanks.

Ye Qiu nodded with his hands behind his back and said, "You are very good. No wonder Your Majesty dared to send your Azure Dragon Army to attack South Korea. You could even guess that there are some of your own people hidden in the gatehouse!"

Although Ye Qiu didn't tell anyone, he was quietly lurking inside the city gate.

The purpose is to secretly protect Han Xin and see what kind of big head South Korea will send over.

In the end, a sixth-rank Supreme really came.

"Lord Ye, it was so easy for you to kill the Korean Supreme just now, did you use the scriptures..." Han Xin is a fifth-rank warrior, and the momentum and energy fluctuations displayed by Ye Qiu are all telling him a piece of news.

Ye Qiu said with a gratified smile: "That's right, I'm at the seventh rank. Thanks to Qing'er, I finally broke through and advanced. This way, I can live for more than ten years."

"In this way, I should be able to see the prosperity of my Great Zhou before I die, and work hard. I hope that before I die, I can see the countries in the Kanto region wiped out by my Great Zhou, and my Great Zhou can unify the superpowers in the East."

"Congratulations, Lord Ye!" Han Xin bowed again.

The Seventh Rank Supreme came to protect him, His Majesty gave enough face.

Han Xin turned back straight, and then sonorously replied:

"Lord Ye, please rest assured that the soldiers of my Great Zhou will be able to fulfill Lord Ye's long-cherished wish under the leadership of His Majesty."

"This long-cherished wish is also the goal of our Qinglong Army. We will do our best to fight the first battle for the empire, accumulate small victories into big victories, and eventually unify the East!"

Ye Qiu just smiled and didn't say any more.

After leaving the city gate tower, seeing the Korean masters who were still fighting bloody battles at the top of the city, Ye Qiu lightly stepped on the battlements, and flew across the sky.


As soon as he fell into the enemy team, Ye Qiu blasted out with both palms.

The Korean masters and soldiers all shot into the air one after another.

The person vomited blood in mid-air, rolled a few times after landing, and died.

"Above grade six!"

The Korean masters were astonished.

There was a chill down the spine, and a complete chill in the heart.

Sixth rank supreme, they will surely die.


However, the left and right were also dead, this time the Koreans got a lot tougher and took the initiative to kill Ye Qiu.

Ye Qiu mobilized his internal strength and released it outward, and he shot from left to right, knocking away the Korean masters who charged up one by one.

Either fell into the fire outside the city and burned to death, or hit the wall and died directly.

After a while, all the sections of the city, Han soldiers and masters were all cleaned up.

The fire outside the city is still burning.

The flames on both sides spread to the middle.

All the Han troops who could withdraw were withdrawn.
Those who couldn't get out were surrounded by fire, and finally burned to death.

On this day, the battle basically came to an end.

Cheers erupted from the soldiers of Da Zhou in the city.

Han Jun was disheartened and withdrew to the barracks one by one with grief.

(End of this chapter)

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