Chapter 724 Wei Guo Sends Troops
"How much did our army lose today?"

Bu Fei really doesn't want to ask this question, but as the coach, I have to face this question.

Up to now, Mr. Hong, who is in the sixth stage, has not come back.

Not to mention other entry-level masters.

Counselor Yu Long replied: "Report to the commander-in-chief, not counting the masters of the rivers and lakes. Our army lost [-] soldiers and horses today, and the number of wounded reached [-]."

All around exclaimed.

Why so many.

So many people died in World War I.

The generals of the Han army started talking about it.

Bu Fei slapped the table in front of him heavily with his palm.

There was an instant silence below.

One by one did not dare to breathe.

Great Zhou is no better than the East China Sea.

A mere Gong County can stop their 20 Korean army and kill so many people.

"You have also seen all kinds of sharp weapons of Da Zhou today. How can we break the city?" Bu Fei asked softly after closing his voice.

Generals, you look at me, and I look at you.

War is nothing more than a three-piece suit.

Storm the pile.

Field ambush.

Divide the troops to attack, cut off the enemy's supplies, and attack them to save them.

The first two don't seem to work right now.

Only the third case can be swiped.

Someone stood up and said: "Commander, if not, we should bypass Gong County and attack Yanshi first, or Luoyang, and besiege the nearby Zhou army to the east of Hangu Pass."

Then someone said: "Commander, I think it is feasible, the soldiers from Yingchuan of our country will come in from the three passes soon, and the Zhou army will definitely withdraw to Luoyang and other places.

It would be better to take advantage of Han Xin's heavy troops in Gong County, and let's take down the empty Luoyang first. "

Others also joined in.

Only Yu Long raised his eyebrows.

The steps are not as usual, and there is no abnormality.

Raiding is not impossible.

The question is how to get around.

It is impossible for him to really fight Han Xin in Gong County.

According to the current battle damage situation, there are still 4 to [-] casualties before Gong County can be captured.

Then Gong County won would be meaningless.

It is impossible to see a loss of 7 to [-] people, and South Korea will be wasted in vain.

South Korea is no better than Chuyue Kingdom.

The population is limited, coupled with the battle with the East China Sea, both the loss of troops and supplies have reached a peak.

South Korea cannot sustain a long war.

"Go down, let this handsome think about it!"


When everyone went down, Bu Fei said: "Yu Long, what do you think?"

Yu Long replied: "Commander, two conditions need to be met for raiding!"

"What love affair?" Bu Fei asked.

Yu Longdao: "First, we need more soldiers, otherwise we will easily be surrounded by the Qinglong Army once we attack.

At the same time, we also need to have a certain number of soldiers and horses to contain Han Xin in Gong County.

So we need more soldiers and horses! "

"Secondly, we need the current specific information on Luoyang and other places. How many soldiers and horses Dazhou has invested near Luoyang, how is the situation of defending the city, and how many masters they sent from Chang'an. Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win a hundred battles .”

"It's old enough to talk about the country." Bu Fei nodded in agreement, and then said:

"Send people to get in touch with the State of Wei. I, South Korea, support them in taking back the Shang County of Beiman Mountain. At the same time, I am willing to send Luoyang to the State of Wei. I ask the State of Wei to send troops. The two countries will jointly destroy the Qinglong Army of the Great Zhou!"

"In addition, send spies to investigate around Luoyang, once we have to find out the details of the soldiers and horses of the Great Zhou Dynasty and their deployment!"

"In the end, the army ceased fighting for three days, put up the exemption card, and took a rest."

Yu Long said: "It's the commander in chief, I'll do it right away."

Yulong will go down soon.


Wei Guo received the note from South Korea immediately, and immediately sent the news back to the capital of Wei Guo.

"Oh! South Korea has sent us a request, is it willing to give us Luoyang?" A smile gradually appeared on Wei Huang Wei Zeng's face.

There is also a discussion below.

There is joy between the words.

Gongsun Xi stood up and said: "Your Majesty, I think it is feasible. I should send [-] troops to fight across the river and regain the land of our Wei Kingdom."

Xin Wenyan also stood up and said: "Your Majesty, Da Zhou has not responded to Wei Guo, and has shirked everything on South Korea. He obviously does not want to return it. Now he can only use force to take back the four counties. I am willing to lead the army."

As far as military attaches are concerned, they are basically in favor of sending troops.

Wei Zeng looked at Tian Zifang, the representative of civil servants: "Tian Aiqing, what do you think?"

"Your Majesty, if you can't bear it, you don't need to bear it anymore." Tian Zifang also said very simply.

In the current situation, Wei Guo can't think of not sending troops.

South Korea expressed its position by classics.

If South Korea wins, Wei Guo will compete with South Korea for Beiman Mountain.

If Da Zhou is allowed to win, Wei Guo will also have to win Beiman Mountain from Da Zhou alone.

It's better to unite one ally to fight another enemy like now.

You can also get Luoyang.

"Okay! Since all the ministers feel that they can send troops, then send [-] troops from the capital to attack Luoyang." Wei Zeng waved his hand proudly.

Send [-] troops from the country.

This is more than a hundred thousand troops.

You must know that there are still a large number of Wei soldiers in Hanoi County.

Also, if there are only 10 people, then there will be fewer than the Han army in Luoyang.

Obviously will be weak.

Negotiations can only be negotiated.

Or it can make South Korea not break its alliance and not break its promise.

The interests of the country and the country are eternal.

Cooperation is possible, but we must also be cautious.

After all, Wei State is weak in Luoyang area.

Soon the mighty [-] troops marched to Hanoi.

All assembled at Mengjindu.

"Wen Xiang, how many soldiers and horses have assembled in Hanoi!" Xin Wenyan asked his cousin Xin Wenxiang.

Xinwen replied: "Commander back, I have [-] soldiers and horses in Hanoi, including [-] sailors, who can use boats to cross the river and seize the wharf on the other side."

Xin Wenyan nodded, patted Xin Wenxiang's shoulder lightly and said: "The preliminary work is done!"

"Don't worry, Commander, everything is ready, just wait for the Commander's order, my Hanoi soldiers of the Great Wei Kingdom can cross the river to fight at any time, and guarantee to capture all the dangerous places in Beiman Mountain within one day."

The original four counties of Beiman Mountain were assigned to Hanoi County.

As the defender of Hanoi, Xin Wenxiang is quite familiar with and quite confident.

In his own territory, he is not afraid of Da Zhou.

"Very good! Then cross the river and attack. I will give you a day and a half to clear the way for my army to cross the river!" Xin Wenyan turned around and returned to the big tent. It was cold, but the army tent was still warm.

As a commander in chief, it will be fine after arranging the tasks.

What should be enjoyed is still enjoyed.

The military commander is also from aristocratic background. Although he has been beaten up since childhood, he doesn't want to expose his skin to the cold wind.

Regardless of these things, Qin Wenxiang was more excited than anyone else when he got the order.

Immediately he drew his sword and said, "Liu Yong and Zhang Liang each bring [-] sailors to attack me."

"It's the general!"

The two tiger generals immediately brought [-] sailors each, controlled the warships and launched an attack to the south bank of the river.

From Hanoi to the opposite bank, there are two crossing places.

One is Meng Jindu and the other is Xiaopingjin.

The two places are eighty miles apart.

Two sailors, like black dragons swimming in the river, rushed towards the south bank of the Yellow River.

(End of this chapter)

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