I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 726 Han Xin’s Attack on the Camp

Chapter 726: Han Xin Attacks the Camp
"Return to Marshal, I still have [-] sailors and [-] ships, of which less than [-] are warships, and the other [-] are mainly troop carriers." Xin Wenxiang replied truthfully.

Hearing this, Xin Wenyan was slightly relieved.

As long as there is a navy, it is good to have a ship.

If there is really no ship, it will be completely useless.

"Go back, let's discuss the river crossing plan again."


Gong County!

Korean camp!

"Commander, Wei Guo sent troops based on the scriptures. From the capital of Wei Guoguo, 7 troops were sent, and Hanoi still had [-] to [-] horses. The total force is no less than that of our South Korea." Yu Long came in with the letter he had just sent:

"It is estimated that the State of Wei is crossing the river to attack today.

It's time for us to launch a large army to attack! "

"Very good, Wei finally has someone who understands the threat of the Great Zhou, and needs to be suppressed very early, instead of waiting for us to lose our combat effectiveness and intervene in the war!" Bu Fei pointed to the map with his index finger. On the north side of the Luo River on the way: "Now the Qinglong Group must be fighting with the army of the Wei State on the bank of the Yellow River. We sent a large army to cross the Luo River first, attack the southern foot of Beiman Mountain, and finally land thirty miles south of Ping County. Join the Wei army."

"Then commander, who is in command?" Yu Long asked.

Bu Fei stood up, straightened his robes and said, "I will go personally, 11 troops will follow me, and I will leave [-] troops here to contain Han Xin.

If Han Xin retreats, you will fight with Gong County.

It would be best if he sticks to Gong County. "

"Marshal, will it be too dangerous for you to go in person?" Yu Long became a little worried.

It is a big taboo for the commander to take risks in the march.

Bu Fei said: "It's okay, I'm not alone, I have 11 soldiers in Korea, and there are tens of thousands of troops in Wei State, even Longtan and Tiger's Caves can break through, what is the mere empty Luoyang."


Gong County!

Among the county government!

Tieshou stood in front of Han Xin.

"Marshal Han, the Han army has built a number of pontoon bridges in the back, and there is a tendency to cross the north and cross. It should be to attack our city of Luoyang from the southern foot of Beiman Mountain!"

After listening, Han Xin stood up and walked to the sand table.

Staring at the terrain, he sneered and said:
"Let them attack, as long as they don't go around from the south and let them play, then Gongda will teach them a lesson!"

Beimang Mountain, that is a large-scale preparation for the two countries of Korea and Wei... hehe.

The reason why Han Xin built a redundant city wall in the south of Gong County is to tell Bu Fei that this road does not lead to the country.

This side is my key defense direction.

you can't go.

If you want to go around, you have to go around from the north of Gong County.

"Continue to stare at the enemy in the east, and see how much meat Bufei has left for us." The corners of Han Xin's mouth rose slightly, revealing a wicked smile.

Early the next morning, Han Xin came to Toucheng early for inspection.

Looking at the Han army camp outside the city, he asked the guards and soldiers on the city and said:

"This morning, in the camp of the Han army, how much smoke is rising from the kitchen?"

The general who defended the city replied: "Back to Commander, there are two-thirds less than yesterday, which is very strange."

Han Xin said with a smile: "It's right to be strange, it means that you still have to use your brain, because the South Korean army on the opposite side has left the barracks, and they don't have to eat breakfast tonight.

In other words, they ate it in the middle of the night last night! "

"Marshal, you mean, the Han army has split up, and they want to bypass my Gong County."

The guard's brain quickly came back.

Han Xin laughed when he heard this.

The empire now implements a mechanism for training generals.

In addition to the Chang'an Lecture Hall as the headquarters, there are also branches in each county.

Especially the important frontier areas, where the various armies are stationed.

Therefore, the generals in the middle and lower levels have been studying and training.

The knowledge of marching and fighting mastered by the generals of the Great Zhou Dynasty is also becoming more and more abundant.

The successful cases of various armies and places will also be reported to each branch hall immediately for everyone to learn from.

Common sense learning materials like the Food Loss Calculator.

The generals of the first regiment and above have already mastered it.

Han Dao said, "That's right, you haven't lost what you've learned.

How many soldiers and horses are there on the opposite side? We will get the specific value soon after Jin Yiwei sends back a message. "


Then Jin Yiwei leaped from the south wall to the top of the city, and was escorted to Han Xin by the guards.

"Marshal Han, last night the Han army dispatched 11 troops to cross the Luoshui River, and went to Luoyang at the southern foot of Beiman Mountain."

"With an army of 11, there are [-] to [-] troops left in the barracks, which is not too small!" Han Xin murmured, and began to calculate and plan in his mind.

After a long time, Han Dao said, "Let's attack the camp tonight!"

Raid the camp!

Our defenders are only 6, and the opponent may have [-] or [-].

To sneak attack soldiers and horses is three times our enemy camp.

What did the commander in chief think?

Although everyone was confused, Han Xin didn't explain too much.

In the middle of the night, the generals of the Great Zhou Dynasty approached the camp of the Han army.

But as soon as they got outside the gate of the camp, the gate of Han Gong's camp opened, and countless Han troops rushed out.

Those on the south side of the camp also lit torches, and rushed out a group of Korean troops.


Shouting to kill, the generals of the Great Zhou Dynasty seemed to have been alerted and ran away immediately.

Han Jun didn't dare to chase more.

Soon returned to the barracks.

"Master Yu, as you expected, the Zhou army really came to attack our camp!"

"It's a pity to let them run too fast and not catch them."

Yu Long said with a smile: "It's okay, as long as you can beat Zhou Jun away, it's a good job.

Zhou Jun must have noticed something, and wanted to test our army camp, and continue to deploy defenses tomorrow night, so don't give Zhou Jun a chance. "

"It's Master Yu!"

The generals and soldiers of the Korean army took orders one after another.

The soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty returned to the city with their heads hammered.

"Marshal, the Han army has been prepared for a long time. Fortunately, we have your order not to attack, otherwise thousands of soldiers may be lost!"

Han Dao said: "Don't sigh, I let you go on purpose. The Han army must be prepared tomorrow night. You are going to test it out. If you have any problems, come back immediately. Don't love to fight."

"Ah! Go tomorrow!" The generals were a little puzzled.

Knowing that the other party had an ambush, he went.

What kind of routine and tactics is this.

"It's better to keep doing it, and I'll tell you why after the fight is over?" Han Dao said:

"You can also figure it out for yourself, but don't tell others, and don't talk to people, think for yourself!"

"It's the commander!" All the generals replied one after another.

Then go back to rest.

The next night, Zhou Jun went out of the city again to attack the camp, just like yesterday, when he found something was wrong, he immediately withdrew back.

"Hmph, you guys ran fast!"

The soldiers of the Korean army shouted and shouted.

Yu Long himself felt a little complacent.

Han Xin was just like that, and the Zhou army didn't dare to attack by force.

Some are not famous.

All rely on sharp weapons.

Without the crossbow and trebuchet, it is nothing.

"All the ministries go back to rest. Tomorrow, I think Zhou Jun will come again, so we must recharge our spirits."

"It's Master Yu!"

The generals and soldiers of the Zhou army returned to the center of Gongxian County frustrated, and came back to hand in orders one after another.

"The commander is as you said, the Han army really has an ambush, but this time the commander can solve our confusion for us!"

(End of this chapter)

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