I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 727 Yulong's army is destroyed

Chapter 727 Yu Long's Army Destroyed

Knowing that there was an ambush, they asked us to provoke the Han army and give away their heads.

This style of play is not like Han Xin's personality who just wants to take advantage and not suffer.

Han Dao said: "There is no need to explain. After an hour and a half, I will take you to attack the Han army's camp. This time, I will also bring the cavalry, and there will be unexpected gains!"

"Ah! Still going?" Everyone was even more confused.

Han Dao said: "Don't worry, there is no ambush this time, tonight, it will be a massacre!"

Seeing Han Xin's confident and affirmative expression, everyone believed it.

Their commander-in-chief hasn't spoken big words yet.

Foresaw things like a god, commanded well.

Very catchy.

An hour and a half later.

The gate of Gongxian City opened.

This time Dazhou dispatched [-] troops.

Four thousand cavalry were dispatched.

Horsebits, hooves wrapped in cloth, and [-] troops quietly approached Han's camp.

Soon the spies on the outside came from the two wings.

"Commander, the Han army is the same as yesterday. After the ambush, they withdrew to the camp and all rested."

Only then did Han Xin slowly draw out his sword.

"Soldiers, it's time to make meritorious deeds, follow me to kill."

"It's the general!"

Han Xin urged the horse to charge forward, followed by the cavalry guards behind him, surrounded by a group of masters of the rivers and lakes.

Soon rushed to the gate of the Han army camp.

Han Xin swung his sword towards the camp gate made of logs.

"Boom!" sounded.

The camp gate exploded in two.

Downfall to the sides.

The masters behind them waved their weapons.

Sweep the blasted camp gate to the two wings, clearing out a clean avenue.


The cavalry guards behind them held continuous crossbows and shot at the soldiers of the Korean army guarding the gate of the camp, including the patrol soldiers who came, all of them were killed by arrows.

"Kill!" Han Xin was in front, swinging his long sword left and right, and sharp sword blades flew past.

The large tent in front collapsed.

The brazier flew up, and sparks fell into the tent.

Ignite immediately.

When Han Qian rode forward, those soldiers of the Han army who responded and got out of the camp were chopped down one after another.

The cavalry officers and soldiers of the Qinglong Army divided into countless groups, and continued to charge along the gap left by the tent.

While rushing, they threw out torches, igniting nearby tents, as well as places where grain, grass, and supplies were piled up.

"what happened!"

Yu Long and others were awakened one after another.

Opening the camp tent, I saw that the front camp was already in a mess.

The screams of killing were incessant.

The fire blazed into the sky.

A large number of our soldiers fled to the inner camp.

Da Zhou's iron cavalry chased after him.

War horse Benz.

The ground shakes.

Everyone's face turned pale instantly.

"Quick! Organize your troops and block the Zhou cavalry!"

"The rear battalion will be called up, crossbowmen!
"Shield soldiers come up, hurry up, block Zhou Qi for me."

Soon several generals came to Yu Long.

"My lord, quickly withdraw to the rear camp, I'm afraid the inner camp will be lost, so be careful!"

Yu Long wasn't stubborn either.

But the look is very unwilling.

Why was Zhou Jun killed inexplicably.

Why did Zhou Jun have another night attack?

Han Xin is really not simple.

I lost to Han Xin,

Just as Yu Long and the others withdrew to the back camp, shouts came from the inner camp.

"Not good! The inner camp is lost, retreat to the rear camp!"

Han Xin and others are gods blocking and killing gods, and killing ghosts when they meet ghosts.

The Han army was so beaten that his liver and gallbladder were torn, and he fled and dared not fight.


The generals and soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty never entered the realm of no one.

However, Korean soldiers or masters dare not confront them.

Da Zhou's pawns then rushed in.

Soon the two main camps were broken.

The Han army retreated to the last main camp one after another.

At this time, arrows shot out like rain.

Only then did Han Xin rein in his horse and not rush forward.

"Commander, most of the Han army has retreated to the rear battalion, and the defensive position has been erected. There are a lot of bows and crossbows. I am afraid that a strong attack will break my cavalry!"

Some generals suggested: "It's better, just withdraw here, and attack another day!"

Han Xin shook his head and said: "Han Jun is frightened and frightened. They won't last long. If we don't wipe them all out at this time, when will we have a chance?"

Han Xin said to the general in front of him: "Each of you lead two regiments out of the camp, go around to the periphery of the rear camp, and throw a can of fire oil at me from the outside. Tonight, my commander will roast them."

"It's handsome!"

Now there are two generals going down.

Each took two regiments of 4000 people out of the camp.

Soon [-] Zhou soldiers surrounded tens of thousands of Zhou troops in the back camp.


One by one, the ignited fuel tanks were thrown to the Han army in the rear battalion.


One by one, the fireballs rose, and the soldiers of the Han army screamed.

Then roll around.

"Shoot the arrows! Give them a good time!"

The experienced general of the Korean army directly ordered to shoot his own people who were on fire.

Because this kind of fire oil cannot be extinguished if it is touched.

Instead of letting them struggle in front of their eyes, it affects morale.

It's better to kill it directly, and it's done once and for all.

But more fuel tanks fell in, and a fire broke out all around the rear camp.

The fire burned the wooden fence.

Dodging the Han army and shrinking inward.

On the front, Han Xin also made people throw fire oil cans.

The Han army's shield formation was blasted away in an instant.

"Tune the crossbow on the bed and shoot it flat!"


Soon a bed crossbow was called out.

Then set up and shoot flat at Han Jun.

Whether it's a shield array or something, shoot them all down.

"Damn it! My lord, what should we do now, our soldiers can't stand it anymore!"

The subordinates asked Xiang Yulong one after another.

The situation now is too bad.

There are big fires on all sides, gathering around and burning.

Yu Long's face was also pale, he glanced around, pointed to the east and said: "When the fence is burnt down, make a way for me from here, and all the troops will break through to the east!"


This is the last resort.

Can't wait to die.


Soon the fence on three sides fell down, although the fire was still very strong.

But in order to survive, the Han army still swarmed towards the east and rushed out.

Those who rushed ahead were ignited one by one

The oil on his feet could not be extinguished, and he was burned while walking, and then fell to the ground.

Was trampled to death by the companions behind.

The generals of the Zhou Dynasty shot arrows and killed them one after another.

Seeing this, Han Xin and others led the cavalry into the rear camp and strangled them.

More soldiers of the Great Zhou also filed in.

Cut down the Han army who had not yet managed to break through.

More Han troops were terrified of being killed, did not dare to fight, and threw away their weapons one after another.

Surrender to save your life.

"Commander, a group of Han troops has fled to Hulao Pass!"

Han Xin said to the subordinates on the left and right: "You gather the prisoners of war here, and wipe out the other Korean troops. The cavalry will follow the commander. Let's hunt down the defeated Korean troops!"

"It's handsome!"

Soon Han Xin took all the cavalry to chase Yu Long and others.

At dawn, catch up with waves of Han Jun.

In the end, Han Xin and others caught up with Yu Long sixty miles west of the Hulao Pass.

Yu Long was killed with one shot, and more than a dozen high-level masters were killed.

"Let's go! Let's go back to Gong County and prepare to collect the net."

Once the [-] to [-] troops led by Yu Long were destroyed, Bu Fei and other troops became a lone army that went deep.

(End of this chapter)

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