I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 729?? Burning Xiaopingjin

Chapter 729 Burning Xiaopingjin


No matter how strong and noble these Korean masters were before.

This moment is a stretch of powerlessness.

All of them were shot to death, and each one was shot into a hedgehog with thousands of arrows piercing through their hearts.


After shooting the bow and crossbow, the general immediately issued an order, and his own soldiers went down to check on these Korean masters.

The inspectors will return soon.

"Return to the general, they are all dead, there is no one alive."

"Very good, the masters of the Han army are all dead, and now South Korea is going to cry. The three sixth-level realms are gone, and South Korea's defense pressure is problematic." The general smiled, and then pointed his sword at the mountain and said:
"Go into the mountains and see if the [-] troops in South Korea are burned to death, and make up for them if they don't die!"

"The Great Zhou is mighty, the Great Zhou is ten thousand years old!"

All the soldiers raised their weapons high and shouted continuously.

Soon into the mountains, Han Jun's charred body was found.

The smell of meat is wafting outside.

"General, no living Koreans have been found, and there is no sign that they have escaped. They are probably here!"

The leading generals had already expected it.

Those who were able to go down the mountain alive just now are all masters of the rivers and lakes, with strong inner strength.

This is the only way to survive the encirclement and suppression of the fire.

Those who were ordinary or who could not meet certain conditions by force died in the smoke and fire.

Looking at the fire still burning in the distance, the fire burning in the three directions of Beimanshan Mountain, and the thick smoke soaring into the sky, the leading general sighed with emotion: "It's still a ruthless military division. We don't want the four counties, and we also want to send the Han and Wei armies. To be wiped out, let yourself bear the infamy of a butcher, and lay a solid foundation for the rise of my great Zhou.

It is indeed the blessing of my Great Zhou, and it is the blessing of my Qinglong Army. "

"Go! Go back to the city!"

After completing the task, the army returned to Luoyang City.

"Report! There is a big fire outside the commander-in-chief's city. If I go out of the city, the soldiers may be robbed by fire!"

In the main hall of the county government office in Pingyin City, Xin Wenyan was stunned.

"What's the situation, be more specific!"

The person came back and said: "Commander, you can go outside the city to have a look, the whole Beiman Mountain has been closed, and the thick fire has set the outside on fire."

Xin Wenyan hurriedly put on his sword and called everyone out of the county office.

As soon as he came out, carbon flakes fell from the top of his head.

The air is filled with a lot of burning smell, which is too pungent and makes people feel uncomfortable.

"Go, go to the city gate!"

Soon Xin Wenyan brought the generals to the city gate.

Climb to the top of the city and look around, there is a sea of ​​fire outside.

The sea of ​​flames was accompanied by thick smoke, covering the sky and the sun.

"Why is this? No, how could it burn so badly!"

"Commander, the fire is burning from the south to the east.

There are also in the north and west, but not as big. "

"Not good! The commander's north is also on fire."

Xin Wenyan and the others choked for a moment.

Everything I wanted to say was blocked.

At the same time he thought of a terrible thing.

Cousin Xin Wenxiang guessed that he was still on his way out of the mountain, so they might all be burned to death.

There are another [-] Hanoi soldiers who went to attack Ping County and other places.


Xin Wenyan spat out a mouthful of blood and passed out directly.

The [-] army was wiped out.

"Big guy!"

"Big guy!"


Let alone Luoyang and other places, Han Xin, who is far away in Gongxian County, can see the fire in Beiman Mountain.

The fire in the north was lit all night and burned for two days. At this time, the weather turned cold and it started to rain.

Although the rain was not heavy, it also eased the fire.

In the end, the fire was extinguished under natural conditions.

One-third of the entire Beimang mountain range was burned.

"It's still Gongda who is powerful, this fire is enough for Han Wei Lianjun to drink a pot."

Han Xin tightened his coat, raised his head and stretched out his hands, felt the rare rain, completely extinguished the fire in Beiman Mountain, and then returned to the county office in the city.

Early the next morning.

"Report! Commander, a letter from the military commander! The whole army of the Han army, who said that Bu Fei was the main force, was wiped out and burned to death!"

"[-] of Wei's army was outside the city, and they were also burned to death. There were [-] left behind in Pingyin County, who survived because they did not leave the city."

Han Xin took the letter, opened it, and the smile on his face suddenly brightened.

"Not only did the Han-Chu allied forces suffer heavy losses, but the three major gates also sent news that His Majesty they captured Xiangyang of the Chuyue Kingdom and forced the Chuyue Kingdom to the negotiating table.

The cavalry led by Huang Zhong entered Yingchuan and firmly nailed the Korean partial army to Yingchuan.

The Han army is now incapable of attacking our Luoyang area. "

All the soldiers under his command were overjoyed when they heard this.

They all clenched their fists and almost jumped up to celebrate.

"Commander, it seems that God blesses my Great Zhou. My Great Zhou went east smoothly, and all the countries were defeated. In the future, no one can stop my Great Zhou's strong rise, and no one will stop my Great Zhou from dominating the world."

Han Xin's eyes swept across the crowd.

"Don't be complacent, and don't be too happy too early. The Chuyue Kingdom was just scared of being beaten and lost a lot of veterans, but its national strength is strong and it will recover soon. There will still be wars in Nanyang soon. "

"As for South Korea, we haven't captured Hulao Pass yet, and it's not yet time to go east and attack South Korea. It's still far away from unifying the world."

"Now our task is to destroy the [-] Wei elites in Pingyin County, and prevent them from running across the river and returning to Hanoi.

One hundred thousand troops of Wei State is enough for Wei State to be distressed for a while! "

Soon Han Xin led the army and headed towards Beimang Mountain.

At the same time, 1 troops from Yanshi and [-] horses from Luoyang City also gathered and marched towards Beiman Mountain.

And the Yellow River ferry, Xiaopingjin.

After nightfall, in the river, countless black shadows flowed down the sheepskin raft.

Taking advantage of the night, I quietly touched the Han army's warship at the ferry pier.

The generals and soldiers of the Korean army were all guarding the shore, mainly to guard against the enemies coming from the shore.

Of course, they also have one to three boatmen or soldiers on board.

Soon the black shadow jumped onto the battleship with his strength.

The ship shook for a while, and the boatman among the night watchmen came over in surprise, wiped his eyes and checked the deck.

There seemed to be a figure, but it was indistinct.

Just stood up and wanted to get out.

At this time, a sharp arrow flew over.

pierced into his body.

"Not good! There are enemies!"

"Quick, someone is on board!"

The shrewd or armed ship guards reacted immediately.

They all shouted.

"Do it! Kill!"

At this time, the black shadows resorted to their killer moves one after another, shooting or stabbing the Zhou people on the boat to death.

Or the two sides fight.

More shadows paddled the sheepskin raft towards the troop carrier.

These boats are larger and can carry more people.


The fire is folded out of the pottery, and it is blown gently.

A spark came out.

Then the black shadow ignited the tarpaulin in front of the opening of a bamboo tube he carried.

Then he threw it directly into the troop carrier.


Groups of flames rose.

A troop carrier was set ablaze, igniting a raging fire.

"The heavenly soldiers of the Great Zhou have arrived, and the warships of the State of Wei have been destroyed!"

The big black masters set more warships or troop carriers on fire.

Seeing that it was almost done, they jumped into the water one after another,
Or return to the sheepskin raft and paddle quickly.

Flee downstream.

The ferry terminal was burnt to pieces in a short while.

All warships were set on fire.

Wei on the shore wanted to save him, but it was too late.

I can only watch all the ships burn down.

(End of this chapter)

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