Chapter 730
"It's over! It's over! It's over!"

The generals of the Wei army guarding the ferry began to feel chills on their backs and backs.

Muttered in despair.

This time, all the ships of the Wei army were gone.

Whether it is crossing the north bank of the river or going to the south bank of the river.

It's all gone.

The guard only felt that the sky had fallen and the earth had fallen.

One hundred thousand Wei troops will be trapped in Beimang Mountain, becoming a live target for the surrounding attack.


Pingyin City!
"Report! The commander is not good, the Xiaopingjin Ferry was attacked, and all our warships were destroyed."

Xin Wenyan was woken up by his subordinates.

He heard the bad news as soon as he walked out of the room.

He almost lost his balance and hit the doorknob frame.

"What? Say it again!"

The visitor repeated the words again.

After listening to it, Xin Wenyan's face lost blood and became extremely pale.

After waiting for a while, he said: "Call people, follow me to the ferry to have a look!"

He wanted to see for himself whether Xiao Pingjin was really ruined.

If all the ships are gone, the [-] army is a trapped beast. Without follow-up support, it will definitely be eaten by Han Xin.

After all, the South Korean army has been destroyed, and Han Xin has enough time and troops to deal with him.

After dawn, Xin Wenyan took everyone to Xiaopingjin Ferry.

It was found that the scriptures here were burned to a piece of scorched earth.

All the warships were wrecks, half submerged in the water.

There is not a single intact warship on the river.

"Quickly find a way, contact Bei'an, and ask Bei'an to try his best to dispatch the ship." Xin Wenyan quickly reacted, and said:
"Let them go downstream, transfer the boat from Huai County and Wude, hurry, hurry!"

"It's handsome!"

Someone went down to make preparations, felled wood, made a proposal for the raft, and then launched into the water and rowed to the north bank.

"Report! Marshal, something is wrong. Han Xin led the army to come north, and now they have arrived in Ping County, heading towards Pingyin!"

"Report! Marshal, more than 2 soldiers from the Great Zhou Dynasty in Luoyang and Yanshi are coming north, less than sixty miles away from Pingyin!"


Xin Wenyan scolded, and then said: "Go back!"

Return to Pingyin in a hurry.

At this time, the nearest army was less than forty miles away.

But suddenly stopped.

The next day, they went hand in hand with Han Xin to kill Pingyin together.

At noon, the two armies joined forces outside Pingyin City, and nearly [-] troops surrounded Pingyin City.

Although the number is less than one and a half times that of the Wei army, they are as powerful as a rainbow.

The Wei army did not dare to go out of the city to fight, so they could only stick to it.

"Military division, you burned the fire beautifully, and you eliminated nearly 20 enemy soldiers at once, which greatly increased the military prestige of our Qinglong Army." Han Xin boasted when the two armies joined and entered the tent.

Xun You said: "The commander-in-chief was joking, without me, you would have set this fire, the only difference is that I have recited a bad name."

"Pfft... you, military commander... that's not the case, haha, I won't admit it." Han Xin laughed like a rogue, and then pointed with both hands.

Signal to all the generals to sit down.

After sitting down, he said: "Now that our army has [-] soldiers and horses in Pingyin, there are still [-] Wei soldiers stationed in the city. Xiaopingjin has been destroyed, and the Wei army has no way out. How do you think we should fight!"

At that moment, a general stood up and said: "Commander, attack directly and smash the city wall of Pingyin City with a trebuchet. When we retreated to Pingyin, we tampered with the west gate and south gate, and hollowed out the top beam in the middle."

Hearing this general's words, the crowd couldn't stop laughing.

One by one laughed a little wickedly.

Really bad.

It's really a talent to play tricks when withdrawing from Pingyin.

Waiting for this day.

Han Xin nodded slightly, and then said: "Any other opinions?"

"Marshal, why don't you persuade them to surrender? The Wei army has no way out, and if they stick to it, they will die. I don't believe that they are not afraid of death. As long as they are given a way to survive, they will definitely surrender." A more refined general stood up and said:
"And in this way, it can also reduce the casualties of our Qinglong Army.

If we can persuade Wei Jun to surrender, we will have a bargaining chip with Wei Guo. With these 10 people, Wei Guo will not dare to attack us.

And we also have enough troops to fight Hulao Pass!Conquer South Korea! "

The people below suddenly started talking.

It is also feasible to persuade the Wei army to surrender.

It's just that the success rate is not high.

"What do you think?" Han Xin asked with a smile.

The generals said: "Commander, it's good to persuade them to surrender, but the Wei army may not give in so easily, unless we surround it for a few months and consume all their energy."

"When they have no more hope, then they may surrender. After all, this is the elite of the Wei State, not an ordinary miscellaneous county soldier."

Han Xin narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at Xun You: "Military teacher, what can you do?"

Xun You stood up and said: "The city is going to be smashed, we want to let the Wei army know that we have the ability to attack at any time, but we can't fight in, instead we invest in fierce oil tanks, set fire to the city, and persuade us to surrender halfway through the fire.

Such an iron-clad Wei army would also surrender. "

"Hahaha, a military division is a military division, and it's going to be set on fire again." Han Xin stood up and laughed loudly:
"According to the advice of the military division, first smashed down the gates of the two southern cities, set fire to the city, and persuaded them to surrender. If the Wei army does not surrender, they will all be burned. I don't mind seeing [-] charred corpses."


All the generals got up one after another.

There is light in the eyes.

Soon the trebuchet brought in by the army was put out.

Concentrated outside the south city gate.

Start throwing stones towards Pingyin City.

Pingyin City is not big, and Zhou Jun has tampered with the southern city wall.

In less than half an hour, the South City Gate collapsed in many places with a bang.

"Marshal, the south gate has collapsed. Zhou Jun's trebuchets are too sharp and fierce. I'm afraid our army won't be able to defend the south gate!"

"Commander, Dazhou used a lot of oil bombs, the southern city was set on fire, and the fire spread to other urban areas."

Xin Wenyan clenched his fist tightly after hearing this, and punched heavily towards the table.

"Quick, go fight the fire, don't let the fire spread to other urban areas!"

Soon the Wei army in the city was fully devoted to extinguishing the fire. The fire farther north was better, and it was very easy to extinguish without fire oil.

But those near the south will not work, they cannot be extinguished at all, and they will be ignited instead.

Wei Jun in the entire city was blackened by the smoke.

Morale plummeted.

"Commander, Han Xin sent people to persuade us to surrender, saying that if we don't surrender, we will burn the three urban areas in the east, west and north, and burn all our troops to death in the city!"

Suddenly someone came in and reported.

Boom, all the generals of Wei Guo were shocked.

They all cursed.

"Da Zhou is crazy! They want to set fire to the city, why are they so ruthless!"

"Isn't Ye Qing known for his benevolence and his reputation? After burning down Pingyin City, all the people in the city were buried with him. Isn't he afraid of losing the hearts of the people?"

"Ahem, there is not a single citizen in the city, we were all taken away when we came in!"

Although Pingyin belongs to the State of Wei, and the people in the city are all Wei people, when the Great Zhou army withdrew, the people had already been swept away to Luoyang City.

Luoyang is too big and needs a lot of population to enrich.

Therefore, the people in the four counties of Beimang Mountain were all relocated.

Naturally, Xun You dared to attack with fire unscrupulously.

(End of this chapter)

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