I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 731 Wei Jun Surrenders

Chapter 731 Wei Jun Surrenders
Chapter 730

"Master, what should we do now?"

In the end, everyone looked at Xin Wenyan, and Xin Wenyan was also filtering something in his mind.

Doing ideological struggle.

This question is too difficult to choose.

To drop or not to drop.

If they don't surrender, they will all be burned to death.

Originally, he wanted to use the city to delay time.

Who would have thought that the city wall would be so easily smashed down by Da Zhou.

"Fight! Fight with Da Zhou, even if you want to surrender, our Great Wei Kingdom can't surrender without letting go. Whoever is strong and who is weak, has never fought, so why surrender?"

Finally, Xin Wenyan gritted his teeth and said.

The generals were stunned.

Fight with Da Zhou.

how to spell!
Xin Wenyan said: "After dark, go out of the city to attack the Da Zhou barracks, if we can defeat the Da Zhou army, or kill Han Xin and others, then our operation will be successful, and our army will do our best then.

Even if we surrender in the end, the capital will understand us. "

Only when the generals heard this did they understand.

Yes, surrender is easy.

But the capital can't accept it.

If they were really going to surrender, maybe the emperor would get angry and arrest their family members for punishment.

into the night!

It was getting dark.

Everything outside the city was silent.

It was pitch black, and the line of sight was extremely short.

Sudden!The east gate of Pingyin City opened.

Countless black shadows emerged from it.

These black shadows came towards the Great Zhou military camp in the south.

All the [-] Wei troops were dispatched.

ready to strike

Make a living for yourself.

Soon Wei Jun touched outside the Dazhou camp.

Looking at the Dazhou military camp, there were not many lights, and everything was as usual.

There are only a few teams of patrol soldiers.

Xin Wenyan and the others were slightly happy.

Han Xin is too careless and confident.

There is no defense.

I really thought I was sure of myself.

I really think that the soldiers of our Great Wei State dare not fight back.

"Attack! Kill in!"

The generals and soldiers of the Wei army clenched their weapons and rushed towards the Da Zhou barracks.


The sound of shouting and killing soared to the sky.

Soon Wei Jun rushed to the gate of the camp, swung a knife and an ax to chop down the gate of the camp, and knocked open the gate of Da Zhou's camp.


Countless torches suddenly lit up in the camp.

Countless Da Zhou soldiers rushed out.

The bow and crossbow rushed outside the camp.

Release the string or pull the trigger.

Countless arrows flew out.

Wei Jun in front of the camp gate fell to the ground with arrows.

"Let it go!"

With a shout from the battalion, more Da Zhou crossbowmen stepped forward.

More dense bow and crossbow arrows flew out.

The Wei army outside the camp fell to the ground and retreated.

"Tabuchet! Smash!"

Behind the camp, trebuchets have been placed long ago.

The operator ignites the fierce fire oil tank and hits the machine.

One by one, the ignited fire oil tanks flew out and smashed into the Wei army.


One by one fireballs rose.

The dense Wei army was recruited one after another.

Great devour all around.

The soldiers of the Wei army made a tragic sound.

The fireball illuminated the situation of the Wei army and provided a better line of sight for the Da Zhou soldiers in the battalion.

Xin Wenyan and others were horrified, but Han Xin had already prepared a dike.

With such a careful arrangement, it might be impossible to attack by force.

About to order a retreat.

At this time, there were shouts of killing from both sides of the east and west.

Two big Zhou soldiers covered their faces and killed them.

"Withdraw! Quickly withdraw!"

Xin Wenyan didn't hesitate anymore, so he had no choice but to retreat back to the city unwillingly.

The generals of the Great Zhou Dynasty did not pursue fiercely, and intercepted the next group of more than ten thousand people, and sent the others back to the city.

After returning to the city, Xin Wenyan and others were still in shock, with lingering fears in their hearts.

A night attack cost more than [-] people.

If the sneak attack is not successful, neither is the storm.

There are not many choices left for them.

The next day.

Da Zhou sent envoys to persuade him to surrender.

Xin Wenyan let the envoy of the Great Zhou come in.

"Da Zhou really wants to burn the city with the method of attacking with fire?" Xin Wenyan asked unwillingly with a hint of luck.

The envoy of Dazhou replied: "General Xinwen, please don't doubt our army's words. We can burn Beimang Mountain, let alone a small Pingyin City."

"It's too cruel for you to do so. How will the people of the world think of Emperor Zhou?"

The envoy of Da Zhou replied proudly: "I am doing things in Da Zhou, so why bother with other people's comments, you just surrender.

If you don't surrender, we will burn the city and completely wipe out your troops. At that time, please don't regret it, General. "

"I'll think about it, you go back first!" Xin Wenyan waved his hand, turned his head and went back perfunctorily.

The envoy of Dazhou smiled and said, "I'm sorry General, you only have half an hour, it's too late."

After speaking, the Great Zhou envoy turned and left.

The angry Wei generals were left staring blankly.

But they are just angry.

No one wants to die if they can live.

Now everything is up to Xin Wenyan.

Is it to save money, or to save life.

After a long time, Xin Wenyan seemed to be drained of all energy.

Leaning on his back, he muttered to himself:
"We die easy, but we can win a good name.

But the [-] soldiers should die in Huangquan, it really shouldn't be! "

"Although Da Zhou was fierce in battle and used everything to the extreme. But there is one thing that is very good. He insists on credibility and does what he says. He will not kill prisoners. Although the [-] soldiers will be humiliated for a while, they will all survive!"

Da Zhou once captured a large number of Beishi soldiers.

In the end, because of the good relations between the two countries, they were all released.

From this point of view, very successful and reliable.

As long as the relationship between Wei Guo and Da Zhou is not stiff in the future, there is a possibility of sending him back.

These generals are all approved.

"Forget it, let me recite all the infamy!" Xin Wenyan stood up suddenly, and glanced at everyone:

"Notify all armies to prepare to surrender."

Everyone was silent for a while, and then they all replied: "No!"

Wei Jun surrendered more quickly than imagined.

With no retreat, the city gate was captured again, facing the powerful Zhou army, and Zhou army's sharp weapons.

They were suppressed without a temper.

I can only admit it obediently.

So far, the first coalition of Han and Wei forces has completely disintegrated.

Ended with total annihilation.

The crisis in the Luoyang area of ​​​​the Great Zhou Dynasty was lifted.


at the same time!

Korea Chen stay!

The entire army of 20 was wiped out, and when the news came back, there was an uproar.

South Korea's ruling and opposition parties are in turmoil.

This is the first time in South Korea's history that it has suffered such a disastrous defeat.

The Western Expeditionary Army is gone.

South Korea's elite lost.

The domestic political situation will be unstable.

No one could believe it at first.

Even if the overall combat effectiveness of the Korean army is not as good as that of Da Zhou.

But it shouldn't be a problem to draw a tie with the advantage of troops.

Even if you want to lose, you will lose half at most.

Now the 20 is gone.

It directly affects the domestic stability of South Korea.

Han Huang Han Ran summoned hundreds of officials for an emergency consultation.

All the officials are colorful.

"My lords, the news is true. All the troops of our Great South Korea Expedition to the West were killed!" Han Ran covered his face and wept. He didn't know whether he was mourning the decline of South Korea or mourning the 20 troops.

"My condolences, Your Majesty!"

Hundreds of officials worshiped one after another, and their voices were also mournful.

"My lords, now that my 20 Korean army is gone, what do you think?"

The officials below look at me, I look at each other, silently.

After a while, the Minister of the Ministry of War said violently: "Your Majesty, what we need to do now is to increase the number of troops at the Hulao Pass to prevent it from being breached by the Zhou army."

(End of this chapter)

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