I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 732?? South Korea will continue to fight

Chapter 732 South Korea will continue to fight

If the Hulao is broken, South Korea will move its capital.

With the current military strength of the Han army, it can't stop the impact of Da Zhou's soldiers and horses.

"Sure, the capital is transferring [-] troops to Hulao Pass. There is no room for loss!" Han Ran ordered decisively this time.

Then Bao Yuan said again: "Your Majesty, retaking Luoyang and other cities will need to be discussed in the future. Now we should focus our main energy on Yingchuan, and curb Dazhou's invasion and engulfment of Yingchuan."

"How do Bao Aiqing think to prevent Da Zhou from engulfing Yingchuan?" Han Ran asked directly.

Bao Yuan replied: "Your Majesty, troops should be drawn from the east, no matter if they are from Jibei County or from the front line of Pengcheng.

At the same time, step up the recruitment of troops in the country, recruit soldiers, and expand our troops in South Korea. "

"This...isn't that good!" Han Ran, who was decisive just now, suddenly hesitated again.

Before Bao Yuan could speak, Gong Zhongpeng stood up and said, "Your Majesty, all the soldiers and horses in the east cannot be dispatched.

Otherwise, the East China Sea Kingdom will inevitably make a comeback, and the two counties of Pengcheng and East China Sea that we finally captured will be in turmoil. "

"You can mobilize the soldiers in Jibei, and at the same time use the treasury to recruit a large number of people into the army and organize a large army."

"Your Majesty, Lord Situ is right."

There was a voice of agreement below.

Han Ran saw that everyone supported Gong Zhongpeng.

And he didn't want the mistakes of Pengcheng and Donghai counties either.

He said: "Okay, then according to what Situ said, the soldiers and horses of Pengcheng and Donghai counties will not be moved!"

"Use all the money and food in the treasury to expand the army as much as possible."

"It's Your Majesty!"

Bao Yuan wanted to say something, but she could only shut up wisely.

Han Ran Zhiguang searched the officials below.

It seemed that he was looking for something, and he was not in a hurry to scatter towards the lower hall.

At this time, a palace gatekeeper suddenly ran in and said, "Your Majesty, something is wrong, south and south... Chuyue Kingdom has lost again!"

Lost again, and the word is used well.

"What's going on, tell me clearly!" Han Ran's heart skipped a beat, and he panicked.

Chuyue Kingdom is now the big brother.

Nothing can happen.

Hope it doesn't fail too badly.

"Returning to Your Majesty, the Chuyue Kingdom fell completely in Nanyang, Xiangyang was captured by the Great Zhou, and the Great Zhou's troops marched southward until they reached the basket.

The Chuyue Kingdom was defeated one after another, and a large number of soldiers and horses were lost. Now they seem to be seeking peace! "

There was a look of astonishment in the South Korean court.

Xiangyang City has lost.

How did Chuyue fight?

Fighting at home, losing so badly.

He was beaten directly to Lankouju, which is at most two hundred miles away from the capital of Jiangling.

Such a powerful Chuyue Kingdom failed one after another.

Da Zhou is horrible.

The most unacceptable thing for South Korea is that you, Chuyue Kingdom, actually asked for cooperation.

If it weren't for you, Chuyue Kingdom, to contact us and break up with Da Zhou.

My South Korea will not lose Luoyang and other regions and there are three major barriers.

There will be no 20 casualties of the West Army.

Chuyue Kingdom is too immoral.

How can this be.

He negotiated peace with Dazhou privately, and did not discuss with Korea.

"Chuyue Kingdom, it's too... alas!"

Han Ran was so angry.

It's all about.

The following Korean officials were also extremely indignant.

"Your Majesty, can we relax with Da Zhou a little bit?" A servant from the Ministry of Rites stood up and said unconfidently.

This is a bit...

All the officials were refreshed.

It is better to release goodwill than to increase the number of heavy troops and fight against Da Zhou.

As long as the Great Zhou is willing to cease fighting, Yingchuan's problem can be solved without using force.

The Chu and Yue kingdoms can negotiate peace with Da Zhou, why do we in Korea have to fight Da Zhou to the end.

"Your Majesty, no, Dazhou kills my 20 troops, seizes my Korean city and three passes, and cannot reconcile with Dazhou. Our capital in Korea is still impenetrable. If we succumb to this, our Korea will never be able to lift our head, and we will be lowered in the future." Big Monday." Gong Zhongpeng was the first to stand up and object.

Han Ran, who wanted to stop fighting, instantly dismissed the idea of ​​asking for peace.

Yes, my Korea is different from Chuyue Kingdom.

The Chuyue state has a solid background, and the reconciliation is only temporary.

You can continue to fight at any time, as long as the recruits are trained, Chuyue Kingdom will still fight with Da Zhou.

Chuyue Kingdom can tear up the treaty at any time, because he has no other threats.

So get used to it.

But our big Korea is different.

Once the terms of the peace talks are signed, if you break the contract casually, you will lose your trust with the Kanto princes.

And it is also vulnerable to direct direct blows from Da Zhou.

Either continue to fight, or really talk about peace.

If they seek cooperation, Da Zhou will definitely make strict demands.

"Well, Da Zhou killed more than 20 of my soldiers. This enmity is irreconcilable. How can we negotiate peace with him." Han Ran looked slightly ferocious, and said coldly:
"Don't pay attention to the affairs of the Chuyue Kingdom in the south for the time being, and send someone to Wei State to contact Wei Duo."

Wei Guo still wants to fight with Da Zhou, this is South Korea's most ideal and best ally.


Xiangyang City!
The third batch of envoys from Chuyue Kingdom went north.

More sincerity each time.

In the end, the two sides had no problem with the territorial boundaries.

It's just that there are differences on the compensation and the prince's apology and worship.

"Tell your emperor of Chuyue Kingdom that Ye Mao must be sent here, and your prince must also go to my late emperor to repent, and the compensation can be reduced a little bit."

The negotiation was completely handed over to Zhang Yi who arrived from Chang'an on a fast horse.

He is much more flexible than Guo Jia in this area of ​​skill.

Zhaohong looked bitter, and said embarrassingly: "Zhang Shangshu, you and I are both officials of the Ministry of Rites, you should be very clear that your country's request is too much.

We can give more money, but the prince repents that this will lose the dignity of the empire, so forgive us for not agreeing! "

While Zhaohong was aggrieved, he spoke very hard, biting hard.

The money is optional, but the last face must be preserved.

Zhang Yi smiled and said, "Okay, then your country will pay us 1000 million taels of silver and [-] million shi of grain! I don't think your envoy will think that Chuyue's face is cheap."


Zhaohong was so swallowed that he couldn't speak.

This jumping thinking can't keep up.

You are not a lion.

It's simply asking for money.

You simply robbed Chuyue Kingdom of two hundred million taels of silver.

Returning 1000 million shi of grain, the soldiers and civilians of my Chuyue Kingdom will not have to eat.

"Zhang Shangshu, it's meaningless for you to say that!"

"Hehe, you were the one who didn't mean it first!"

After speaking, Zhang Yi left the negotiating table with a flick of her sleeves, and went straight out of the hall.

Love to talk, not to pull.

Anyway, have an attitude.

Can't be soft.

The principle should be clear.

Fool me, there is no door.


Zhao Hong was dumbfounded.

How to say go and go.

There is no such negotiation.

Disagreement with one word will make you temper, and the major issues of the two countries should be discussed carefully!
Zhaohong thought it was Zhang Yi's strategy.

At this time, I received a receipt report.

"My lord, something is wrong. The Zhou army in Xiangyang seems to have begun to mobilize and is about to fight again. I don't know whether to go south or east!"

"What? The Great Zhou soldiers and horses in the city have been mobilized?" Zhao Hong was shocked, with doubts in his eyes.

The subordinates replied: "My lord, according to some grassroots officials of Dazhou, Dazhou has transferred a lot of troops from Chang'an to the south, and also transferred troops from Bashu. The situation is not optimistic."

(End of this chapter)

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