I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 734? Chuyue Kingdom Signs Indemnity

Chapter 734 Chuyue Kingdom Signs Indemnity


Of course Wei Zeng knew that it was meaningless to fight Da Zhou.

Without enough sailors, without more warships, even the river cannot be crossed.

Moreover, Wei State really needs to destroy Bohai State in exchange for peace in the east.

The strategic direction cannot be wrong.

"Send people to continue to put pressure on Da Zhou and question Da Zhou. We must have reasons in righteousness." Wei Zeng waved his hand, continued to close his eyes and rest, and waved his hand lightly:
"Others, just do as you said, destroy the Bohai Sea."

"It's Your Majesty!"


Xiangyang City!
"What? South Korea's 20 troops were wiped out." Zhaohong's teeth were a little sore.

Although this is the 20 troops who died in South Korea, not the Chuyue Kingdom.

But this means that Da Zhou can face the Chuyue Kingdom and South Korea alliance more calmly.

The crisis in Luoyang of the Great Zhou Dynasty was lifted.

Dazhou can concentrate its power against Chuyue Kingdom.

This further confirmed the mobilization of soldiers and horses in Nanyang in the previous Great Zhou Dynasty.

Da Zhou is really going south.

After receiving the best bottom line from Jiangling, Zhaohong took a deep breath before slowly walking into the negotiation hall.

Zhang Yi was not the only one inside.

Da Zhou gave him full authority to deal with it.

This trust, this... In short, Zhaohong is very envious.

As a mission official, what is needed most is this kind of power.

Instead of being like a marionette, always waiting for the next conductor.

That's too passive.

"Your envoy has come to think about it. This is our last negotiation. If we fail, we can only see the outcome on the battlefield." Zhang Yi is very good at negotiating, and he is even better at making decisions.

Coming up is to write down Mawei.

Draw the line for Zhaohong.

Zhaohong sighed inwardly.

With this posture, Da Zhou didn't want to procrastinate any longer.

It has to be finalized today.

Implement the peace talks.

Otherwise, the soldiers and horses of the Great Zhou would really march towards Jiangling City.

"Zhang Shangshu, don't be in a hurry. Soldiers are important to the country. You must investigate it. How can you do it lightly? It is of no benefit to the country or the people." Zhaohong persuaded him kindly with a smile on his face.

Zhang Yi said: "No hurry, no hurry, after talking with you, I still have to go to South Korea, I need...cough cough! Your envoy should talk about your sincerity after the discussion. Don't let people lose interest this time." .”

South Korea!

Could it be that Da Zhou wants to negotiate peace with South Korea.

That would not work, if South Korea and Da Zhou were allowed to negotiate first, they might have sold Chuyue Kingdom.

"Don't worry Zhang Shangshu, we are full of sincerity this time, and we will definitely be able to negotiate a deal." Zhao Hong thought for a while, not playing charades, and said directly: "You said earlier that the prince of our country should go to mourn the late emperor of Zhou. Chuyue Kingdom agreed, and we can give Dazhou 500 million taels of silver and 100 million shi of grain, and the two countries will continue to exchange supplies through the opening of trade."

This condition is basically feasible.

The point is that Chuyue Kingdom is willing to send the prince to pay homage to Ye Zhen and express his repentance. This is the most important thing.

But Zhang Yi looked at Zhaohong with a smile: "Master Zhao, did you miss something!"

Zhaohong yelled cunningly, and had to smile wryly: "Shangshu Zhang, I'm really sorry, originally we wanted to send Ye Mao back to Dazhou, but someone tipped Ye Mao off.

Ye Mao got the news in advance, fled eastward overnight, and went out to sea by boat. I, Chuyue Kingdom, sent a navy and warship to chase him. If he is caught, he will definitely be sent back to Chang'an! "

"Hehe, Mr. Zhao, do you think I will believe it?" Zhang Yi suddenly stared at Zhaohong seriously and coldly, making Zhaohong feel a little nervous.

Such a lame reason is indeed full of loopholes.

Zhaohong was about to continue talking about a reason.

At this time Zhang Yi said again: "Chuyue Kingdom really has no sincerity, Ye Mao is my big Zhou's crime, this person can't be sent, this negotiation can't be discussed."

"Zhang Shangshu, it's not enough, Ye Mao is a waste, and is of no importance to Da Zhou." Zhao Hong was afraid that Zhang Yi would stand up and stop talking, so he hurriedly said:
"His Majesty of our country also felt a little ashamed when he learned that Ye Mao had escaped, so he wrote a letter to express that he could give Da Zhou some financial compensation."

"Economic compensation!" Zhang Yi frowned slightly, and after pondering for a moment, said:

"How many?"

Zhaohong wrote: "20 taels of silver."

"Oh, Mr. Zhao is sending beggars away again." Zhang Yi said coldly:

"My grand family and royal family are only worth 20 taels of silver?"

"How appropriate is that Shangshu?" Zhaohong complained inwardly,
Ye Mao is a good-for-nothing, and he was demoted to a commoner when Ye Zhen was in power.

It's not worth anything.

"One million taels, plus 100 shi of grain!" Zhang Yi opened his mouth and came.

Zhaohong almost spit out the tea he just drank.

A Yemao is worth 100 million taels of silver, and there are 50 shi of grain.

You really think he's made of gold.

"Zhang Shangshu, that's too high, our Chuyue Kingdom can only produce 40 taels of silver and [-] shi of grain at most!"

"80 taels of silver, 18 shi of grain!"

"50 taels of silver, [-] shi of grain!"


In the end, Dazhou and Chuyue Kingdom temporarily negotiated peace.

Signed by officials of the Ministry of Rites of both countries and stamped with the seals of the Ministry of Rites of the two countries, it is regarded as preliminary completion.

Next, pay the money and food with one hand, and return Lankouju and other cities with the other hand.

Both sides know that this is only temporary, and war will break out because of the Nanyang incident in the future.

But both countries need to end the war between the two countries in such a decent way, so as to reassure the people and develop internally.

The speed with which the two countries signed a peace agreement has attracted the attention of the world.

Just like the national war between the two countries without warning, the intricacies and confusion made all countries see it in a fog.

At the same time, Da Zhou had just signed a reconciliation and armistice agreement with Chuyue Kingdom.

Nanyang's army immediately went north.

It includes not only Jingwei, but also the Bashu army that came out of Hanzhong.

All of them entered Yingchuan.

In Luoyang, Han Xin also received the help of [-] troops from the northern Baixuanwu Army.

So Han Xinbing pushed Hulao Pass.

South Korea has no intention of truce, so continue to fight.

Beat until served.

All of a sudden, all the eyes of the people in the world focused on Da Zhou and Han Han.

Although South Korea raised a large number of troops in a short period of time, it had to be divided into two battlefields, and its strength was instantly diluted.

In particular, the Dazhou cavalry continued to enter Yingchuan, severely dividing the army.

Xu County!

"Report! Emperor Ye Qing of the Great Zhou Dynasty personally led the troops to the north!"

A front soldier ran back to report the most affectionate military situation to Bao Yuan.

This time, it was South Korea's Minister of War, Bao Yuan, who presided over the Yingchuan battle.

Bao Yuan had a serious face, since she entered Yingchuan, she had not had a good face.

Because the cavalry of Da Zhou came in earlier.

The soldiers and horses of the Han army's cities were restricted to each city.

Throughout Yingchuan, the Han army was quite passive, hiding in various cities.

"How many soldiers did the Emperor of Zhou bring, but is there any Suzaku army?" Bao Yuan asked directly.

The visitor thought for a while and replied: "Going back to the commander, I didn't find that the Zhuque army of the Great Zhou was going north. The Emperor of the Great Zhou brought the front infantry, the rear infantry, the left infantry, the middle infantry, the euphorbia warriors, and the six camps. Jing Wei.

And the [-] troops from Bashu, a total of [-] troops! "

(End of this chapter)

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