I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 735? Attacking Yingchuan

Chapter 735 Attacking Yingchuan
[-] troops.

This is quite a lot. Ye Qing has never used so many troops to accompany him on an expedition.

This time against South Korea, he even brought [-] in one breath.

You must know that the Jingwei, the right cavalry, and the middle cavalry entered Yingchuan in the past.

In such a large Zhouquan, the number of soldiers and horses going north reached 5000.

There are still [-] Qinglong Army in the three gates. Once all of them leave the city, there will be a total of [-] troops.

"It's too much!" Bao Yuan frowned and muttered to herself:

"It seems that the picture of Da Zhou is not only Yingchuan!"

"Marshal, just got the information that the peace talks between Chuyue Kingdom and Dazhou have been completed, and Chuyue Kingdom will pay Dazhou 600 million taels of silver and 110 shi of grain!

At the same time, the prince will be sent to Ye Zhen's mausoleum to worship! "Suddenly, the violent soldier Gong Zhongqian came in and scolded angrily:

"Chuyue Kingdom is too worthless. It's fine to reconcile with Dazhou behind our backs. It's really disrespectful for a great country to pay so much money and food to Dazhou."

Gong Zhonggan, the grandson of Gong Zhongpeng.

Ancha entered the military department and came to cross the gold.

Born in a family, he is impetuous and somewhat arrogant.

Bao Yuan sneered and said, "That's right, Chuyue Kingdom is so cunning, with these money and food, it directly shifted the blame on Han Han.

Chuyue Kingdom can take the opportunity to develop well and re-arrange the army, but South Korea will be miserable. "

They are not fools, they are willing to pay such a high price, and they also lose face.

On the surface, it looks like a loss, but in fact it is a profit.

Bao Yuan's words made Gong Zhongqian feel ashamed.

Bao Yuan's reminder was obvious, what he didn't know.

Young people see things a little superficially.

"Marshal, now we in South Korea have to bear all the pressure of Dazhou, can Yingchuan survive?" Gong Zhongqian was made even more angry, and he was still a little bit unconvinced, so he directly asked such an inappropriate question. question.

Bao Yuan stared at Gong Zhongqian intently.

We can be afraid of your grandfather, and we can give your father-in-law's family face.

It doesn't mean you can come out and run amok without respect.

Bao Yuan snorted coldly and said: "Yingchuan is our homeland in Korea, and it is also the gateway to the southwest of our big Korean capital, so there is absolutely no room for loss.

How to come up with a good way to deal with Da Zhou is your duty as a member of the army. "

What is the purpose of joining the army? Staff members provide opinions and ideas.

Instead of an Overseer questioning.

Gong Zhongqian blushed, he was not very good at coming up with ideas.

And with Yingchuan's current situation, no matter what ideas he proposes, they will be rejected.

Because the best strategy is to stay the same.

If you mobilize the army indiscriminately, you will be defeated by the [-] cavalry of Da Zhou.

There are not 5 horses on the march, so you can't fight with Zhou cavalry.

Even if there are 5 horses, you must be honest and don't even think about fighting with the cavalry.


After passing Nanyang Ye County, it has advanced to Yingchuan County in South Korea.

Ye Qing's [-] accompanying army marched into South Korea.

Kunyang and Wuyang have already started, so there is no need to fight.

"My lord, according to our statistics, South Korea has nearly 40 troops in Yingchuan!" Guo Jia handed the results of the statistics to Ye Qing and said:

"Among them, the head coach is Baoyuan, Minister of the Ministry of War of South Korea. This person is a veteran, and the direct soldiers and horses available to him are 12. This part of the sixth floor is veterans.

Among the other 28 Korean troops in Yingchuan, the seventh floor is newly recruited recruits, the second floor is the original county soldiers, and the third floor is old soldiers. "

"So, there are [-] Korean veterans in Yingchuan County, which is not a small number." Ye Qing was still a little surprised.

Didn't it mean that there are few soldiers in South Korea?
There are hundreds of thousands of veterans.

Guo Jia explained: "Your Majesty, these [-] veterans are nothing to worry about. They are too scattered and cannot be concentrated. There are a large number of veterans among the recruits, and their combat effectiveness will not increase but decrease."

"Now Yingchuan is actually our main dish, and the Han troops in each city were afraid of being beaten by our cavalry and dared not leave the city.

Even Bao Yuan can only stay in Xu County, guarding the gate for Chenliu County. "

"It won't be a problem to win Yingchuan. South Korea doesn't have to go out of the city to fight. It can only attack city by city. It will take some time to destroy county by county." Ye Qing is naturally full of confidence.

40 South Koreans, most of whom have just been recruited into the army, and the training has not yet come, so there is no need to train for a long time.

Not to mention killing people and fighting wars.

"Your Majesty, anyway, we have a lot of time. Now Chuyue Kingdom and Wei Kingdom dare not fight with me in Dazhou. Only South Korea is stubborn. I believe that after this fight, South Korea will learn to be good, and it will be better than the other two. The country is better." Guo Jia looked at the sand table with a smile.

If there is no Hulaoguan and Yingchuan in South Korea, it will be the fat on Da Zhou's mouth.

Whenever you want to take a bite, just bite down, and your mouth will be full of fat.

None of them are fishy.

That's when the Korean nightmare began.

"Decree that the front foot guard and the rear foot guard will attack Fucheng and march westward along the Ruhe River."

"Here's an order for the left and middle guards to attack Rangcheng, march westward along the Yingshui River, and capture Yingyang, Yangzhuo and other places!"

"Order Zhang He to lead the euphorbia soldiers, and [-] Yaoguang soldiers to attack Yingyin and advance towards Xu County."

"Gao Shun was ordered to lead the camp, and five thousand Bashu soldiers attacked Dingling and marched southeast."

"Order the three major gate guards to leave the gate and attack Lunshi and Yangcheng."

"Command Zhao Yun to lead five thousand cavalry to join me."

Order after order was passed down, and all the [-] troops were dispatched.

All armies attacked at the same time.

Soon the cities of Yingchuan were breached or surrendered one after another.

Most of Yingchuan fell.

South Korea's 40 troops in Yingchuan are decreasing every day.

In the end, only the 15 soldiers and horses that Bao Yuan reunited in and around Xu County remained.

Zhang He advanced to Xu County with [-] soldiers and horses.

Bao Yuan had tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, and did not dare to go out of the city to attack Zhang He.

Because he didn't know how many big Zhou cavalry were lurking nearby.

So Zhang Yun was allowed to set up camp and build siege equipment.

Until Ye Qingye and Zhao Yun's five thousand cavalry arrived.

Only then did Bao Yuan understand that there were no cavalry around Zhang Yun, and the cavalry had all gone to other places.

"Marshal, Ye Qing has arrived, [-] soldiers and horses are just under the city!" Gong Zhongqian was a little eager to try, and wanted to rush out.

If Ye Qing could be killed, Da Zhou would be finished.

All the advantages of Da Zhou will collapse.

There will be turmoil in the country.

"You want to kill it." Bao Yuan squinted her eyes halfway, and said with a sneer, "This is exactly what Ye Qing is looking forward to. If you think he has only 2 people and he has the opportunity, then you take it for granted."

"Ye Qing's martial arts is also said to be of the highest level. He once led more than 1000 cavalry into the Turkic camp. Now he has 20 fine cavalry in his hand. Let alone our tens of thousands of cavalry, it is [-]. He is the same Dare to step into the camp."

More than 1000 riders dare to enter the Turkic camp.

Too ferocious.

At that critical time, he only had the strength of the third rank, and now he is the Supreme, even the same Supreme may not be able to stop him.

How could an emperor be so powerful? It's not fair.

(End of this chapter)

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