I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 736? See also lottery

Chapter 736 See also the lottery
Just when everyone was discussing and feeling.

Da Zhou's army galloped out.

Come with a white horse and a silver gun.

A suit of silver armor, heroic and extraordinary.

"Listen to the defenders of the city. Today, His Majesty the Great Zhou Emperor himself will not be able to stop our Great Zhou soldiers. Surrender early to save your life."

"General Bao Yuan, His Majesty said that your troops can't stop us. Either you withdraw from Xu County and retreat into Chenliu, and we can give you a gift. You will never pursue or kill us."

"Either the general surrenders to my Great Zhou, or let the general continue to lead the army, display his talents as a general, and achieve immortal feats!"

There was an uproar in the city.

Everyone looked at Bao Yuan in unison.

The emperor of Zhou personally ordered it, which was enough courtesy to General Baoyuan.

Bao Yuan frowned, her face extremely gloomy.

It is said that Ye Qing is the best at bewitching, with the ability to win over the world.

I saw it today, it really is.

"The kindness of the Emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty, Bao Yuan is not blessed to accept it. Bao Yuan is a Korean general. She is responsible for guarding the land. Our emperor treats Bao Yuan well. Bao Yuan can only serve the country with death and be loyal to her duties." Bao Yuan clasped her fists and faced north and continued. said:
"On the contrary, Bao Yuan wants to persuade His Majesty the Great Zhou Emperor to attack our Great Korea, which will lose the reputation of benevolence and virtue. I have heard that the Great Zhou Emperor is benevolent and filial. Why did he raise troops and spread charcoal to the world, so that the people are in dire straits."

Zhao Yun replied coldly: "South Korea offended me Da Zhou first, Han Jun died without repentance, did not apologize and repent, I Da Zhou only came for justice.

Since South Korea wants to fight to the death, I, a general of the Zhou Dynasty, had no choice but to go to Chenliu to take the post of Hanjun! "

After speaking, Zhao Yun turned around and rode back.

"Your Majesty, Bao Yuan is unwilling to surrender!"

Ye Qing said: "It's okay, all the troops rest first, it won't be too late to attack the city tomorrow!"


The cavalry entered the barracks.

Ye Qing just sat down at the head of the big tent.

At this time, cavalry scouts reported one after another.

"Your Majesty, General Gao Shun reports that the southeast of Yingchuan is flat!"

"Your Majesty, General Yu Jin has reported that Ru Shui has been leveled!"

"Your Majesty! Zhang Fei and General Tai Shici have reported back, and Yingshui has been wiped out!"

Ye Qing was very happy that all the ministries had completed their goals.

At this time, someone came to report again.

"Report, Your Majesty, Marshal Han Xin has come to report that the Hulao Pass has been broken, and the Qinglong Army and the Xuanwu Army have attacked Chenggao and are now attacking Xingyang."

When everyone in the tent heard the words, they were happier than each other.

Han Xin captured Hulao Pass so quickly.

Didn't the Korean army reinforce the army?

How did you capture this grand pass so quickly?

We have to attack Xingyang.

This time South Korea is completely panicked.

"Okay! Very good, hahaha, you really deserve to be my Han Xin." Ye Qingxi was overjoyed.

Once the Hulao is broken, South Korea is not qualified to fight with him.

"Send an order to let the rear infantry, middle infantry, right cavalry, and middle cavalry gather to Xu County!"

"Zilong, you sent 1000 people to go around Xu County, keep a close eye on the Korean messengers from Chenliu, rob and kill them all, and don't let anyone come over."

"Ding Chunqiu, Qiao Feng, you two bring our country's masters to assist, and you can't let a Korean master enter Yingchuan to deliver news."


The people took orders.

Then Ye Qing said: "The siege of the city will be postponed. When the four guards arrive, they will fight Bao Yuan. After the fight against Bao Yuan, the war going east this year will be completely over, and all the troops can also rest."

The results of the war in the east, so far, the scriptures are extremely brilliant.

It doesn't matter whether it's Chuyue Kingdom, South Korea, or Wei Kingdom.

The total loss of soldiers and horses was nearly 130 million.

The three counties were expanded, and the three kingdoms were all defeated.

However, less than [-] soldiers and horses were killed or injured in Da Zhou.

And most of them were wounded, and there were only about [-] war dead.

Such an achievement has never been seen before.

"Ding! The host, South Korea, wants to know whether the Qinglong Group of Dazhou will go east to Chenliu, take the opportunity to capture the capital of South Korea, destroy South Korea, and move the capital in advance.

Willing to spend 10 taels of silver as a reward, will you sell it? "

"Ding! Master, Han Huang Han Ran would like to know if Ye Qing, Emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty, has any intention of meeting together, whether he is willing to accept the cessation of Korean reconciliation, so that he can prepare in advance, and is willing to spend [-] taels of silver as a reward, whether to sell it or not. ?”

"Ding! Master, the Chuyue Kingdom wants to know the attitude of the Twelve Witch Kingdoms of the Western Mandates towards the Great Zhou Empire, so that they can contact the Western Mandates to deal with the Great Zhou Empire. They are willing to spend 20 taels of silver as a reward. Do you want to sell it?"

"Ding! Master, Wei Guo wants to know if Beishi Kingdom has any ideas about Da Zhou, so that he can contact Bei Shi to contain and deal with the Da Zhou Empire. He is willing to spend 10 taels of silver as a reward. Will he sell it?"

Another piece of information was sold.

After reading the four pieces of information, Ye Qing frowned slightly.

Forget about South Korea, Wei State and Chuyue State actually want to contact the two local forces in the north and south of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

"Alright, I also want to see whether Beishi has expanded internally after this period of development, and whether it has greater ambitions.

As for Ximan, it's time to spy on their real details! "

Ye Qing pondered for a while, then said to the system: "System, sold all four pieces of information!"

"Ding! The transaction was successful!"

"After deducting 20% ​​of the handling fee, master, you still have 482800 taels of silver, and 4 chances to draw prizes!"

After accumulating more than 40 taels of silver, the empire became richer and richer.

"System lottery!"

"Good master, now draw a lottery for you!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for drawing a general card!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for drawing a martial arts character card!"

"Ding! Congratulations, Master, for drawing a Famous Official Card!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for drawing a data card!"

Four cards, each of which is different.

Ye Qing said directly: "System, use cards!"

"Good host!"

"Ding, congratulations to the master for using the general card and obtaining the Great Ming Chang Yuchun (Tier [-])!"

"Ding, congratulations to the master for using the martial arts character card and getting "The Legend of Condor Heroes" Hong Qigong (Rank [-])!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master, the famous official card, for obtaining Du Ruhui of the Tang Dynasty!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for using the data card and obtaining the mining oil extraction technology!"

Chang Yuchun, a general in the early Ming Dynasty, was a well-known good commander under Zhu Yuanzhang.

High martial arts, strong leadership ability.

Hong Qigong is one of the five wonders of the Central Plains.

It turned out to be the sixth grade.

This made Ye Qing a little unbalanced.

At the beginning, Ouyang Feng was a first-class master when he was drawn out.

Sure enough, the timeline is different, and the strength is very different.

Du Ruhui, a famous prime minister in the Tang Dynasty, was called together with Fang Xuanling.

Mining pumping technology, this is very practical.

The mineral deposits on the surface are easy to mine, and the oil from the gushing well is easy to get.

The deeper the burial, the harder it is to mine.

This is a supplement to the follow-up of Dazhou Industry.

An essential element to sustain prosperity.

Ye Qing was overjoyed to see this.

All four got good stuff.

A few days later.

The four guards arrived one after another.

At this time, Xu Line was completely blocked.

All the messengers sent by Han Ran were robbed and killed.

Bao Yuan still doesn't know what happened at Hulao Pass.

"Report! The commander is not good. The Zhou army outside the city suddenly shot a lot of letters. The letter said..."

When Bao Yuan saw the guards in a hurry, she said with a cold face: "What did you say in the letter? Hesitated and said it directly!"

(End of this chapter)

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