Chapter 737

"Back to the Commander, Zhou Jun said in the letter that our Hulao Pass has been breached, and now the main force of the Qinglong Army is approaching Chen Liu, and our country is about to perish!" The voice of the general who reported the letter was a little trembling.

Obviously this news is too scary.

Bao Yuan was stunned for a moment.

"Hulao Pass has been breached?"

"how can that be?"

But just after finishing speaking, Bao Yuan felt like slapping herself.

For other countries, this may really be impossible.

But for Da Zhou, such things are a bit commonplace.

The Chuyue Kingdom did not know how many cities were breached by the Great Zhou.

The vast city of Xiangyang was also knocked open.

Although Hulao Pass is dangerous, it is not impossible.

If Hulao pass was breached, Chen Liu would be in danger.

Bao Yuan frowned suddenly, her face was extremely gloomy.

"No, why didn't the letter come from the capital?"

Bao Yuan became a little puzzled, and came in again at this time: "Marshal, the messenger we sent to the capital has not responded, and even the few masters we sent have lost the message. I will think that this is someone sent by Da Zhou. Cut off the road leading to the capital!"

This violent kite understood everything.

"Come here, let's find out if the Great Zhou army has increased its troops these days! If it is, then we have been surrounded."

Bao Yuan is not a fool, if Hulao pass is breached, then there is no point for him to defend Fengxu County.

Because there is still a route of soldiers and horses in Dazhou that can go to the capital.

So the capital will let him take the 15 soldiers and horses back to the capital.

Rather than meaningless consumption here.

The person who went to check soon came back and reported: "Commander, in the past few days, four big Zhou Jingwei reinforcements have come."

"It's over! We can't go away. The emperor of Zhou deliberately intercepted the news of the empire, just because he was afraid that we would leave early, and now he deliberately tells us the news, indicating that he has surrounded us and has the strength to eat us .” At this moment, Bao Yuan was a little lost.

It is said that the emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty was unparalleled in his literary and military strategies.

Now, it seems so.

This is not a king of ZTE, this is the sign of the founding king.

"General, Dazhou is the best at publicizing, and now the generals and soldiers in the city are panicked, and I'm afraid they don't have much fighting spirit."

A general reminded him worriedly.

Da Zhou would not be so kind to remind them.

The news of the loss of Hulao Pass brought great shock and shock to all the soldiers.

"Report! General, Da Zhou suddenly attacked the city, please go to the gate of the city!"

When Bao Yuan heard this, she immediately took her sword and came to the wall of the west city gate.

Outside, the troops and horses of the various ministries of the Great Zhou Dynasty began to approach Xu County with scriptures.

"Surrender without killing! Surrender without killing!"

All the troops of the Great Zhou shouted in unison, the sound was like thunder, deafening, and went straight to the sky.

The South Korean defenders in the city all changed color.

It's not because of how loud the voices of the soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty were, or how powerful their deterrent power was.

But this slogan.

"Marshal, the soldiers are starting to fear, are they getting timid?" the general said in a low voice.

Bao Yuan waved her hand and said: "Notice, prepare to fight, even if you die, you must defend Xu County, since you can't return to the capital, then bury Xu County.

The country is gone, can you return to your hometown if you are alive? "

Marshal, you are too pessimistic.

Will my Daehan really be wiped out?
Under the city, Ye Qing drew his sword and pointed, "Siege the city!"

The next moment, the flag was waved down.

The soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty stopped one after another.

Then the sling troops began to throw stone bullets towards the city.

A stone bomb fell down, shaking the city and its interior.

Countless Korean soldiers were directly smashed into meatloaf, or injured by flying debris flying in all directions.

The Han army in the city was terrified.

One after another, they scrambled to avoid it.

"Commander, Da Zhou's weapons are sharp, otherwise, you should go to the city to take refuge first."

The stone bullets fell one by one, and every time they fell, the hearts of everyone were shocked.

I was afraid that the next moment, they would hit the city gate and take them away.

Even the entry-level masters are all terrified.

This cannot be dealt with by humans.

Bao Yuan said: "No need, if I get crushed to death, it's God's will, as long as I don't die, I will stay here, and the soldiers of the Great Zhou will not want to attack!"

The generals only looked bitter when they heard this.

I am anxious.

You don't have to live violently, but what about us?

Big Korea is going to die.

Now it's not about being loyal to the Han family, but about the future of the family.

Once the country is broken, what will South Korea do.

In this great wave of change, what should we do?

Just when Bao Yuan was still sticking to it, sticking to it like a pole.

Many generals of the Korean army quietly entered the city.

In the city, many soldiers also gathered towards the north gate and the east.

Soon the north and east gates of Xu County were opened, and countless Korean soldiers flocked out of the city to escape.

"Report! Marshal, something is wrong. Generals Zhang and Yu opened the north gate and fled towards the capital!"

"Report! Marshal, something is wrong. General Hong and the others opened the east gate and fled in the direction of Chen Jun!"

Bao Yuan didn't even turn her head, she just closed her eyes.

The right hand was lifted slightly and swung back.

"Go down, everyone who wants to escape, go away, Da Zhou has long been prepared, no one can escape, Da Zhou's cavalry is not our Korean cavalry."

Powerless to stop, Bao Yuan didn't want to bother thinking about other things.

Ye Qing came prepared, and the net was ready.

The 15 army, if they stick to it, can still spend a day or two in the city, killing and wounding some Da Zhou soldiers.

If he goes out, he can only be the ghost under the knife of the cavalry of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

out of town!

The center of the attacking army.

"Your Majesty, a large number of Korean troops in the city fled from the north gate and the east gate."

The corner of Ye Qing's mouth slightly raised, "Order the right cavalry guard to enter the city from the east gate, and the other infantry to attack the west gate and eat up the remaining Han troops in the city!"

The Han army who escaped from the city didn't need to worry so much, they had their own middle cavalry guards and rear cavalry guards to deal with them.

Soon the right cavalry easily entered the city.

The generals of the Great Zhou Dynasty at Ximen also went to the city, set up a ladder and climbed down.

After fighting Han Jun for a few moments, Han Jun was defeated and entered the city.

Bao Yuan was hacked to death with an ax by Cheng Yaojin, who was besieging the city.

Those who surrendered to the Han army in the city surrendered, and those who were killed were killed.

Soon Xu County was breached.

After dark, the middle cavalry guards, rear cavalry guards and other infantry ambushing outside the city returned one after another.

"Your Majesty, our cavalry guards have captured [-] prisoners!"

"Your Majesty, our rear cavalry captured [-] prisoners!"

"Your Majesty, we...have captured ten thousand prisoners..."

"His Majesty……"


Chenliu City, the capital of South Korea.

In the palace, Han Ran looked haggard.

He and Shen Buhui were the only two people in the imperial study.

"Aiqing, I shouldn't have listened to you. If I had listened to you earlier, and hadn't become enemies with Da Zhou, and hadn't started a war, I, Korea, wouldn't have lost so badly!"

It wasn't until the Hulao Pass was lost that Han Ran discovered that the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty, only the new reformist forces like Shen Buhui were really useful to South Korea.

And conservative forces like Gong Zhongpeng will bring South Korea into ruin.

It's just that I found out a little late, so I can't help but sigh.

(End of this chapter)

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