Chapter 738 Shen Buhai persuades Han Ran
Shen Buhai said: "Your Majesty, it's too late, it's okay, I'm in a hurry to change in Korea now!"

Han Ran raised his head, his eyes were a little uncertain and suspicious: "Shen Buaiqing, you didn't lie to me, it's this time, how can you save Han Han?"

Shen Buhai explained: "Your Majesty, as far as I know, Da Zhou has no intention of attacking me, Chenliu, and Emperor Ye Qing of Da Zhou has no intention of destroying Korea."

"How is this possible? If Shen doesn't love Qing, Dazhou has already attacked Xingyang, and the cavalry can reach Chenliu County in one day!" Han Ran looked confused.

How obvious is Han Xin's intention.

An army of [-] to [-] is enough to reach the capital.

There's no reason to stop.

The capital of South Korea is simply at your fingertips.

Shen Buhai continued to explain: "Your Majesty Han Xin will not go east, because the Emperor of Zhou will not allow it.

This year, the pace of the eastern part of the Great Zhou was too fast. Not only did it conquer Dongchuan County and Yingchuan County in my Great Korea, but it also swallowed Nanyang County in Chuyue Kingdom, and completely stretched out its tentacles.

Their defensive pressure will increase in the future.

It is very necessary to recuperate, and has trained soldiers, otherwise it will be dragged down by the long logistics. "

"Great Zhou has the ability to destroy our Korea, but they don't yet have the ability to unify the world. Naturally, they will not rush eastward, otherwise our Korea will become a quagmire for Da Zhou, and then we will be subject to the Chuyue Kingdom and Wei's north-south attack.

Emperor Da Zhou is a smart man, so he will stop. "

Shen Buhai had thoroughly studied Ye Qing.

Knowing that Ye Qing has a plan for every step, and has careful deployment, strategies and tactics.

The current Da Zhou Yi Jing has expanded its territory by nearly twice.

The expansion is a bit severe, and it is extremely necessary to integrate the interior, recuperate and develop.

Blind militarism will only accelerate self-destruction.

Shen Buhai didn't think Ye Qing couldn't see this.

I don't even think that the young officials promoted by the new court of the Great Zhou Dynasty will not see this.

So Shen Buhai was very confident that Ye Qing would not start a war in the east this year.

Unless South Korea and Chuyue Kingdom take the initiative to provoke trouble, the war will continue.

Hearing this, Han Ran let go of most of his fears.

It's good if you don't attack Chen Liu.

This can give South Korea a certain amount of time to recover, and to raise and dispatch troops to defend the capital.

"Shen does not love Qing, in your opinion, what should we do next?" Han Ran asked again.

Shen Buhai thought for a while and said: "Your Majesty, it's time to send an envoy to contact Da Zhou, and if possible, reconcile if possible, even if it is to admit that Dongchuan County and Yingchuan County belong to Da Zhou.

As long as Dazhou can stop and stop the war, and we in South Korea will not give Dazhou an excuse to send troops in the future, then the western front will be stable. "

"And the Chuyue Kingdom has a huge national power, and it will soon be able to organize a large army. At that time, it will break up with Da Zhou. If we continue to fight, we in Korea can take the opportunity to reform and grow stronger."

Chuyue Kingdom is the biggest threat to Great Zhou.

With this big man on top, South Korea can develop wretchedly below.

Han Ran was still a little tangled, and asked again: "Will Dazhou be willing to settle this way? Chuyue Kingdom has paid money, food and compensation, and the prince has to go to Ye Zhen's tomb to apologize!"

Now South Korea is too poor to uncover the pot.

The treasury is empty.

Even if he had money, he didn't want to lose it.

Shen Buhai replied: "Your Majesty, we are different from Chuyue Kingdom, we don't need to spend a penny, and we don't need to send a grain of food."

"Because the Chuyue Kingdom murdered His Majesty Ye Zhen first, it is a great enemy. If you don't pay some price, not to mention His Majesty Ye Qing disagrees, even the people of Dazhou will not agree."

"And I, Korea, and Da Zhou still have a marriage relationship, so I can ask King Wucheng to intercede on my behalf, and Da Zhou will definitely agree!"

That's right, my younger sister is still Ye Zhen's concubine, and King Wucheng of the Great Zhou Dynasty is still my nephew.

South Korea and Dazhou have room for maneuver.

Regardless of Chuyue Kingdom, the emperor who killed other people directly and almost captured the city of Chang'an.

If I had changed myself, I wouldn't be able to swallow that breath.

"Okay, if that's the case, then I'll leave this matter to you, Shen Buaiqing, and the safety and future of the empire depend entirely on you." Han Ran finally let go of his heart, and solemnly ordered.

Shen Buhui bowed heavily, bowed and replied, "It's Your Majesty!"

Turning back straight, Han Ran saw that Shen Buhai hadn't left yet, and asked again: Is Aiqing still busy? "

"Your Majesty! The peace talks are easy, but if South Korea wants to get rid of the predicament, it has to come from itself. It's time for South Korea to reform. If it doesn't change, the country will really perish next time!" Shen Buhai said:
"Your Majesty, we must learn from the Great Zhou. The Great Zhou's reform will only make it as strong as it is today. If we follow suit, even if we can't become as strong as the Great Zhou, at least we can protect ourselves and not suffer humiliation from the ceded land."

Speaking of reform and innovation, Han Ran was a little tangled up.

This is not easy.

South Korea's conservative strength is so strong.

One who can't stretch out can't beat Gong Zhongpeng.

"Your Majesty, you can't hesitate about this matter, you need to be decisive. Dahan will die if he doesn't change. Think about His Majesty Ye Qing. After the reform and strengthening, the king lands in Siyi, and the military and government are all out of his hands. All officials can only listen to the cabinet honestly. , but can't stop the emperor's will." Shen Buhai described Ye Qing's unprecedented power to Han Ran.

Han Ran was really moved.

After pondering for a while, he said: "If you don't love Qing, the reform is feasible, but you should finalize the peace talks first, and take the time to write a memorial to me about the reform. After reading your detailed plan, we will discuss it in detail. !”|
"It's Your Majesty!" Shen Buhai knew Han Ran's character, and it was not easy to achieve such a result.

Not long after Shen Buhui left.

Then a messenger was brought into the palace.

As soon as he entered the imperial study, he cried and worshiped:
"Your Majesty, Lord Shangshu is dead, Xu County was captured by the Great Zhou, and Yingchuan tends to fall completely!"

"What? Bao Aiqing, he... oh!" Han Ran's face changed drastically, and he collapsed on the dragon chair in a daze.

15 troops are gone.

Great Korea is completely empty.

There is no power to stop Da Zhou Dongjin.

"Come on, hurry up! Go and inform Shen Buhai, let him go to negotiate peace with Da Zhou as soon as possible, without delay, without a moment's delay!"

"Come here, send orders, the Ministry of Rites, go directly to Dazhou as an envoy, and go to King Wucheng!"

Suddenly there was a panic in the palace.

Countless people went in and out of the palace, and went to various places in the city to spread the will.

Soon, the capital of South Korea, the country of rectification, also mourned and became chaotic.

Yingchuan's 40 troops are gone.

The soldiers and horses of the Great Zhou Dynasty can attack Chenliu County from the south to the north.

Dazhou is at stake.

The next day, all Koreans, regardless of whether they were ordinary people or children of aristocratic families, fled the city and ran eastward.

There is a large population migration in South Korea.

Of course, as Shen Buhai said, Han Xin stopped in Xingyang.

Ye Qing stopped in Xu County.

Han Jun sent three envoys to Chang'an to find King Wucheng.

Go all the way to Han Xin, hoping to stabilize Han Xin.

And Shen Buhui ran to Ye Qing himself, met Ye Qing, and discussed Han Zhou and important matters.

(End of this chapter)

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