I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 739? Guo Jia's Condition

Chapter 739 Guo Jia's Condition

"Foreign minister, Shen Buhai pays homage to His Majesty the Great Zhou Emperor."

Shen Buhui walked in and bowed to Ye Qing.

Ye Qing looked at Shen Buhai, seeing that he was neither humble nor overbearing, he nodded appreciatively.

"You don't have to be polite if you don't love Qing, sit down!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Ye Qing asked directly: "What's the matter with Shen Buaiqing?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, I am here on the order of His Majesty, I hope that Da Zhou and Da Korea will live in peace and live in harmony and friendship!" Shen Buhai also expressed his intentions bluntly.

With a smart person like Ye Qing, Emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the more he twisted around, the more he would suffer.

Just be straightforward.

Since you are here for peace talks, don't hide your face.

Ye Qing didn't speak, and Du Ruhui said, "Mr. Shenbu, my Da Zhou's troops are about to break through your capital city of South Korea. As long as the Han family is destroyed, Korea will belong to my Da Zhou. May I ask you to come at this time?" Isn't it too late to mention this!"

Shen Buhai replied: "It's not too late! It's just right!"

"Both Dazhou and South Korea need to rest now. If the fight continues, maybe His Majesty can attack Chenliu City, and maybe Dazhou can also capture more land in Korea, but I believe in the Lord more, Your Majesty will have to pay more, and Daeju can't digest my Korea, and will eventually sink into the mud, unable to concentrate on doing other things."

"With the truce at this time, we in South Korea can hand over Dongchuan and Yingchuan to Dazhou. Dazhou has not only gained practical benefits, but also gained a good reputation. It can be said to be a double gain of fame and fortune."

Others in the hall were talking about it.

It's not bad that South Korea is so knowledgeable.

Du Ruhui was dissatisfied, and said again: "Dongchuan and Yingchuan are the land of my Great Zhou, and my Great Zhou is not greedy. I just need to capture Chenliu and occupy your South Korean capital, and it may not happen." Get stuck in the mud."


Shen Buhai was really stunned.

There's nothing wrong with that.

Dazhou can wait until Chenliucheng is defeated before going on strike.

And now Da Zhou also has this condition and ability.

Conquering the capital of South Korea does not take much trouble.

"No, Chenliucheng is the capital of our country. The capital is destroyed and attacked. It is a matter of our face in Korea. There, we in Korea can only live with Dazhou. No matter how much territory Dazhou occupies in our country, our son The people have no way out, they can only fight to the death with Da Zhou." Shen Buhai said eloquently:

"Your South Korean army is inferior in combat, but the Koreans are not bloodless. If Dazhou really pushes me to that extent, Korea will attack us in groups, and I will not admit that Dazhou has done anything to our Korean land." encroachment."

This is also harsh.

There is also some truth to this.

The generals began to discuss again.

"It's not impossible for me, Da Zhou, to stop advancing troops!" Guo Jia suddenly stood up and said:
"Your Majesty, South Korea plotted against my Great Zhou officials and framed my Great Zhou's prince. South Korea must give a reasonable explanation for this matter!"

Shen Buhai said: "I don't know what explanation Mr. Guo wants!"

This kind of explanation is definitely not a verbal apology or pulling a few officials out to take the blame.

Shen Buhai is very clear that Da Zhou places too much emphasis on profit.

They don't talk about nonsense, and they won't stop without substantial benefits.

Guo Jia stretched out his right hand, twitched his fingers, and said, "Simple, after South Korea recognizes that Dongchuan County and Yingchuan County belong to Dazhou, they need to pay 500 million taels of silver and 200 million shi of grain!"

500 taels of silver.

200 million shi of grain.

You really think we are Chuyue Kingdom.

With such a large amount of money and food, South Korea must be poor enough to be a pair of pants.

The former South Korea may be able to take it out.

Now the treasury is so poor that it has no money.

After fighting in the east and fighting in the west, even the pensions of the soldiers could not be paid.

Shen Buhui shook his head directly and said: "Sorry Mr. Guo, I have no money or food in Korea, I can't afford to pay, and I won't pay. I really don't want to fight in Korea, but if Da Zhou still wants to fight, we will accompany you."

"I, Korea, have made preparations to move the capital, and the prince of our country has gone to Dongping Kingdom and set up the capital in Dongping County.

His Majesty the emperor of our country and a group of civil and military officials will stick to Chenliu. If the capital is breached, the prince will inherit the throne in Dongping County. At that time, the hatred of the country and the family will inspire our Korean soldiers and civilians to fight to the end with Da Zhou. "

Looking at Shen Buhai, he looked righteous and impassioned.

Guo Jia smiled and said: "It seems that South Korea has people like your Excellency, which is really a blessing for South Korea. It doesn't matter if you don't pay money or food, as long as you agree to one condition of Dazhou, we can also strike a truce!"

Shen Buhui breathed a sigh of relief, sure enough Da Zhou was willing to negotiate peace.

There is no need to pay for money and food.

So his tone softened a lot, and he asked, "What conditions does Mr. Guo have?"

Guo Jiadao: "It's very simple, Mr. Shen Bu entered our Great Zhou, for our people and officials of our Great Zhou, and he will no longer be Han Chen."

"What?" Shen Buhai was startled.

The others were also taken aback.

What's the meaning.

Guo Jia wants to stay behind.

Digged from Korea.

"This..." Shen Buhai came back to his senses, although there was an accident, he never thought of voting for Da Zhou.

Food for the king, loyalty to the king.

Guo Jia said in a cold voice: "Mr. Shen Bu thought it was better to answer, if you don't agree, then I don't need to negotiate peace with South Korea in Dazhou, so let's continue fighting, anyway, Chuyue Kingdom and Dazhou have peace talks with us.

Wei Guo also didn't say anything.

I have no enemies in the southwest of Dazhou, and the northern Turks ran far away.

The western barbarians also sent their own envoys to the DPRK. My Dazhou is now an enemy in South Korea. We are not afraid of fighting or delaying! "

Cheng Yaojin stood up and shouted: "That's right, my Da Zhou has never been afraid of other countries. Whether it is beating or procrastinating, my Da Zhou will accompany you at any time!"

Ye Qing didn't say a word the whole time.

Just quietly watched Shen Buhai.

According to Jin Yiwei's report.

Shen Buhui is a reformist in South Korea, who advocates reform and reform to strengthen himself.

I want Korea to learn from Dae Joo.

And he is also one of the few far-sighted Korean ministers.

Such people cannot be obtained, nor can they be left to South Korea.

Putting it back is the help of South Korea and the resistance of Dazhou.

Guo Jia has a clever mind and understands this directly.

Since it is impossible to clearly kill and not harm, it is better to ask for it, even if it is not harmful and not loyal to Da Zhou.

Nor can it be released to become the enemy of Da Zhou.

Shen Buhai was also thinking about Guo Jia's intentions.

Guo Jia's move is really too vicious.

Shen Buhui didn't want to be used by Da Zhou, and he still had many suggestions that he didn't mention to Han Ran.

It has yet to implement its own reforms in South Korea.

If you leave Korea by yourself.

He believed that there was no second person for Han Ran to carry out reforms.

Moreover, the old forces represented by Gong Zhongpeng and others will definitely prevent South Korea's reform.

But disagree, this peace talk may really be useless.

At that time, South Korea will also blame him.

Gong Zhongpeng and others will frame him even more.

"Forget it, Your Majesty can think highly of foreign ministers, foreign ministers are willing to stay!" Finally Shen Buhai agreed.

For the sake of greater Korea, he decided to bear the burden of humiliation.

(End of this chapter)

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