Chapter 740 The expansion of the army with the end of the Korean War

Anyway, when it comes to Dazhou, it doesn't mean that we can't continue to contribute to South Korea.

When he entered the Great Zhou Dynasty, he further learned from the reform experience of Zhou Xian, and quietly wrote a memorial to Han Ran to contribute to South Korea's reform.

"Very good, since Shen Buaiqing is so determined, let Shenbuaiqing draft the document of reconciliation and armistice between the two countries, in duplicate, each country will keep one copy, and stamp it with the imperial seals of the emperors of the two countries!" Ye Qing said loudly He directly threw the matter to Shen Buhai.

But Zhang Yi will naturally send officials from the Ministry of Rites to conduct the verification.

Soon the news came back to Chen Liu.

We must know that Dazhou stopped advancing troops and is willing to talk together.

Only then did the people of South Korea calm down from their panic.

"What? Emperor Da Zhou left Shen Buhai behind, what does Ye Qing want to do?" Han Ran looked confused.

Why did my important minister suddenly become Zhou Chen?

To serve Da Zhou, to be loyal to Ye Qing.

It is agreed to help me reform Korea, and it is agreed to enhance the strength of Korea.

Everything that was promised has changed.

"Return to Your Majesty, Da Zhou said that if Mr. Shen Bu does not stay in Da Zhou, there will be no peace talks." The visitor handed over a letter and said:
"Your Majesty, this is a letter from Master Shen to Your Majesty."

"Submit it quickly!" Han Ran said urgently.

I took the letter quickly, and after opening it, I looked at it carefully line by line.

"Shen Buhai has been wronged for my big Korea, I am sorry for him!"

Han Ran was feeling emotional when a eunuch reported in front of the palace gate: "Your Majesty, Lord Situ is asking to see you!"

Gong Zhongpeng, what is he doing?
Han Ran waved his hand to signal everyone to go down.

Soon Gong Zhongpeng came in.

"What's the matter with Gongzhong Aiqing entering the palace so late?"

Gong Zhongpeng said: "Your Majesty, I heard that Da Han wants to reconcile with Da Zhou, and also give up Dongchuan and Yingchuan to Da Zhou!"

It's not like a question, it's like a question.

Han Ran was a little displeased.

Adjusting his posture, he said, "It's true. What's the matter? It's a good thing for the two countries to reconcile and stop the war. Why does Gongzhong Aiqing seem unhappy!"

Gong Zhongpeng sighed with regret on his face: "Your Majesty is confused, such a big event, how can you let it go without causing harm, once the jade seal is stamped, Dongchuan and Yingchuan will no longer be the territory of our big Korea.

Even if we in South Korea want to seize these two counties in the future, it will be an invasion of Dazhou.

Rather than recovery, it is inconsistent with legal principles and righteousness. "

Gong Zhongpeng almost pointed at Han Ran's nose and yelled at him, Sun Mai Yetian didn't feel sorry for such words.

But the meaning is about the same.

Han Ran's face turned cold, and he was about to have a seizure.

Who is the king of Korea?

It's you or me.

What qualifications do you have to teach me.

Zhenhui didn't know that after signing this agreement, Daehan lost two important counties.

I just have the heart to lose these two counties and expose the capital to the soldiers of the Great Zhou at all times.

No, I am more heartbroken than any of you, and I am more stressed than anyone else.

"Then what should I do according to Aiqing's words?"

Gong Zhongpeng said: "Your Majesty, we can't sign an armistice document, let alone put a jade seal on it. We just need to move the capital and show our attitude. Naturally, Dazhou dare not continue to attack the hinterland of Korea.

As Baiguan said, Da Zhou needs to recuperate now, they dare not fight anymore! "

"This is Aiqing's opinion, hehe, Aiqing, you said that after we moved the capital, what ability do we have to fight against Da Zhou? If we take a step back, if Da Zhou continues to advance eastward, it will lengthen the front line.

But you must also understand that South Korea has no money, no food, no soldiers, so what to fight with! "Han Ran's heavy slap on the dragon case:
"Now the Donghai Kingdom is mobilizing troops against the Eastern Qi Kingdom according to the scriptures, and the Eastern Qi Kingdom is retreating steadily, and there is a possibility of withdrawing from Langya County. Before long, the Donghai Kingdom may come to seize the two counties of Donghai and Pengcheng. May I ask Dahan?" Situ, what can South Korea do to block the attack from the two countries?"


Gong Zhongpeng was dumbfounded by the question.

Great Korea is indeed at a critical moment.

If you want money, you have no money, and if you want food, you have no food.

There are not tens of thousands of regular troops left.

The East China Sea country began to stir up trouble in the east again.

"Okay! Aiqing, let's step down. That's it. After the truce, we in Korea will have time to reform, accumulate strength, and rejuvenate." Han Ran rubbed his temples, not wanting to talk to Gong Zhongpeng. , while waving his hand to signal him to back down.

Reform and strengthen!

The four words are extremely piercing.

A fierce light flashed in Gong Zhongpeng's eyes.

Immediately, the eyes became softer.

So numb.

The emperor must have been bewitched by Shen Buhai again.

This stretch is not harmful, and he never forgets to carry out his set of reforms.

It seems that I have to keep an eye on him, catch him, and kill him.

Gong Zhongpeng bowed and retreated.

The next day, the envoy of Dazhou arrived in the capital of South Korea.

Hand over the documents that stamped each other's jade seals.

This time, the war between Dazhou and South Korea came to an end, ending the not-so-long war.

South Korea officially recognized the legitimacy of Da Zhou's possession of Dongchuan and Yingchuan.

As soon as the news came out.

South Korea was in an uproar.

Even Wei Guo next door was surprised.

South Korea succumbed so quickly, and it took less than two months to fight.

South Korea ended in complete defeat.

The former Korean people in Dongchuan and Yingchuan counties looked disappointed and indignant.

In this way, they were sold to Da Zhou by Han Huang.

Since then, he has become a Zhou man.

Ye Qing directly appointed Du Ruhui to set up the Three-County Administrative Council in Luoyang to manage Hongnong, Dongchuan and Yingchuan near Luoyang.

"Decree! Add Han Xin as General Zhendong, increase the Qinglong Army to 50 regiments, [-] soldiers and horses, and set up a navy of [-]."

"Decree! Chang Yuchun is Han Xin's deputy, taking the post of deputy commander, stationed in Yingchuan."

"Decree! Lu Xun is Di Qing's deputy, and will take the post of deputy commander, and lead the original team to garrison Wancheng!"

"Decree! Add Di Qing as Zhennan General, increase the Suzaku Group to 50 regiments, [-] troops! [-] sailors!"

All of a sudden, the two armies expanded to [-] soldiers and horses.

To consolidate the three new counties.

The Eastern War is over.

Ye Qing returned to Chang'an with everyone and Jingwei.

When you come out of Wuguan.

When I came back, I walked through Hangu Pass from Luoyang and entered Guanzhong.

And no more horseback riding.

Because the railway track has been laid from Chang'an to Luoyang.

Although the power is still a horse, but the speed is not known how many times faster.

And it's smooth.

No bumpy feeling.

The former minister of the Ministry of Criminal Affairs of South Korea who accompanied him was stunned.

"Your Majesty, what is this thing that can make you sit on the carriage without bumping like walking on the ground?"

Since Shen Buhui was accepted, Ye Qing has been taking him with him.

Nothing was hidden from him.

If you accept it, you have the attitude to accept it.

Obviously, it doesn't make Shen Buhai feel disrespected.

But secretly, Jin Yiwei and others strictly monitored him and intercepted his correspondence with South Korea.

Check that there is no problem before releasing it.

Ye Qing said quite proudly: "This thing is called a rail, and it's all made of fine steel.

Using pulleys, you can easily move back and forth.

Immediately walking on the rails is not only labor-saving, but also smooth. "

"If you use this to transport materials, you can relay them to Luoyang in less than two days."

(End of this chapter)

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