Chapter 741
so smart!

In less than two days, the supplies from Chang'an can be sent to Luoyang.

This delivery capacity is too strong.

Shen Buhai has estimated that a horse can carry five to ten times more cargo on this kind of railroad track.

In other words, Dazhou's material delivery capacity is five to ten times that of other countries.

Once the war starts, the part of the Great Zhou can continue to supply supplies.

Guarantee the food and grass of the army.

At the same time, it can also send soldiers to the front line without rushing, which will not be so hard.

When the soldiers arrive at the place, they can immediately go into battle.

No wonder Da Zhou was able to go east and conquer Nanyang, Dongchuan, and Yingchuan.

Shinbuhai looked shocked.

Ye Qing said again: "This is just a horse-drawn carriage. In fact, I have a machine that can walk by itself in Dazhou. It travels faster on this kind of rail and can transport more goods."

And there are machines stronger than horse-drawn carts.

what is that?
Shen Buhai didn't doubt that Ye Qing would lie to him.

Because it's totally unnecessary.

Moreover, Dazhou's armaments are indeed developed, with too many strange skills and ingenuity.

When he arrived in Chang'an, Shen Buhai seemed puzzled when he saw the direction of black smoke continuously rising from the south.

Guo Jia, who was on the side, said, "That's the Nancheng County Industrial Zone, where many of my Dazhou's factories are located. It's a military restricted zone, and even if the North Korean and Chinese cabinets don't get approval, they can't enter."

No harm, nodded and wrote it down.

The word industrial zone is so fresh.

There are many new things in Dazhou, each of which is eye-opening and amazing.

Looking at the majestic Chang'an City, Shen Buhai suddenly understood why Da Zhou was so strong.

Look at other people's capitals.

It is five to ten times that of the Kanto countries.

Such a big country is really not possessed by ordinary countries.

And he also found that when he walked out of the track area, the roads he passed were all flat stone-milled roads.

The road is smooth, paved like one-piece stones, everywhere.

Wide and flat and clean.

Whether it is walking or running, it is very convenient.

Entering the city, the same is true inside the city.

Chang'an has a large population, now nearly 50, and there is a constant stream of people.

The layout of the city and the things for sale are even more abundant.

The people in Chang'an are full of happy smiles.

All of them are well dressed, their faces are not thin and yellow, they eat well, and their bodies are strong.

The children can go to school, and after school, they flock out of the school district, and then go home together, talking and laughing.

After living in Chang'an for ten days, I only visited a small part of the Chang'an area.

But it had a big impact on Shen Buhai.

There are special embassies in various countries in Dazhou.

There are ambassadors from various countries living in it all the year round.

There are countless countries, and there are ten in the southwest.

There are also ten or eight in the Northwest.

There are even Xianbei in the grassland, Dajin, Liao, and Goguryeo in the east.

So many countries have established diplomatic relations with Dazhou.

The most unacceptable thing for Shen Buhai is.

Dazhou, which was originally barren, turned out to be frighteningly high in grain production.

Everywhere is a bountiful harvest.

Crops like potatoes, corn, and sweet potatoes, which he has never heard of, are even more delicious and productive.

The people can get enough food and clothing by farming these.

There will be no shortage of food in Dazhou.

For this reason, new towns, straight roads, and cement bridges are being built all over Dazhou.

Mine mining.

The whole country is thriving and prosperous.

There is no war to stagnate economic development.

"Da Zhou, it's terrible! If you don't come here in person, who would know that Da Zhou, which was poor in the past, is now so rich, and you can't go through the Chuyue Kingdom!"

"By the way, the Great Zhou Emperor also built a reservoir outside the Qinling Mountains in the south, controlling the water of the two rivers, turning the barren land into fertile fields.

Turn waste into wealth and increase food production! "

"I heard that Yizhou is also building dikes to control the water in Yizhou. Once the water control and dams are successfully built, there will be millions of fertile fields.

Da Zhou has no worries about food at all, food can be eaten openly, and wars can be done all the time! "

After expressing emotion, stretching is not harmful, the more I think about it, the more confused I become, and I stopped writing the memorial to Han Ran quietly several times.

Finally crumpled up the paper and threw it into the trash can.

By the way, he almost forgot.

Papermaking was developed in Dazhou, and officials had inexhaustible supplies of office paper.

This makes Da Zhou's books extremely cheap.

Ordinary people can also sell books and read.

There is also a dictionary for those who are illiterate, so they can learn by themselves.

University talents can be cultivated through both official and non-governmental institutions.

"If the heart is there, the dream is there. Even if such a great week can be defeated for a while, it will never win. The world is worrying!"

Just when Shen Buhai was feeling emotional, Cao Zhengchun came.

"Mr. Shenbu, Your Majesty, please follow me into the palace!"


Shen Buhai followed Cao Zhengchun into the palace.

Only then did he realize that Chang'an in the Great Zhou Dynasty was very beautiful, with new clothes everywhere.

However, the palace seems to be old except for the grounds that have been repaired.

The emperor lived in the palace left by the emperors of the past dynasties.

Nothing fancy.

This made Shen Buhai's evaluation of Ye Qing a little higher.

It is really a blessing to have such an emperor in Dazhou.

If South Korea can have such an emperor, I don't know how good it would be.

"I will pay my respects to Your Majesty!"

After entering the imperial study room, Shen Buhai paid homage directly.

Ye Qingdao: "Shen Aiqing doesn't need to be too polite, I have been in Chang'an for ten days, how do you feel?"

Ye Qing stopped writing and closed the memorial.

Looking at Shen Buhai with a full smile.

Shen Buhai then shared his discovery.

God knows why he himself is telling the truth.

But that said.

Ye Qing smiled even more after listening.

"Then Aiqing, do you think there are any aspects that I, Da Zhou, are not good enough and need to be improved?" Ye Qing asked again.

Shen Buhai froze for a moment.

Areas for improvement?

So he thought for a while, and then said: "Your Majesty, everything is good in Dazhou, but the land is expanding too fast, and there are not enough people to enrich the new land.

Border defense is under a lot of pressure.

Da Zhou seems to be huge and strong, but he is more like a giant. Once he suffers a serious injury in any aspect, or makes a mistake, and sprains a foot, the giant will fall down. "

"Great Zhou needs at least ten years of development in one generation to make the population rich, and there are huge numbers of soldiers and civilians there.

There is no way in the world to compete with Zhou! "

Although Shen Buhai's heart is in Dahan, but in just a few days, he still thought about Dazhou.

It is well said, and it is still well-founded.

"What Aiqing said is reasonable. My Great Zhou has expanded a bit fast. The country has almost doubled in size, but the population has not doubled accordingly. This really restricts the development of my Great Zhou." Ye Qing said generously. admitted.

However, he changed the subject and said: "I can't wait for a generation to grow up, more than ten years is too long, I just fight for the day and night.

We live without someone, we rob without someone, we assimilate without me.

The people of the world belong to one family, and since they entered my Great Zhou, they are Zhou people, and they will not harm their orders..."

(End of this chapter)

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