I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 742 The steam engine is running

Chapter 742 The steam engine is running
"Extend Buhai to be the prefect of Anding County!"

Ye Qing looked at Shen Buhai with burning eyes.

Anding County, where is this again?

If I remember correctly, there is no Anding County in Dazhou.

He sent himself to the local government as an official.

What exactly does Ye Qing mean.

When you get to the place, it is not easier for you to get out of the control of the central government, and you can provide South Korea with intelligence and ideas.

Seeing that he was a little confused, Ye Qing explained: "Anding County is drawn from the western third of the original Beidi County, and this place is composed of the eastern Dog Rong land."

"Anding County is temporarily assigned to Liangzhou, and the White Tiger Group Army is also ordered to send troops to garrison Anding County to assist the Hexi Governor's Mansion in attacking the eastern dog army."

Anding County belongs to Liangzhou, which borders the governor of Hexi and the dog army in the east.

Belonging to the border county, serving as a prefect in this kind of place requires ability.

Regardless of government affairs, we must also pay more attention to military affairs.

It can be said that Shen Buhai is very challenging.

Although he was reused by Ye Qing, he was also tested by Ye Qing.

Doing things for Da Zhou, whether you can really try your best, depends on whether you can hurt yourself.

Sent to the border county in the northwest, wanting to contact South Korea, the difficulty has invisibly increased.

It is too domineering for Ye Qing to be able to become emperor step by step from an unpopular prince.

"Why does Aiqing seem dissatisfied!" Ye Qing suddenly said in a deep voice, with a bit of displeasure.

Shen Buhai replied: "Don't dare, I will do my best to build Anding County well."

"Okay, no problem. It's dangerous and difficult to go to the border county. If you have anything to do, you can report it to me directly. I will provide you with convenience." Ye Qing confessed:

"Don't have any scruples. Your family members can also be taken to Anding. They should have just entered Hulao Pass, and your family will be reunited soon!"

Shen Buhai's heart skipped a beat.

Good guy, his family has been brought to the big week.

How could Han Ran agree.

With the constraints of his family, he was imperceptibly trapped in Da Zhou.

Did something happen in Korea?

Shen Buhai kept guessing in his heart.

But he bowed back with a promise.

Soon after Shen Buhui left, Guo Jia and Li Ru entered the hall together!
"Your Majesty, what's the matter with calling us here?" Guo Jia asked first.

Ye Qingdao: "Now that the east is going to succeed, South Korea and Chuyue Kingdom are both defeated, so they have to sign an armistice agreement.

My Da Zhou can temporarily rest and recuperate without resorting to force.

However, there is news that Wei Guo went to contact Beishi, wanting to shake my Great Zhou East, Xihe and other places.

The Chuyue Kingdom has a channel to communicate with the Twelve Witches of the Western Man, and also wants to use the Twelve Witches to disturb our three counties in Bazhou. "

What a state of Wei, without saying a word, it turned out to be this idea.

I also want to pry Beishi, my ally of Da Zhou.

Chuyue Kingdom was even worse.

I want to use the Twelve Witches of the Western Man to attack my Dazhou Bazhou idea.

Li Ru was astonished.

The Son of Heaven still has a channel for news, and Jin Yiwei did not return any of these things.

He is also ignorant.

It seems that we need to strengthen and improve Jin Yiwei.

Such important news cannot be missed all the time.

It seemed that Jin Yiwei was very incompetent.

"No matter what Beishi has discussed with Wei Guomi, judging from the current situation, Beishi hasn't dared to mess around in the past two years, and still needs me, Da Zhou. After all, Bei Shi's source of income is my Da Zhou. My Great Zhou business has penetrated into every aspect of Beishi, as long as the Beishi Zhao family still wants to develop Beishi and defeat Xianbei, they still have to rely on us."

Ye Qingdao: "So our focus is on the Twelve Wu Kingdoms of the Western Man, the Great Wu Mountain of the Western Man is because of its special geographical location and complex ethnic groups.

Ordinary Jinyiwei can't spy in at all, they can only wander around the outside of the mountain, and it is very dangerous.

So I'm going to take someone on a trip in person. "

"Your Majesty, is it too dangerous for you to go in person? The West Barbarian land is complicated and mysterious, full of dangers. Once..." Guo Jia was a little worried.

However, Ye Qing waved his hand and said: "It's okay, in the West Barbarian land, witchcraft and exorcising corpses are the only popular techniques. I'm of this rank. If I go here, I'd like to bring more sixth-rank and fifth-rank realms."

Ye Qing has the strength of the seventh rank, and he can't go anywhere in the world.

There are quite a few masters in Dazhou now.

Just the ones summoned include Zhang Sanfeng, Li Xunhuan, Zhuge Zhengwo, Qiao Feng, Jiushu, Nie Gai, Guo Jing, Hong Qigong, Yuhuatian, Ding Chunqiu, Dongfang Bubai, Shi Potian, etc. master.

Throwing away Yuhuatian, Dongfang Bubai cannot be transferred back, and everyone else can be transferred back to Chang'an.

What's more, there are masters from the four major sects of Xiaolongmen, Tumen Town, Qishan Pavilion, and Meimen.

Da Zhou is not weak.

It takes time to mobilize masters, and it also requires some special talents to be called back to act in a convenient way.

Ye Qing took advantage of this time to govern the country well in Chang'an.

With the technical data on mining and oil pumping, the mining of various mineral deposits in Dazhou is also more convenient.

Mining volume is also increasing day by day.

In particular, oil extraction is carried out in large quantities.

Moreover, the prospecting team of Dazhou is still digging for a full Dazhou.

"Your Majesty, on the east side of the river, a steam train was put into trial operation. Ou Yezi succeeded. The speed of the steam train reached [-] knots, which is very fast."

"Very well, let the east side run the train continuously for 24 hours until something breaks down.

Tell Ou Yezi that if you think there is no major problem, you can make a real finished product based on this sample, labeled as the first generation steam train, and it can operate on the railway tracks in Hedong. "

"That's right! We mobilized the people and began to build the railway tracks from Luoyang to Hulao Pass and to Xuanmen Pass."

"Conditionally, a railway track will be built from Shangjun to Chang'an to facilitate the transportation of oil, and then return to transport materials to the north!"

The successful invention of the steam engine is undoubtedly a major event.

From then on, Dazhou will enter the era of steam engines.

Many aspects can be transformed by relying on the steam engine.

The shortcomings of Dazhou with fewer people and more land can be supplemented and improved.


Dongba County, Bazhou, Jiangling City.

Ye Qing gathered here with a group of masters.

Zhang Sanfeng, Qiao Feng, Jiu Shu, Nie Gai, Hong Qigong, Ding Chunqiu, Yuan Tiangang and Hua Bei accompanied him on this trip.

Including Ye Qing, there are nine people in total.

It is actually the lineup of the strongest heavenly group in the Great Zhou Dynasty. Except for Jiu Shu and the fifth rank, Yuan Tiangang is all above the sixth rank.

"set off!"

Nine people stood in the teleportation array.

The teleportation array lit up with colorful light.

After the dazzling extreme operation.

The next moment, Ye Qingjiu and the others appeared in a strange place.

Wuxi City!
Four Barbarians and Twelve Wu Kingdoms, Wuxi City of Xi Wu Kingdom.

The teleportation array is nothing special.

After walking out of the teleportation array, he passed the ladder and came to a door.

It was only then that everyone discovered that it was special.

There is a large picture carved in front of the door.

In the picture, a great witch king dressed by a Western barbarian is surrounded by nine specific corpses.

These corpses were all dressed in golden coats, and each of them seemed to be distinguished and powerful.

"Your Majesty, judging from this picture, this painting is not the great witch king of the Xiwu, but the supreme commander of the western barbarians. He has unified the Great Wu Mountain and has nine powerful golden witch warriors." Yuan Tiangang guessed.

(End of this chapter)

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