I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 743 ? ? Gold Rank Witch Warrior

Chapter 743: Gold Rank Witch Warrior
Commander of the Four Barbarians.

It turns out that having nine gold-level Wu Zhanshi is equivalent to having nine supreme-level helpers.

It is indeed powerful.

It can unify Dawu Mountain.

Such strength is one of the few in the entire East.

Everyone can't help sighing.

It's a pity that the Westman people don't have an official text, and they are basically internal secrets, and they are never publicized to the outside world. No one knows the history of the Westman people.

And it's just a picture.

Whether it is true or not is hard to say.

Maybe it's the story of people's admiration and yearning.

"Quiet, there seems to be a sound outside!" Uncle Jiu's ears moved slightly, and moved a few times.

Everyone also held their breath.

Listen carefully.

He heard footsteps approaching.

Then came the voice of discussion.

Chirping, slurred speech.

In other words, they could not understand the language, and they spoke the vernacular of the Western barbarians.

Everyone in Dazhou looked at each other in blank dismay.

No one can hear what the people outside are talking about?
Only then did Ye Qing realize that they were still missing one thing.

no translation.

Did not understand the words of the barbarians.

Even if you want to ask a question after capturing a prisoner, you can't do it.

Not to mention normal communication.

Soon the footsteps went away.

Only then did Ye Qing gesture to Yuan Tiangang a few times.

Yuan Tiangang drew out his mahogany sword and squeezed two pieces of yellow paper.

Then rub it on the mahogany sword body.

Instantly a fire burst out.

Yuan Tiangang waved the mahogany sword, and then the fire flew left and right last time, and did not go out.

Suddenly the fire settled down four inches from the corner of the right wall.

There was light in Yuan Tiangang's eyes, and the mahogany sword was sent out, hitting the fire ball lightly.

The next moment, the stone door engraved with murals moved slowly.

There is darkness in front of my eyes, and there seems to be a void below.

The cold wind hits, making people shudder.

"This is……"

When everyone saw the situation outside, they couldn't help being a little surprised.

It turned out to be empty.

Didn't you hear some Western barbarians talking about it just now?

How can this empty abyss be able to stand up.

"I come!"

Uncle Jiu, dressed in the clothes of the Republic of China, grabbed a handful of cinnabar, read a few words, and sprinkled it out.

Then he bit his index finger and touched his forehead with pure Yang blood.

Then the four talismans came out in his hand.

I made a few gestures, and then posted one on the left and right walls of the exit.

The other two were thrown out directly.

The talisman suddenly turned into a ball of fire in mid-air.

"Maoshan Patriarch, Sky Lingling, Earth Lingling, open!"

Following Uncle Jiu's loud shout.

The next moment, the void in front of his eyes changed.

The cold air also dissipated.

Even Yuan Tiangang took out a talisman and put it on his eyes.

"This is... the corridor going down. It looks very deep. There are traps on the left, right and top, covered with sharp metal objects, and the walls are full of disgusting venom."

"It seems that the teleportation array is installed in a dungeon in the city, but it's a claustrophobic place!"

Uncle Jiu shook his head and said, "Not necessarily, this may be a place for raising corpses, we have come directly to the enemy's heart."


There is a place in the west to train witch fighters.

Everyone exchanged glances with each other.

Ye Qing said:
"Exiting this way, the exit stone gate happened to be on the stairs. If you were not careful, you stepped on the ground and rolled directly to the feet of the wizard warrior. This is too coincidental!"

Ye Qing couldn't figure out why the exit was here.

Whether it was done on purpose or a coincidence.

"Your Majesty, should we go up or go down for a turn!" Uncle Jiu asked.

Ye Qing pondered for a moment, then asked: "Can you subdue or destroy the witch fighters?"

Uncle Jiu replied: "Your Majesty, no matter whether he is a witch warrior or a zombie, he is still a corpse. As long as he is a corpse, it all conforms to that set of rules."

"Then go down and have a look at the Witch Warriors first. I believe that in this kind of place, even the big witches of Xiwu can't stay there forever. They must enjoy life in the city above. It's just that we can slowly study the Witch Warriors." Ye Qing pointed to the downward staircase.

Uncle Jiu was in front, Nie Gai was behind, Ye Qing and Hua Bei were in the middle.

Yuan Tiangang and Qiao Feng are the empresses.

After everyone came out, the stone pass was closed. If you didn't know it, you wouldn't be able to tell that there was a door leading to another world.

Going down, it is even darker, and you can't see the slightest light.

There is more goo on the walls on both sides.

The smell is stronger and disgusting to the extreme.

Fortunately, everyone has a strong inner strength, which can block the six senses.

At the same time, it can also rely on small changes in airflow to explore the way.

After walking a long distance, there was a light ahead.

It was very faint and dim, and there were familiar voices of discussion.

It was the two voices heard in front of the stone gate.

The nine people suddenly became vigilant, and there was an extra movement in their hands.

It's finally over.

A flat hall, very spacious and clean.


The two Xi witches guarding here are not ordinary people.

At the same time, he is a master of Xiwu.

Immediately noticed the strangeness at the entrance of the hall.

Immediately, the affordable vocabulary that Ye Qing and others could not understand was issued.

Then the two took out their weapons and attacked them.

But they come fast.

The one who was knocked out was also fast.

Nie Gai and Ding Chunqiu took the lead and directly injured them seriously.

A seventh-rank and a sixth-rank.

Unless the masters of these two stream witches reached the fifth rank, or brought their own witch warriors, they would not even have a chance to struggle.

When Nie Gai and Ding Chunqiu wanted to capture this talented person alive for interrogation, they rushed back together.

There was a bang, and he was killed on the spot.

Blood flowed all over the body of the hit object.

Suddenly Uncle Jiu shouted: "Be careful, it's a witch warrior."

Nie Gai and Ding Chunqiu stopped their steps and took a step back.

Nie Gai drew his sword.

Ding Chunqiu used his energy to lift his qi, and closed his palms into fists.

In the dark opposite, two pairs of blue eyes revived.

The ground trembled, and then two corpses in khaki rust armor walked forward.

While walking, he ate the corpses of two masters of the Xi Wu tribe.

"This... sorcerer can act on his own?" Hong Qigong was shocked.

Uncle Jiu said: "Zombies can also act on their own, and they still retain a certain amount of wisdom in their bodies, but their sanity is incomplete, and their three souls and seven souls are all missing, so sometimes the attack has no target."

"It should be these two masters of the Xiwu clan who sacrificed their blood souls just now, which awakened these two witch warriors."

While speaking, two witch warriors had already charged towards Nie Gai and Ding Chunqiu.

Two people and two corpses, fighting into a ball.

The witch warrior, whose body is like steel, is hard and does not know pain.

Incomparably brutal, only the instinct to kill.

Nie Gai and Ding Chunqiu fought against him, but they were unable to defeat him.

Can only fight.

"I'm afraid this is a gold-level witch warrior. Their strength is comparable to that of the sixth rank. In addition, they have no soul, no soul, immortality, and their strength can be comparable to the seventh rank."

"I'll go meet them!"

Zhang Sanfeng didn't believe in evil, he jumped up, with Wudang swordsmanship, ten thousand swords formed in the air, and then shot towards the witch warrior who was fighting Ding Chunqiu like rain.

(End of this chapter)

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