Chapter 744

Like metal hitting each other, there was a flash of sparks.

The sorcerer was sent flying and hit the wall behind him.

Ding Chunqiu was overjoyed, he thought that Zhang Sanfeng had killed the Wu warrior with the Tai Chi sword.

Unexpectedly, at the next moment, Warrior Wu would bounce off the ground and stand up again.

He tilted his neck, and then flew towards Zhang Sanfeng with a chill in his face.

Zhang Sanfeng closed his pupils, turned around and swung his sword. With the help of a Tai Chi move, he guided the flying witch warrior to turn from the other side and hit the original ground.


With another sound, the wizard warrior slammed into the wall heavily.

The stone fell, and the warrior Wu just had his head knocked flat.

The fighting strength has not been lost, and the eyes that are shining with a faint blue air are even more eerie.

"Not dead yet!"

"Look at my transformation skills."

Ding Chunqiu and Zhang Sanfeng rushed forward at the same time, and shot at the warrior Wu who had just stood up.

But witch warriors are not human beings.

Without the normal loss of flesh and blood, there are six senses.

Using Huagong Dafa, it has no effect at all.

Instead, he was hit hard by the witch warrior.

Ding Chunqiu flew upside down and fell in front of Ye Qing and the others.

"It seems that this witch warrior is not easy to kill!" Qiao Feng stood up in front of him, with his hands in a gesture, ready to lift them up at any time.

Ye Qing looked at Uncle Jiu and Yuan Tiangang.

Uncle Jiu said: "It's not that it's not easy to kill, it's just that we haven't found the right method. Whether it's a zombie, a walking corpse, Yi or this witch warrior, there are things that can restrain them."

Yuan Tiangang said: "Then use my Taoist Zhuxian Formation, all demons and monsters will be blasted to pieces!"

After speaking, Yuan Tiangang drew his mahogany sword.

Pull the left hand to the belt.

Countless yellow talismans flew out.

Then form a large square talisman in front of Yuan Tiangang's eyes.

Yuan Tiangang bit the tip of his tongue, and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

Countless drops of blood stained all the talismans.

Then Yuan Tiangang used a mahogany sword to draw a symbol on this temporary large talisman.

Only then did he sweep the sword.

All the yellow talismans flew out and scattered around the entire hall.

On the walls, on the dome.

In the end, Yuan Tiangang took out a yellow flag from his cloth bag.

Then he jumped out, avoiding the fighting witch warriors, and planted yellow flags all over the hall.

Finally, he returned to Ye Qing and the others.

"The fighters are all arrayed in front..."

After Yuan Tiangang finished reading, the mahogany sword stabbed into the ground.

The power of the original wooden sword was greatly increased, piercing through the stone ground directly.

The cracks stretched all the way to the places where the yellow talismans and yellow flags were located.

Then connect all the points in series.


After a short drink, Yuan Tiangang reached out to grab it in the bag.

A piece of cinnabar fell on the place of the mahogany sword.

The cinnabar hair flowed into the cracks like blood, and spread everywhere along the lines.

When all the dots have cinnabar, all the yellow talismans and yellow flags are shining with golden light.

The golden light and the blood-red cinnabar on the lines complement each other, forming magic circles.

Enclose the entire hall.


With another shout, Yuan Tiangang held the mahogany sword in his hand, and then turned it lightly.

The next moment, a huge pressure from all around rushed towards the middle.

Zhang Sanfeng, Ding Chunqiu and Nie Gai all struck hard, knocking the two witch fighters into the air.

Then quickly retreated to Ye Qing and the others.

Two witch warriors wanted to chase after him.

But ran into the air, and then was restrained.

I couldn't move, I was suspended in the air.


Without any hesitation, Yuan Tiangang pressed down the mahogany sword in his hand, intending to use the Zhuxian Formation to kill the two witch warriors.

But at this time, he found that the sword could not be pressed down.

"Not good, the energy is insufficient, the vitality here is too thin, and the Yin Qi is too heavy!" Yuan Tiangang's face changed abruptly.

The two wizard warriors who were suspended in the air finally heard a lion's roar and began to break free.

Ye Qing hurriedly said: "Master Hua!"


Hua Bei is about to throw his eight hexagrams away.

"Gathering array!"

With a few hand gestures unique to Qishan Pavilion, Hua Bei also muttered words.

At this time, everyone could only feel the warm wind blowing down from the aisle.

In an instant, the Yin Qi in the hall was washed away.

You can clearly feel the vitality around you increase.

There are more external energies that can be mobilized.

The sorcerer, who was hanging in the air and was about to fall to the ground, was suddenly restrained by Neng Da's energy.

Then the surrounding yellow flags and yellow talismans turned into golden and red knives.


"Boom boom boom..."

There was a sound like a thunderbolt with countless sparks.

Finally, the red on the ground and the gold on the wall disappeared.

The hall went dark for an instant.

"Is he dead?" Hong Qigong asked.

Everyone looked at him in unison.

Witch warriors are inherently dead, so why is there a question of life and death.

Hua Bei said: "I can't feel their existence anymore, and I have lost the pressure of energy."

Uncle Jiu, throw out a talisman.

I saw two piles of ash-like objects piled up where they were just now.

Where are the tyrannical witch warriors.

Was blasted into ashes.


Ye Qing walked forward and swept the Overlord Coiling Dragon Spear in his hand.

Dust flew up from the ground and crashed into the opposite wall one after another.

"Not good! Someone has come down!" Hua Bei's face changed and he reminded.

It turned out that when they came down, Hua Bei had already placed a hexagram for detectives in the passage leading to the ground.

The ground passage has been monitored.

"Go, go up, we will meet the people of Xi Wu."

Putting away the gun, Ye Qing glanced around, there was nothing worth exploring below.

So a man started to walk up.

The upper exit of the channel.

Countless masters of the Xiwu guarded here, and no one dared to leave.

The vibration from the ground just now has let them know that a big change has taken place below.

But before the big witch came, they dared not go down.

There are two gold-level witch warriors of the great witch inside.

None of them are the opponents of the witch fighters.

Going in is mostly to feed the witch fighters.

"Pfft!" The big witch who just arrived suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood.

His face was pale and bloodless.

Eyes full of astonishment.

There is also strong suspicion.

"how can that be?"

"My witch warrior, lost contact!"

"It's gone? It's gone! It's gone..."

Only when the witch warrior is completely destroyed, will he suffer backlash.

This is a sequela of the Western Barbarians raising witch warriors.

Witch warriors are good and good comrades-in-arms, but they also have shortcomings.

"Wang, do you want to go down now?"

All the subordinates looked at the great witch king, and it was the first time they saw the great witch king vomit blood.

This is obviously the cause of backlash.

Gold-level witch fighters will not only vomit blood, but their own strength will also be affected, and will generally weaken and decline.

"No need, the enemy is already coming up, do a good job..."

The Great Witch King of Xi Wu took a step back.

A flute was drawn from his waist.

Put it between your mouth and blow gently.

The next moment, four witch fighters flew out from all around.

These four are not gold-rated, but two silver and two bronze.

Seeing this, the others also took out their tools for summoning witch warriors and summoned their own witch warriors.

(End of this chapter)

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