Chapter 746

"This is!"

The Great Witch King of Xiwu hastily waved the incoming black shadow away.

And the hands are hard and have no body temperature.

The Great Witch King of Xiwu was terrified.

This is his silver-ranked wizard warrior.

And other people's witch warriors.

These are all ruined witch warriors.

The Great Witch King of Xiwu flew back and stood on a rockery, condescending.

Only then did he discover that it was a gray-haired middle-aged man who controlled his witch warriors.

He didn't keep the corpse, wasn't connected to it.

How to control these ruined witch warriors.

The Great Witch King of Xiwu was amazed and curious.

His strong desire to explore made him wish he could capture Uncle Jiu immediately.

"Who are you?"

The Great Witch King of Xiwu suppressed his murderous intentions, but instead asked patiently.

"Da Zhou Jiu Shu!" Jiu Shu replied directly.

"Since you are from Zhou, why do you know my Ximan exorcism technique!"

In fact, this question is a bit silly.

The Great Witch King of Xiwu could tell that Uncle Jiu's technique of exorcising corpses was different from theirs.

There is no need to lay Gu worms, no need to cultivate, and there will be no backlash.

This method is more subtle and more suitable for driving witch warriors. Even if witch warriors are disabled, they can still fight.

"Absurd, are you Western barbarians only allowed to manipulate corpses?" Uncle Jiu scolded coldly:

"It's disrespectful to the dead to ruin and splash the corpses like you. Over time, if you lose your virtue, you will get retribution. Today, on behalf of the gods, I will destroy all your evil ways!"

"Hahaha, it's up to you." The eyes of the Great Witch King of Xiwu focused, and he shot towards Uncle Jiu like a knife.


With that said, he rushed over again.

Uncle Jiu put his index finger and middle finger together, and then pointed at the damaged wizard warriors.

Then he swiped in an arc, pointing at the flying stream witch king.

Those witch fighters rushed towards the big witch king of Xiwu one after another.


The Great Witch King of Xiwu waved the weapon in his hand and blasted the flying witch fighters away.

The strength of these war-damaged witch warriors is naturally damaged, and they are not as flexible as before.

Is it his opponent.

They were all blasted away.

It was about to kill Jiu Shu and the other three.

The sudden change occurred again.

His body fell down uncontrollably.

The three of Uncle Jiu spread out to the left and right.


This one smashed the Xi Wu Da Wu King into a mess.

He wanted to get up, but there seemed to be some suction on the ground, binding him tightly.

"What did you do?"

The Great Witch King of Xiwu began to feel a little scared.

His majestic sixth-grade supreme being was pressed and rubbed on the ground like an ordinary person.

"Offended, in front of my Qishan Pavilion, no matter what kind of expert you are, you have to be obedient!" Hua Bei walked over, drew his sword, and lay it on the neck of the Great Witch King of Xiwu.

"I haven't finished hearing about Qishan Pavilion, what kind of sorcery are you using?" The Great Witch King of Xiwu turned his face away, looking facelessly at Hua Bei.

In this wave, he was carried and killed.

This middle-aged man who is harmless to humans and animals is actually a sixth-rank supreme being.

The Great Zhou Empire didn't talk about martial arts too much.

Send out five sixth-rank, two seventh-rank, and two below sixth-rank.

I don't know when I was tricked.

What made him even more desperate was the screams that kept coming from behind him.

The masters of Xiwu were killed by Ye Qing and Gai Nie one after another.

No one survived, all died in battle.

Their sorcerers were also destroyed.

In the end, only the Great Witch King of Xi Wu was left.

"The Great Witch King of the River Witch! How do you feel?"

Ye Qing retracted his gun and walked slowly.

Gai Nie, Qiao Feng and others also gathered together.

Da Zhou dispatched so many strong men, and wiped out the masters of Xiwu Kingdom in one go.

Capture the Great Witch King alive.

The Great Witch King of Xiwu said dejectedly, "What do you want?"

The great witch king of Tangtangxi was actually able to be imprisoned.

"I haven't thought about it yet. Originally, it would be easier to kill you with one sword. Now that I'm saving your dog's life, what do you think I want?"

A sword suddenly appeared in Ye Qing's hand.

It really frightened Xi Wu Da Wu Wang.

What kind of magic is this.

Creation out of thin air.

The Great Witch King of Xi Wu was stunned.

What kind of people are there this week.

"That...Your Excellency, you'd better let me go, otherwise you will become an enemy of Xiwu Kingdom, and even Da Zhou can't keep you!"

Perhaps he felt that a single Xiwu was not enough to deter him, so the Dawu King of Xiwu stirred his throat, and then said: "Although many masters in our country have been killed by you, but my Dawushan has twelve kingdoms, you offended me It doesn't matter to the Xi Wu Kingdom, but if you kill this king, you will offend the entire Great Wu Mountain, and experts from the other eleven countries will gather to surround and kill you."

"I'm not scaremongering, but the entire Great Wu Mountain does not allow the existence of aliens. We Western barbarians are very xenophobic..."

Before the Great Witch King of Xiwu could finish speaking, Ye Qing's sword moved an inch closer.

The Great Witch King of Xi Wu stopped his voice immediately.

Ye Qing looked down and said with a sneer: "I am worried about how to eliminate all the masters of your Dawu Mountain. Your suggestion is good. If you kill you, the masters from the other eleven countries will come. I just need to wait for them to come to your door in your Xiwu country." up.

Simply perfect advice. "

You bastard, you still want to destroy our Dawu Mountain.

Young me I advise you to be kind.

Do you know how powerful our twelve witches are together?
Such contempt, you will suffer badly.

But at this moment, the Great Witch King of Xiwu dared not move.

He was really afraid that Ye Qing would kill him with a sword. This man has domineering and evil spirits.

How dare you kill me.

"Your Excellency, wait, leave this king, this king is useful to you Da Zhou."

People are like this, after enjoying the supreme glory and wealth, the more afraid of death they will be.

After all, no one wants to lose their good life.

Unless it's really boring.

"Hahaha, it seems that the Great Witch King of Xiwu is a smart person, very good, I like to be in touch with smart people!" Ye Qing put away the sword, and the sword sent a message directly from his hand.

This time, the Great Witch King of Xiwu saw it clearly.

His eyes widened.

I became more frightened.

Who is this person?

Is it human or god.

Ye Qing said: "Why, if you want to learn, I can teach you!"

"No, no, no, I don't want to." The Great Witch King of Xixi hurriedly shook his head.

This is obviously a trick, if he dares to nod, he will be killed immediately.

Peeping into other people's secrets often leads to an unjust death.

"Okay, since you don't want to learn, then I won't teach you. Let's talk about your Xiwu Kingdom first."

Ye Qing pointed in the direction of the palace hall of King Xi Wu and said:
"Let's go to a clean place where we can talk about things!"

Soon everyone came to the main hall, and the Great Witch King of Xiwu ordered them to come down and prepare something to entertain Ye Qing and others.

Then Ye Qing asked about the Xiwu Kingdom and the situation of Dawu Mountain.

The Great Witch King of Xiwu naturally told some basic facts truthfully.

And their own secrets and the art of raising corpses and raising Gu are hidden in their hearts, without mentioning a word.

(End of this chapter)

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