Chapter 747 You Can Submit
After listening to the explanation of Xi Wu Da Wu Wang.

Ye Qing and others learned more about Dawu Mountain.

As is well known, the Twelve Witch Kingdoms do not obey each other.

There are black hands against each other.

The Western barbarians have two magic weapons, one is to summon witch warriors to fight, and the other is to poison people invisible.

There are people raising Gu everywhere in the mountain, maybe if you accidentally walk a certain distance, you will be poisoned by more than a dozen kinds of Gu poison, and they are all injected by different people.

Therefore, when people outside Dawu Mountain entered Dawu Mountain, they were tortured to death by countless Gu poisons without the Western barbarians attacking them head-on.

When talking about these things, the eyes of the Great Witch King of Xi Wu were more puzzled.

Although Ye Qing and the others are strong, it is also difficult for them to resist and discover the poisonous poison outside Dawu Mountain.

How did they get into the mountain, how did they get into the core of Taxi Wu Country.

And very accurately found the location of the gold-level wizard warrior.

From the very beginning, he destroyed his greatest reliance.

"Then do you know that the Chuyue Kingdom contacted you Dawushan countries to deal with my Dazhou?" Ye Qing turned around and asked.

The great witch king of Xiwu replied: "I have heard that it is just five families of Changwu, Guiwu, Yuanwu, Yangwu and Shawu. They are heretics, trying to intermarry with Chuyue to improve the situation of the small population in the country. .

At the same time, they can obtain massive materials and technology from the Chuyue Kingdom. "

"Intermarriage, Chuyue Kingdom really has a good idea."

Ye Qing had already learned about intermarriage through Jin Yiwei.

It's just that I didn't expect Chuyue Kingdom to be made.

Five Wu Kingdoms, this force is already not small.

"That's right, the wolfish ambitions of the Chuyue Kingdom have been suppressed for a long time. For hundreds of years, they have been infiltrating into our Dawu Mountain. To be honest, among the five kingdoms, how many of those people are from the Chuyue Kingdom? Maybe." The Great Witch King of Xiwu looked like he hated iron but not steel.

Obviously he tends to be on the conservative side.

Adhere to the traditional Dawushan model.

"Then why don't they get rid of your other seven countries first, annex them and grow stronger, and now they are attacking my Great Zhou, and many of their countries are beyond their reach. Even if they can capture some parts of my Bazhou, it will only be cheaper for the Shaw country?" Ye Qing wiped his hands and asked.

The Great Witch King of Xiwu sneered and said: "It's wrong, it's because they are weak that they dare not provoke a civil war in Dawu Mountain. There is no problem with making small troubles. If they want to start a war with our Seven Kingdoms, they will not invite Chuyue Kingdom to join the game." Under the premise, it is absolutely impossible to beat us."

"They teamed up to attack you Da Zhou, we have no right to interfere, it's not easy to intervene.

But as soon as the unification of Dawushan is involved, it still has to be resolved with the Dabi. "

"So, they want to suck some blood from my Dazhou, and get compensation from Chuyue Kingdom. Fortunately, they will have an advantage in your big competition." Ye Qing smiled:
"Then your Xi Wu Kingdom will have no hope this time!"


The Great Witch King of Xiwu was extremely bitter in his heart.

My Xiwu country has become like this, so what else can I use for the competition.

"Great Witch King, have you ever thought about the future of your Xiwu Kingdom, and the future of your Western barbarians?"

The Great Witch King of Xi Wu froze for a moment, then pondered for a moment: "What do you mean, Your Excellency?"

"It's simple, the Xi Wu Kingdom surrendered to Da Zhou, and Da Zhou can support you to become the overlord of Da Wu Mountain." Ye Qing said with a smile.

"Impossible! Even if my Xiwu country is destroyed, it is impossible to surrender to your outsiders..." Hearing this, the great witch king of Xiwu immediately quit.

Ding Chunqiu sneered and said: "If you don't surrender, you will die, even your Xiwu Kingdom will be destroyed!"

"You..." Xi Wu's words stopped again.

Harsh words are useless.

Zhou people can really do it.

Xiwu Kingdom has been seriously injured, and it is really no match for the Zhou people.

Although there is still a little witch king outside the country who was not beheaded by the people of Da Zhou.

But how can a little witch king be Zhou's opponent.

"If you don't surrender, you don't have to do anything with me, Da Zhou, and your Xi Wu Kingdom will be destroyed by others!" Ye Qing patted the shoulder of the Xi Wu Da Wu King and said:
"In fact, the country of Dawushan knows the current situation of your Xiwu country, and will definitely take action to annex and attack you, can you still stop it?
Anyway, I, Da Zhou, did not come to invade your country. Whether you surrender or not has no effect on us. "

"I, Da Zhou, actually really want to live in harmony with you Western barbarians. My Da Zhou only wants to cross the river and pass through your Dawu Mountain. As for your vast mountain, you are poor and white, and you have nothing to do. It is poisonous. We have no interest."

After speaking, Ye Qing swung his sword and untied the trapped rope on the body of the Great Witch King of Xiwu.

Then walked out of the hall.

Ding Chunqiu and others took another look at the Great Witch King of Xiwu.

It's like looking at a poor guy.

The world is so big, these Western barbarians are stuck in their own way, and their ancestors have been trapped in the mountains for generations, like frogs at the bottom of a well, it is so pitiful.

"Gone! Gone!"

The Great Witch King of Xi Wu was stunned.

The people from Da Zhou actually left.

Free yourself.

What is this operation.

He hadn't recovered a bit.

Dazhou people do things too strangely.

It came so silently and left so abruptly.

Directly reported that all Zhou people had left the capital.

Only then did the Great Witch King of Xiwu heave a sigh of relief.

At the same time, I was even more confused.

"People from Dazhou, are they telling the truth or not?"

"Are they really not interested in me, Dawushan? What kind of trick are they playing?"

"Yu Da Zhou... Could it be that my Xi Wu Kingdom really has no other way to save itself?"

As Ye Qing said, without Da Zhou's action, Xi Wu will face the attack and engulfment of other Wu kingdoms.

With the current strength of the Xi Wu Kingdom, no country can stop it.

Now, besides himself, he still has the strength of the sixth rank, without a wizard warrior.

The only Xiwu master who still has witch fighters is the little witch king.

A few days later, the little witch king in China came back happily.

"My lord, good news. Chen Wu was attacked by a group of mysterious masters. The great witch king of Chen Wu was killed. The domestic masters suffered heavy casualties. You can take this opportunity to annex Chen Wu!"

"What? Chen Wu was attacked!" The Great Witch King of Xi Wu was terrified.

Immediately thought of something.

The little witch king said: "That's right, a group of outsiders attacked Chen Wu with domineering and brutal methods. They swept Chen Wu up and down, and it is said that their little king was also seriously injured and escaped from the royal city!"

Seeing the excited look on the little Witch King's face.

The Great Witch King of Xi Wu felt a little uncomfortable, sighed softly and asked:
"Are there nine people who attacked Chen Wu?"

The little witch king was surprised: "My lord, how did you know that!"

"Hey, they attacked us a few days ago. They killed all our masters, and even my witch fighters were destroyed by them."

"What?" The little Witch King was so startled that he almost jumped up.

A look of disbelief.
"There's no need to lie to you now, they came to kill you secretly that day..." The Great Witch King of Xiwu then recounted everything that happened that day.

Now the only one who can support Xiwu Country with him is Xiao Wang.

These things must be made clear to him.

(End of this chapter)

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