Chapter 748

"So, I, Xi Wu Country, also have no self-protection power now, and I can't swallow Chen Wu Country at all."

The little witch king fell back in a daze.

Great joy and great sorrow can easily make people's blood pressure high.

The Great Witch King of Xi Wu also shook his head and sighed: "These Zhou people are too ruthless, I didn't expect to kill the Kingdom of Chen in just a few days, and Da Wu Mountain will soon set off a bloody storm.

The future situation of Dawu Mountain is uncertain! "

The little witch king came back to his senses, and after recovering, his expression became solemn: "Your Majesty, you mean that Zhou people said that they can help us Xiwu Kingdom to unify Dawu Mountain, and only need to open the Dajiang Waterway of Dawu Mountain for them to pass through? "

The little witch king stared at the big witch king with burning eyes.

It was luck that the Great Witch King was not killed.

One must know that the great king of Chen Wu Kingdom was beheaded by Zhou people without mercy.

It is really a miracle that his king is still alive.

The Great Witch King of Xi Wu nodded and said: "They did say such things, they just want us Xi Wu to submit to Zhou, this is absolutely impossible, how can we Western barbarians submit to Zhou people! Then the ancestors will..."

"Your Majesty, I think it is feasible. Now we have nowhere to go, and the Zhou people will continue to attack other countries. If we can cooperate with them earlier, our Xi Wu Country can completely dominate Dawu Mountain.

Isn't it just the waterways of the great river? Just let them pass by, and it won't affect us anyway.

Zhou Guo must have wanted to use the waterway to attack Chuyue Kingdom and let them fight well.

Anyway, the Chuyue Kingdom is not a good thing. The people of the Chuyue Kingdom united the Changwu, Guiwu, Yuanwu, Yangwu, and Shawu, and the Yijing in the east and north has completely changed.

We are in a vortex and cannot get out, so we should follow the trend. "

The big witch king of Xiwu looked at the little witch king in disbelief.

The little witch king explained: "Furthermore, if Dawu Mountain is really unified, then we will have the strength to fight against Zhou people. If they really don't want to covet, we will continue to cooperate. If they have evil thoughts , we will fight against the Zhou people.”

"I believe that at that time, with our strength, even if we can't beat Zhou Ren, we won't lose."

If you change your mind, everything changes.

The Great Witch King of Xi Wu was also a little moved by the words.

Surrendering to Da Zhou is just not good in name.

But there are benefits.

He already has a deep understanding of Da Zhou's strength.

"Let me think about it!" The Great Witch King of Xi Wu still didn't agree in one breath.

Xiao Wang didn't urge him either.

went down alone.

Without the great witch king with witch warriors, his strength was greatly reduced.

If he doesn't agree, do it alone.

At worst, he would take the position of the Great Witch King first.

After returning to his mansion, the little witch king immediately sent out his henchmen to track down Ye Qing and the others.

Also get in touch and stay in touch.

The little witch king was very anxious, because he didn't know who would agree to Zhou people's conditions in other Wu kingdoms.

Once this opportunity is given to others, there will be nothing to do with Xiwu Kingdom.


in a few days.

The Great Witch King of Xiwu couldn't sit still, another country was attacked by surprise.

"My lord, this time it was Qian Wu who was attacked. We can't wait anymore. If we wait, we will have no chance!"

The little witch king came to persuade him: "Your Majesty, it is obvious that Da Zhou's series of actions are directed, you see, these two countries are all next to our country, and the only one left is Nan Wu.

If Namma is also eliminated, what will the other congresses think? "

Only then did the Great Witch King of Xiwu connect the other two countries.

Yes, Chen Wu and Qian Wu are both next to Xi Wu.

The meaning of Da Zhou's doing this is obvious.

He is bringing hatred to Xiwu.

Acting in such a high-profile way, if other people finally find out that Xiwu has no strength to protect himself, then... terrible things will happen one after another.

"Okay! Then have a good talk with the people of Zhou." The big witch king of Xiwu knew that the little witch king must have contacted the people of Zhou.

Sure enough, within a few days, the little witch king brought Ye Qing and others to appear in front of the big witch king.

"Great Witch King, we met again. I'm glad you figured it out!" Ye Qing smiled, and by the way, put the national seals of Chen Wu and Qian Wu in front of Xi Wu Great Witch King.

Seals of the two kingdoms.

What a great handwriting!
The little witch king and the big witch king looked at each other.

There is a fiery light in the eyes.

"I believe that how to subdue these two countries will not be taught by us!"

"The Great Witch King put them away and don't throw them away."

After Ye Qing sat down, he smiled slightly.

Everyone also sat down.

The great witch king said: "It's the envoy!"

"I don't know the envoy's name, so that this king can be respected by the Xiwu Kingdom!" the little witch king asked very well.

Ding Chunqiu said: "My son's surname is Ye."

The surname is Ye, that is the royal family of Da Zhou.

The royal family of the Great Zhou actually had such a young seventh-rank master.

No wonder the big week will be prosperous.


"I've met Ye Zun!" Little Wang Wu bowed again.

Ye Qingdao: "Little Witch King doesn't need to be too polite. Although your country surrenders to my Great Zhou, you are still kings. My Great Zhou respects foreign countries the most, especially those from the previous country."

"It's Ye Zun!" The little witch king stepped back and said:
"I don't know what Ye Zun ordered. What does Shangguo need us to do?"

The Great Witch King also listened respectfully.

Ye Qingdao: "First of all, I need a map of Dawu Mountain, especially the map near Dajiang, the more detailed the better.

The second is that your country needs to grow. Nanwu is a better place to practice. The great witch king attacked Nanwu in the name of Xiwu country.

The nine of us will help you conquer Nanwu, and then completely bring Chenwu and Qianwu into your country.

Finally, I need an embassy in the royal city. I think your palace is good. You can build a new palace outside.

The new royal city that dominates Dawushan can't be as petty as it is now, without the air of a big country! "

"It's Ye Zun!"

The big and small witches looked at each other, and they all replied in unison.

Sure enough, the little witch king guessed it right, Dazhou would not let Nanwu go, and wanted to wipe out all the three kingdoms near Xiwu.

"When Nanwu is eliminated, the entire Dawu Mountain will be divided into three major forces.

You are close to my Da Zhou's Xi Wu Country.

The five kingdoms of Changwu, Guiwu, Yuanwu, Yangwu, and Shawu who are close to Chuyue Kingdom.

There are other conservative wu kingdoms in the three kingdoms.

Generally speaking, the alliance of the five countries that are close to Chuyue Kingdom is the strongest, so you should get closer to the other three conservative Wu Kingdoms.

Don't reveal your relationship with me Da Zhou for the time being.

Secretly collect more intelligence for me! "

"Your Xiwu Kingdom will have the largest future territory, so the potential will be the greatest. If you develop slowly, the other two forces will definitely not be your opponents." Ye Qing continued to explain:

"So now you are seeking stability, you can no longer provoke other forces, and I, Da Zhou, will not cause trouble for your Xiwu Kingdom.

My Da Zhou will keep people in the city and keep in touch with you all the time. If there is anything, please contact my Da Zhou people as soon as possible.

Especially for the Five Kingdoms, if there is any change, immediately notify me of Dazhou. If they dare to invade Bazhou of my Dazhou, then they will wait for heavy damage or destruction.

At that time, your Xiwu Kingdom will usher in another wave of development opportunities. "

"It's Ye Zun, let's keep it in mind!" The big and small kings didn't make any sense to this.

Da Zhou's request is not good at all, and he takes good care of them, Xi Wu Guoguo.

It's cheap to pick up for nothing, don't don't want it for nothing.

The price paid is nothing more than the situation of a royal palace and Dawu Mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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