Chapter 750
The prince wants to get rid of Ji Kingdom.

Completely unify this area within the territory of Wei State.

The scribes just wanted to persuade, but all the generals said one after another: "His Royal Highness is wise!"

"Ji Kingdom let go of the Great Zhou cavalry. It was done on purpose. It didn't pay attention to my Great Wei at all. It is reasonable to destroy them!"

"Destroy Ji Country! Destroy Ji Country!"

Wei Jia, the crown prince of the Wei Kingdom, was also in high spirits, with a more intense smile on his face.

Pulling out his sword, he pointed in the direction of the capital of Ji Kingdom and said: "All officers and men listen to the order, follow me to capture the king of Ji Kingdom, and step down the city of King Ji!"

The generals cheered and urged their horses to follow.

The mighty army of the State of Wei went directly to the State of Ji.

The officers and soldiers of Ji State guarding the king's city wanted to interrogate and intercept Wei Yan, but they were directly beheaded with a sword.



The Wei army, like wolves and tigers, filed in and entered the city.

A group of soldiers from Ji State were beheaded on the spot.

The army took over the city defense, and then went straight to the palace.

"What happened? How did the Wei army enter the capital of King Ji?"

"This is going to the palace, no, Wei Jun will not want to kill our monarch!"

Soon Wei fake took Wei Jun to the palace.

The palace gates were closed.

The imperial guards are on duty both outside and inside the city.

"It turns out that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is here, but the servants are not far away to welcome you, so please make amends!"

An official of Ji State recognized Wei Jia and paid homage to him.

"Hmph, your country of Ji really committed a serious crime, and it is unforgivable."

Wei pointed his fake long sword at the palace and said: "You Ji Kingdom colluded with the Great Zhou, deliberately let the Zhou army run away, and betrayed our Great Wei Kingdom. The evidence is solid. I, the Prince of Great Wei, now declare that the Ji Kingdom will be abolished, and this prince will kill you." !"


Wei Jun drew his bow and string one after another.

Send sharp arrows to the inside and outside of the palace.

"Puff puff……"

The soldiers in front of King Ji's palace were shot by arrows one after another and died on the spot.

Soldiers from Ji State who had been sent to the palace wall were also shot and killed one after another.

"Counterattack, hurry up, Prince Wei is crazy, counterattack!"

"You can't fight back, restrain yourself, you can't hurt Prince Wei, otherwise..."

The Pro-Wei faction and the Baoji faction expressed their thoughts one after another.

The guards of the palace were all confused.

Which side does this listen to?

Do you want to fight Wei Guo?

Arrows kept coming in from outside the city, hitting so many soldiers of Ji Kingdom that they dared not lift their heads.


Suddenly the palace gate was hit hard.

The entire palace gate and palace walls shook violently.

"Damn it, kill me, Wei Guo is going to destroy Ji Kingdom, kill me!"

The King of Ji Kingdom gritted his teeth and ordered.

Only then did the soldiers of Ji Kingdom start to fight back.

But there are too many Wei Commanderies outside, and they are all elite.

There are bows and crossbows, and crossbows are continuous crossbows, which are techniques stolen from South Korea.

Wei Guo also equipped a large area.

Therefore, it is quite easy to start a small country of Ji.

"Boom!" There were no more than two hits.

The gate of King Ji's palace was knocked open.


Wei Junjun rushed in one after another.

The Forbidden Army of Ji State in the palace was killed and retreated steadily.

After a while the palace caught fire.

The king of Ji Kingdom was killed by the rebellious army.

All civil and military officials in the palace were also beheaded.

Soon the Wei army took full control of Wangcheng.

He also sent people back to the State of Wei to bring in more troops to take over other cities in the State of Ji.

The small country Jiguo was eliminated so easily.

The news was sent back to Wei Guodu.

All the officials of Wei State were a little shocked.

The crown prince chased the cavalry of the Zhou army to no avail, turned around and wiped out Ji Kingdom.

It was too sudden.

The hall was silent.

Needle drop is audible.

After a long distance, Wei Zeng stopped his voice and asked: "Misters, what should we do now?"

What to do!

It's all gone, what else can I say?
All the civil and military personnel said: "Your Majesty, since the Kingdom of Ji is about to be destroyed, it will be destroyed. The territory of the Kingdom of Ji will be taken over, and generals will be stationed to take over the defense of the northeast."

"Your Majesty, the Kingdom of Ji colluded with the Great Zhou and betrayed the Kingdom of Wei. It is justified to destroy it. The crown prince's death is really a blessing to the Great Wei!"

"Your Majesty, with the destruction of the Bohai Sea and the destruction of the Ji Kingdom, it will just happen to secure our east forever."

Northeast is also East.

Prince Wei seized a good opportunity and killed the Ji, so that he could do it in the future, which is really wise.

Facing the voice of admiration from Wei Guo.

Only then did Wei Zeng feel relieved, so he straightened his voice and said, "Okay, since the crown prince has done the right thing, he will completely incorporate Ji State into our Wei State.

The Ministry of Officials sent some officials to take over the cities and counties of Ji State, and the Ministry of War sent generals to take over the defense of the northeast.

At the same time, the prince was transferred back. "

"Finally...the Ministry of Rites sent people to the Beidai Kingdom, so as to appease the Beidai Kingdom and not let the Beidai Kingdom feel uneasy."

"It's Your Majesty!"

All the officials of Wei State stood up and came back one after another.


Everywhere in the world is safe, except for the hustle and bustle of Wei.

Soon the war in Wei State attracted everyone.

After learning of this result, countries were in an uproar.

Just destroy the Bohai State.

Wei Guo beat the rabbit with grass and grass, and even killed his own vassal state.

This is to completely lose face.

Although Wei's fake reason seems reasonable.

In fact, there is no principle and no reason.

It's just a little too revealing of my intentions.

The State of Ji is your vassal state, and the vassal state is not strong in the first place. Even your State of Wei can't stop the Great Zhou cavalry, so why can the State of Ji stop it?

Too strong a word.

There is no demeanor and style of a big country.

It's a bit ugly to eat.

"Wei Guo's behavior this time is too dishonest, what do you think?"

Chen Liucheng, Han Huang Han Ran sighed with emotion and asked all the civil and military officials.

All the officials were silent for a while, before they said humanely: "Your Majesty, although Wei Guo has done something inappropriate, this is Wei Guo's family business, we can't control it.

And if Wei Guo does not do it now, Ji Guo will be wiped out in the future, so that we can truly have a permanent rear!

So Wei Guo did the right thing. "

"That's right, now that Wei Guo is not restrained by the Bohai Kingdom, he can devote all his energy to Luoyang. It seems that the day when Wei Guo crosses the river is not far away.

I heard that they are building warships downstream! "

"Hey, not only Wei Guo is building ships, Da Zhou is also building ships in Mengjindu, recruiting a navy army of more than [-] people, and it's quite a fight."


Chuyue Kingdom!
"Send someone to go to Wei Guo immediately, and discuss cooperation with Wei Huang!"

When Xiong Wan heard about the destruction of Ji Kingdom, he didn't take it seriously.

The Chuyue Kingdom has done a lot to destroy the vassal state.

What a vassal state is, it is a vassal of the main state.

If you want it to go away, you can go away.

Where does the sovereignty come from?

Wei Guo has solved the problem in the east, so he has enough energy and soldiers to deal with Da Zhou.

South Korea has been beaten, and it is no longer enough to become an ally of Chuyue Kingdom.

Wei Guo is just right, so there is no need to provoke him.

Chuyue Kingdom will not stop there.

Xiangyang City is like a sharp sword hanging above the head, making Chuyue Kingdom fearful all the time.

The security of Jiangling is always threatened.

Chuyue Kingdom has no face to do such a thing as moving the capital, at least it cannot move the capital before it is breached.

Otherwise, the whole world will know that the Chuyue Kingdom has completely declined.

Even the domestic political situation will be unstable, and those lords will not trust and support the Xiong family.

"It's Your Majesty, I'm going on a mission to Wei, and I'll definitely bring back good news!" Zhaohong said with a bow.

(End of this chapter)

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