Chapter 751 Wei Guo May Be Drawing Beishi

One month later!

It has been a long time since I received the news that the Bohai Kingdom was destroyed.

Fortunately, news from Shuozhou soon came back.

The left cavalry guard crossed the border from Beishi country.

Lu Bu, Zhang Liao and Yu Huatian all returned home safely.

Weishui River.

The shadow of the expeditionary army appeared on the other side of the river.

Soon the left cavalry slowly walked up the bridge with the battle flag that had been baptized by the flames of war.

Lu Bu, Zhang Liao and others walked in the front.

Because of his identity, Yu Huatian did not follow the army, but returned to Chang'an via Jin Yiwei's route.

"Sir! Lu Bu (Zhang Liao) pays his respects to Your Majesty!"

"I see your Majesty!"

After Lu Bu, Zhang Liao and others dismounted, the other generals also dismounted one after another to pay respects to Ye Qing.

Ye Qing raised his hand and said, "All officers and men are exempt!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

All the generals got up one after another.

"This time, your expedition has worked hard all the way, and you have made indelible contributions to the empire, as well as many sacrifices." Ye Qing began to say emotionally:

"So this expedition, all the soldiers were promoted to one level on the basis of the original.

The merits of the expedition, the statistics are good, and then the rewards will be raised! "

Regardless of whether it is meritorious or not, let's talk about it after upgrading to a level.

Don't be too cool.

All the soldiers paid homage again: "Thank you, Your Majesty! Your Majesty will last ten thousand years, and the Great Zhou will last ten thousand years!"

"At the same time, you have been away for a long time, and your parents, wives and children have long waited for it. All the soldiers will take a one-month vacation and go home to reunite with their relatives."

Take a long vacation.

Make up all the previous ones.

All the soldiers were overjoyed again, raised their weapons one after another, raised their arms and shouted.

"Your Majesty, ten thousand years! Great Zhou, ten thousand years! Your Majesty, ten thousand years! Great Zhou..."

The left cavalry guards returned to their barracks first, put away their weapons, received the money, took a bath, and put on brand-new military uniforms before returning to their hometowns one after another.

Lu Bu, Zhang Liao, and Yu Huatian entered the palace and ate hot pot with Ye Qing in the imperial dining room.

"This time you walked around the Kanto area, how do you feel?"

Lu Bu said: "Your Majesty, the population of the Kanto region is more than twice as dense as that of our Dazhou, and the population has reached three to five times ours.

The land is fertile and low, really some good places! "

"Their combat effectiveness of their army is not strong, and they rely more on the bravery of their generals and the strength of their masters.

At the same time, they have a large population, but the real masters are not promoted according to the proportion of the population. "

It can be seen that Lu Bu didn't care about the princes in Guanzhong.

Take it lightly.

Ye Qing looked at Zhang Liao.

Zhang Liao said: "Your Majesty, in fact, the countries in the Kanto region have a lot of talents, but because of their system, they are not flexible and tolerant enough for my great Zhou, so the talents cannot be fully utilized.

The aristocratic family and the great nobles control the military and government, which is more serious than before our Great Zhou Dynasty.

Moreover, the hostility of the Kanto countries is very strong. If we want to subdue the countries in the future, we need to further strengthen the comfort and guidance of the people of the countries, otherwise even if they are defeated, a huge disaster will be planted. "

"That's a good point. I'll let the ministries pay attention." Ye Qing was sure of what Zhang Liao said, and then looked at Yuhuatian again.

Yu Huatian said: "Your Majesty, the situation and systems of the Kanto countries are very backward, not as good as ours, and they are not willing to spend a lot of money to build an intelligence network. Most of them use traditional information acquisition methods such as singers and marriages.

We are still collecting and sorting out detailed information on various places in Kanto. I believe that in half a year, detailed maps will be sent back. "

"The lives of the people in the Kanto countries are very difficult. They are oppressed and exploited by all kinds of people. Generally speaking, they don't have a strong sense of belonging to the country.

Unless there is a life-and-death enmity, so we will use troops against the Kanto countries in the future and try to capture them alive, which will greatly reduce the sense of resistance we will bring when we rule their countries in the future! "

"Okay, okay, these situations are very important, and the information is very precious!" Ye Qing said:

"Talk while eating, and tell me some details and stories!"

While eating hot pot with Ye Qing, the three of them explained in detail what happened in Kanto.

When it came to the Beidai Kingdom at the end, the three spoke more specifically and more.

There is only one county in Beidai Kingdom, with the Yanshan Mountains in the south and the Taihang Mountains in the west.

To the north is the vast prairie.

Although it is a country in the Central Plains, it is actually infested by nomads in the north.

It looks like it is a vassal state of Wei State, but in fact Wei State does not give any support at all.

On the contrary, Beidai State helped Wei State resist all attacks from the north.

You can use the cheapest cost to put a curse on the Beidai country under the banner of a sponsor.

Lock it firmly in the palm of Wei Guo.

"Your Majesty, I feel that Wei State will not attack us in the next step, and has a plan to eat Beishi State!" Zhang Liao suddenly thought of something, so he popped out such a sentence.

Ye Qing stopped chopsticks suddenly when he heard this.

A gleam flashed in his eyes.

"The idea of ​​playing Beishi country?" This idea is very strange.

It was also unexpected.

No one would have thought of this.

The corner of Ye Qing's mouth suddenly curled up.

Does Wei Guo want to paralyze Dafa?
I still want the Beishi country to lure wolves into the house and directly take away the core of Beishi's power.

This line of thinking is challenging.

Reasonable, unexpected.

If Wei Guo really wants to conquer Luoyang, it will cost too much.

It is necessary to gather heavy troops, especially the navy.

The most important part of the water army is the warships. Without enough ships, Wei Guo could not fight at all.

And shipbuilding is not a one-and-a-half thing.

Generally, a ship is completed from the beginning, and a good ship cannot be built in a few years.

After all, the technology is there, and it takes a year or two to paint the paint alone. For some special ships, it takes several years of precipitation to make just a bottom plate.

Otherwise, it is easy to crack under the boat due to water ingress.

Therefore, if Wei Guo wanted to attack the Great Zhou, without several years of preparation, it was impossible for him to have the opportunity to attack the Yellow River.

Therefore, the best way to wrestle with Da Zhou is to swallow Beishi.

There is one less ally in such a big week.

And Wei Guo has grown stronger again, with the high position at the western foot of Taihang Mountain, it can also guarantee the safety of the capital and hinterland.

On the whole, destroying Beishi is far more cost-effective than attacking Da Zhou.

"In this way, Wei Guo is playing the Mizong Fist to trick Beishi, and he is going to sell him to him to count the money for himself." Ye Qing smiled.

Most people in Beishi Country are brainless and reckless.

The few with brains are greedy.

It is estimated that Wei Guo saw this and seized the Achilles heel of the Beishi people.

"Well, Your Majesty, this is just a little speculation by the minister. The specifics will depend on the follow-up intelligence and the reactions of the two countries, but it is right to plan ahead and make more preparations!" Zhang Liao explained.

Ye Qing raised his glass and said: "Wen Yuan made a big statement. This is an illusion. The specifics are still open to discussion. We only hope that Beishi will not be so stupid!"

After thinking about it, Ye Qing said again: "Wenyuan, how about you go to Hedong?"

"I'm going to Hedong? Your Majesty, do you want to..."

(End of this chapter)

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