Chapter 752: Hexi Victory and Great Wushan Changes

Zhang Liao was sent by Ye Qing to guard Hedong.

Although the state of Wei had plans to plot against Beishi, Da Zhou was not obliged to remind Beishi.

It's not clear at all.

Da Zhou is now focusing on development.

Continue to develop steam engines, digest other technologies, and upgrade Da Zhou's light and heavy industries.

Continue to deepen reforms and build roads vigorously.

Get ready for future expansion.

Time flies, and the autumn harvest is over.

Chu Yue State did not mobilize troops, and Wei State also recuperated and recovered.

There was no war in the east of Da Zhou.

Liangzhou and the Hexi Dudufu attacked the Eastern Dog Army, which lasted for a month, and the Eastern Dog Army was wiped out.

So far, the Hexi Governor's Mansion is connected with Shuozhou.

Then Huo Qubing led the Hexi countries to march westward, making a big detour by way of Rouran.

Once again, he established his miraculous achievements and joined forces with Wei Qing to eliminate the Western Dog Rong.

"Hexi Great Victory! Hexi Great Victory!"

The victorious war horses galloped wantonly on the street.

At this moment, no one can stop him.

The horses went all the way to the palace, and the messenger was quickly brought into the palace.

Inside the hall.

Ye Qing was still discussing with civil and military officials.

With the autumn harvest, there is food and money, and many projects can be accelerated.

When the people are idle at home, they must actively mobilize.

"Report! Your Majesty, the great victory in Hexi!"

Great victory in Hexi!

The whole court immediately fell silent.

Ye Qing was also happy, and said, "Xuan!"

Soon the messenger was brought in, and the Jinwu Guard in front of the palace reported the Hexi battle report.

The messenger knelt down and said: "Your Majesty, General Huo once again used detours to attack the western dog army. The western dog army was defeated and most of his clan was captured!"

The Chinese and military members of the palace suddenly started talking.

This is a big event, a great event, the Dog Rong clan was wiped out, and the Hexi Corridor was occupied by the Great Zhou for a quarter.

This time, he completely stabilized his feet.

"Okay! Hexi Governor's Mansion played very well!" Ye Qing was overjoyed and said directly:
"Send [-] altars of fine wine to the Hexi Governor's Mansion, reward all the troops, especially Huo Qubing, and be crowned champion!"

The officials of the Ministry of Rites immediately made a promise.

At this moment, Zhang Juzheng from the Household Department stood up and said, "Your Majesty, do you want to send officials from the court to the Hexi Governor's Mansion to register households and create new counties?"

The eastern dog army was wiped out and did not build a new county. Some of them went to Wuwei County, some went to Beidi County, and most of them went to Anding County.

So this time, the land of the dog army in the west is impossible to hang on.

Ye Qingdao: "I heard that the Quanrong territory in the west is the largest, plus there are many small countries such as Qinhu, Xiutu, Dingling, Xianling, and Juyan attached to my Great Zhou.

Then divide the land into two counties, one named Jiuquan and one named Zhangye.

Under the two counties, Xiutu, Dingling, and Juyan were respectively established as subordinate states. "

"Promise!" Zhang Juzheng responded with orders, and returned to his seat.

"At the same time, order, Hexi Corridor, don't move in the past two years, don't cause friction and conflict with Yuezhi and Rouran.

Efforts were made to develop commerce and trade, and dispatched manpower to scout and explore terrain maps in three directions. "Ye Qing thought for a while and said:
"Empire, the next focus is Chuyue Kingdom, and Dawu Mountain. If we can defeat Chuyue Kingdom again, engulf the entire country, and expel the power of Chuyue Kingdom eastward to Yangzhou, then my great Zhou hegemony can be achieved. !"

"Your Majesty is wise and mighty, and the Great Zhou hegemony will surely be achieved!"

Hundreds of people expressed their praise, each with eager light in their eyes.

Da Zhou rose with an unstoppable attitude.

No matter it is west to east, south to north, it expands innumerably.

It made the original territory of Dazhou expand countless times.

After coming down to court, Ye Qing brought Li Ru over.

Asked: "How is Dawushan now?"

"Your Majesty, I was just about to report to you that the Chuyue Kingdom has added support to the five Wu Kingdoms, and the five Wu Kingdoms are gathering experts to move closer to Bazhou!" Li Ruhui reported.

"It's finally time to do it, very good!" Ye Qing's eyes flashed brightly, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

If you want to get my idea of ​​Bazhou, it depends on whether you have the ability.


The next day!

Ye Qing assembled domestic experts and rushed to Bazhou.

Jiangling City!
Qiao Feng and the others quietly came to Jiangling from Wuxi City to wait.

"Your Majesty! According to the investigation of the Xiwu people, the five kingdoms of Changwu, Guiwu, Yuanwu, Yangwu, and Shawu set off from the assembly point based on scriptures, and now it is estimated that the country of Shawu has emerged."

Ye Qing said: "Sand table map!"

Everyone put things away.

Ye Qing spotted Fuling at a glance.

It was the nearest city in Dongba County after Chushawu.

From here, go north along the Yanjiang River to Jixian County to Dajiang, and then to Jiangling.

Time is short and distance is close.

The only way for the brigade to come.

"How many masters are left in the five countries?" Ye Qing asked suddenly.

Qiao Feng replied: "Because of the distance between Sand Wu and Chang Wu, we didn't go to investigate, but we checked Gui Wu, Yuan Wu, and Yang Wu, and half of their clan masters are still in the country."

"Shawu and Changwu may dispatch more. After all, these two countries border our Bazhou. In order to seize the land of our Bazhou, more masters will be dispatched!"

"Calculating the time, come here from Fuling, can we kill Gui Wu, Yuan Wu, and Yang Wu once!" Ye Qing asked again.

Nie Gai thought for a while and said: "Your Majesty, it is enough to attack one of the three countries alone, and there is no hurry to beat all of them."

"Okay! It's a country that can fight a country!" Ye Qing closed his eyes and thought for a while:

"Zhang Sanfeng stays on guard, watching the Allied Forces of the Five Nations, and the others follow me to Yuanwu for a walk!"

At that moment, everyone followed Ye Qing to Xiwu country.

The King of Xiwu Kingdom was shocked again when he saw Ye Qing and the others.

This time Ye Qing brought more experts.

And there are some elite soldiers.

"Meet Ye Zun!"

The big and small kings are busy paying respects.

Da Zhou's strength is far beyond imagination.

The current Xi Wu Kingdom is still very weak.

Although the land of the Three Kingdoms was annexed, there are too few masters in the clan.

Extremely dependent on Da Zhou's support.

There are also powerful deterrent countries and countries that were created by the previous extermination of the Three Kingdoms.

As long as other Wu Kingdoms know the actual situation of Xi Wu Kingdom.

The Xiwu Kingdom will also be in danger of being destroyed.

"You don't need to be too polite!" Ye Qing walked to the main seat, and said directly without being polite to the big and small kings:

"This time, I heard that the five-nation alliance wants to attack my Great Zhou.

Moreover, their brigade has already set out on the road, and the country is empty, so we have to take advantage of the absence of their main personnel to destroy their country, annex their land, further strengthen your Xiwu country, and prepare for the unification of Dawushan. "

"Ah!" The big and small witch kings were taken aback.

The country is going to be destroyed again. My Xiwu country is big enough.

The current situation has not been completely digested and turned into its own combat effectiveness.

And to destroy other countries.

The two cried out inwardly.

In the past, I dreamed of growing the Daxi Wu Country, wanting to unify Dawu Mountain and achieve hegemony.

It's all right now, let them fight, they can't eat anymore.

Without that strength, I can't hold it for you.

"That's the way it is. Our chosen target is Yuan Wu." Ye Qing said:

"The two of you go gather your troops and choose a suitable reason. We still want to be famous!"

(End of this chapter)

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