Chapter 754

Under the pressure of Da Zhou's powerful bows and crossbows, there were fewer and fewer Allied forces of the Three Kingdoms on the city.

The rattan armor soldiers began to advance, approaching the city wall.

Ladders are erected one by one.

The Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms on the city were shot with strong bows and crossbows so that they dared not stand up.

Morale plummeted.

Yuan Wu's little witch king said: "Ordinary soldiers can't stop the army of Xiwu Kingdom, let the witch warriors attack!"

The little witch king Guiwu and the little witch king Yangwu said: "If it's possible, let's use some black iron-level witch warriors first. They are enough to kill the rattan armored soldiers and crossbowmen in the city, and wipe them out!"

After everyone discussed, they ordered to dispatch their own experts.

These are some grassroots masters.

Only black iron-level wizard warriors are raised.

"Attack, destroy the army of Xi Wu!"

The masters of the Three Kingdoms, controlling the black iron-level witch fighters, jumped down to the city.

As soon as these steel-like guys landed on the ground, they rushed towards Xi Wu's soldiers.

The Little Witch King of Xiwu shouted loudly: "Shoot, kill the garbage of the Three Kingdoms!"

The Little Witch King of the Xi Wu Country directly sent out the domestic masters, and these were not the lowest level.

Instead, it can control the bronze level.

It is to suppress the Three Kingdoms and kill these ordinary masters at the lowest level.

After all, the strongest group in the Three Kingdoms naturally has the Supremes of the Great Zhou to deal with them.

The Black Iron Witch fighters from the Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms also became arrogant, and were quickly killed by the Bronze Level of the Xiwu Kingdom.

The little witch kings of Guiwu, Yuanwu, and Yangwu in the city all turned green.

Xi Wu is too shameless.

He even let his strongest group kill our weakest.

Don't talk about Wude anymore.

"Hmph, Xiwu Kingdom doesn't follow any rules, so don't blame us for being rude!"

"Everyone listens to the order, all attack, go down to the city, kill the little witch king Wu, I really want to see, he is a little witch king, what can he do to save his life!"


The little witch kings of the Three Kingdoms were also welcome, each summoning their own witch warriors.

Bronze-level and even silver-level wizard warriors flew out of their hiding places.


The other masters of the Three Kingdoms used their inner strength to jump down the city with their witch fighters.


On the side of the army, upon hearing the order, the crossbowmen retreated one after another, keeping a relative distance, pointing their crossbows at the masters of the Three Kingdoms rushing down the city.

But they didn't shoot arrows, this wasn't their battle, and the combat power they could display was very limited.

The battlefield is still handed over to the sovereigns of the country.


The masters of the Great Zhou who were mixed with the army all held weapons in their hands, and attacked the masters of the three Wu Kingdoms with the fastest and sharpest killing methods.

The masters of these three countries were caught off guard, and they never thought that there were a large number of Zhou army masters in the army of Xiwu Kingdom.

These people are not like the barbarians who want to summon witch warriors.

They don't need anything, and directly use their own hard power to fight.

And it was the masters who directly attacked and killed the Three Kingdoms, bypassing these witch warriors.

After all, witch warriors are puppets.

Without a master, it is a dead body that has lost its action instructions.

There is no need to fight at all.

Also captured.

Use it for yourself.

Increase your own strength.

Although Da Zhou didn't know how to raise corpses, but with Ninth Uncle, he could use ready-made witch warriors to drive them to serve Da Zhou.


The masters of the Three Kingdoms were directly beheaded one by one.

Even some witch fighters were blown away by Ye Qing and the others and fell to the wall.

This scene frightened the little kings of the Three Kingdoms in the city.

"This is……"

"It's so strong, there are several people who are stronger than the king!"

"How come there are so many masters in the Xi Wu Kingdom, and they don't even bring Wu warriors, so they kill them by force?"

The masters of the Three Kingdoms under the city were also beaten and screamed.

No matter how strong the master is, they are all suppressed and beaten.

When they killed a quarter, they couldn't bear it anymore.

They retreated one after another, grabbed the siege ladder and jumped up.

However, the masters of the Great Zhou will not let go of such a good opportunity and take the opportunity to chase and kill them.

Along the ladder, he also attacked the top of the city.

"Damn it, stop it, hurry up!" Yuan Wu's little witch king was very anxious.

Driving his witch fighters to take the initiative to fight up.

However, he was quickly shot through by Ye Qing, destroying his bronze-level witch warrior.


"How is this possible?" Yuan Wu's little witch king spat out a mouthful of blood, his eyes full of horror.

His sorcerer was so strong that he couldn't block a blow.

"Look at me!"

Xiao Wang of the Yang Wu let out a loud shout, and commanded his Silver Witch fighters to rush forward, and at the same time, he also had a Bronze rank.

However, Ye Qing snorted coldly, and the Zuo Jun swung his block and knocked the two Bronze Levels into the air below the city.

Then a fearless charge.

It directly beat the silver-level wizard warrior.


Yang Wu's Xiao Wang also vomited a mouthful of blood.

His face turned pale.

Gui Wu Xiaowang still wanted to make a move, but Qiao Feng and the others rushed over and fought him directly.

Other big Zhou masters also culled them.


The three saw that the top of the city had fallen, and a large number of Xiwu soldiers came up.

So he began to flee towards the city.

How could Ye Qing and others let them go.

Directly pursue and kill the past.

Soon on the main street in the city, the three of them were beheaded one by one.

Most of the Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms were beheaded.

A large number were captured.

Three little kings were killed, and most of the masters were also beheaded or captured.

Yuan Wu was quickly captured.

After capturing Yuan Wu, Ye Qing directly said to Xi Wu Xiaowang: "I will leave the matter here to you. We have other things to do."

"It's Ye Zun!"

Xiwu Xiaowang didn't object, and even got used to it.

The people of Dazhou have little interest in managing the territory of Dawushan.

Every time a country is conquered, the finishing work is handed over to them, which is no more than government affairs.

Not to mention any loot.

They seem to despise the things of Dawushan.

But this time, Da Zhou wanted those captured witch fighters.

Seeing everyone in Dazhou leave, Xiwu Xiaowang's eyes were full of doubts.

What does Da Zhou want these unusable wizard warriors to do.



"Da Zhou is nothing more than that, there are so many people in a county, and there is not a decent master!"

"Yes, these Central Plains people are really funny. A small county town is bigger than our royal city and has a larger population. How can it be so powerful!"

"That's not good, just let us seize it. I heard that Jiangzhou City is ten or eight times bigger than this, so you can have whatever you want inside!"

"I have to ask the sand witch Xiaowang!"

Everyone turned their attention to Shawu Xiaowang.

He had entered Jiangzhou before, and even fought against the then Emperor Da Zhou.

He retreated calmly.

Shawu Xiaowang said: "Jiangzhou City is more than ten times larger than this, and it has a larger population. It is a big city.

Caibao grain is the most in the whole Bazhou, and when you get there, you are in heaven. "

"What are you waiting for, quickly enter the army, take down Ji County, and go to Jiangzhou immediately."

"Okay! Send troops, don't ink any more, save the things here and grab them when you come back!"

Shawu Xiaowang said: "I will be a pioneer, I will take a step first, and the kings will follow!"

After Shawu Xiaowang finished speaking, he led a group of people and left first.

The great kings of the five kingdoms followed with their main forces.

To deal with a small county town, the vanguard led by Shawu Xiaowang is enough.

(End of this chapter)

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