Chapter 755

Ji County!

Shawu Xiaowang successfully captured the city.

The Zhou people were not prepared at all, and the county soldiers were vulnerable and easily wiped out.

After asking about Da Zhou's situation in Dongba County, Sha Wu Xiao Wang decided to wait for the arrival of the five great witch kings before advancing.

Soon the five great witch kings arrived.

Shawu Xiaowang said to the five people:

"Dazhou has some guards against us, but the heavy troops are in Linjiang, Quren, and other places. There are not only infantry, but also a large number of navy!"

"As for the direction of Jiangzhou, although there are a lot of soldiers and horses in the area, and there are also some navy troops, the Zhou people's defenses are not strong, and the strongest people are at the fifth rank according to their quantitative level.

Not as strong as me! "

"In addition to their weak awareness of defense, we never thought that we would kill them at this time, and directly kill them in the important place of Jiangzhou City."

"Then you have collected the warship." asked the Shawu, the great witch king.

The little witch king replied confidently: "Ji County is located on a big river, and warships are needed to travel, so we captured a lot?

Enough for us. "

"Very good, with enough warships, we can attack Jiangzhou more conveniently and occupy the rich land of Dazhou."

The next day!

The Allied Forces of the Five Nations marched towards Jiangzhou in mighty warships.

In Jiangzhou, the Sand Witch Little Witch King is most familiar with it.

He has been there, and he understands it even if he travels by water.

The Allied Forces of the Five Nations were full of ambition, and the ease of taking the first two counties gave them reassurance.

Jiangzhou is just bigger than the two counties.

Even if there are five times as many soldiers and horses, it is nothing more than that.

The strongest is only a fifth grade.

Even the strength of the little witch king is not as good.

The boat sailed halfway.

Suddenly the sand witch little witch king frowned slightly.

Glancing left and right, he muttered softly, "Something's wrong!"

The Sha Wu Da Wu Wang asked: "What's wrong, you suddenly lost confidence, the last time you went to Jiangzhou alone, you were able to retreat unscathed.

At that time, there were four or five self-esteem of Da Zhou, but now there is none, you are afraid that they will not succeed! "

The sand witch little witch king explained: "My lord, I'm not worried about this, but we have traveled for so long, and we didn't bump into a ship. In the past, there would always be freight here.

Although it is small, it is not enough to walk for a day without a shadow of a boat.

Some are too quiet! "

"Hmm! It's really strange to hear you say that." The Shawu King tried hard to remember.

After walking for so long, there is really not a single boat.

Jiangzhou is in the west of Dongba County, and the main cities are in the east.

All counties pass through Dajiang, so it should be very frequent to go to Jiangzhou.

"Stop moving forward!" The Shawu Grand Witch King suddenly waved his hand and shouted.

The soldiers who received the order immediately passed the order to the sailors and boatmen to stop manipulating the ship.

The other four kings stepped onto the deck and asked:
"what happened?"

"Something is wrong!" The Sand Witch, the Great Witch King, explained:
"There are no other boats on the river, it's so calm, it's like a sign before a storm!"

"What? You mean, Da Zhou has an ambush?"

The four kings were shocked.

The sand witch little witch king pointed to the front and said, "It's not that there is an ambush, but that the navy of the Great Zhou is coming!"

When everyone heard the words, they looked in the direction of the finger of the Shawu King.

Good guy, dozens of mighty warships came from upstream.

All the warships are extremely wide.

There are countless battle flags on it.The soldiers of Dazhou were all standing there.

"Could it be the normal patrol of their navy?" Gui Wu Da Wu Wang guessed.

Da Zhou's ambush cannot be judged just by encountering a naval warship.

"That's right, now we are still flying the flag of Dazhou, so we just need to move the waterway out of the way and let them pass by."

"If it really doesn't work, then destroy this navy fleet of Da Zhou."

The sand witch little witch king sneered, pointed to the direction behind him and said:
"Don't be naive, kings, just look behind us and you'll understand!"

Only then did Congren walk to the edge of the deck and look back.

Good guy, another large Zhou navy fleet has emerged.

If this is a coincidence, it is too much of a coincidence.

"It seems that Da Zhou was well prepared, and we were fooled!"

The faces of all the five-nation coalition forces changed.

He looked a little flustered.

It was calculated by Da Zhou.

This is how to do.

"If you are fooled, you will be fooled. We have so many masters, and the army has brought witch warriors to kill them forcibly. It is even more important to destroy the Zhou navy!"

"That's right, since we can't sneak attack Jiangzhou, we should go back home, kill Da Zhou's navy first, and then occupy the counties and cities to the east.

You can also get a lot of good things! "

"It makes sense! Let's go, directly hit the Great Zhou Navy in the east!"

The kings of all the countries showed contemptuous sneers and said indifferently.

"That's the only way to go. I hope that Da Zhou's strength in Jiangzhou is not very strong. After all, they are fighting against Chuyue Kingdom and other countries in the west. They don't have so many masters dispatched here."

Only the sand witch and the king were not optimistic.

Now everyone is on board.

Not on flat ground.

The space for activities is too limited.

Water warfare is about destroying the opposing ship.

Many witch warriors cannot be soaked in water for a long time, otherwise they will be damaged.

And across the water, the induction with it will be weakened.

Commanding will be difficult.

Combat power will naturally also be affected.


Suddenly everyone felt that the boat was hit by something.

Everyone was stunned.

"what happened?"

"Not good! The bottom plate of the ship was hit and water entered.

Go down and plug the leak! "

In the panic, suddenly the hull was hit several times.

More water gushes in, then tilts.

Not only this one, but all the ships are in trouble.

The five-nation coalition forces on board were in great chaos.

If it sinks, everyone will fall into the water.

Although most of the masters can ride the waves, they can't go very far.

"Use the witch warriors, sail against the water, and go to the battleship of Dazhou first."

"it is good!"

The masters of the five countries jumped to the surface of the river one after another.

Their sorcerers entered the water early and floated on the surface.

Relying on the sorcerers, everyone rushed to the Dazhou Navy Fleet to the east.

But at this time, I saw something thrown from the battleship of the Dazhou Navy.


The speed was very fast, and the one who attacked was actually a stone, and when it was seen, it was in front of it.

The stone bullets hit the masters of the Five Kingdoms one by one, smashing everyone into the water.

More fell into the water, causing huge water waves.

Knock the witch fighters sideways.

The masters of the five countries above also lost their stability and fell into the water.

Then more crossbow arrows flew in.

These crossbow bolts are not continuous crossbows.

It's a longbow arrow one size smaller than a long spear.

Amazing power, strong breaking power.


The masters of the Five Kingdoms were caught off guard, and many of them were killed or injured by crossbow arrows.

"Damn it! Da Zhou's battleship is actually retreating, and the speed is so fast!"

The masters of the five countries were depressed.

The Zhou navy is too rascal.

He didn't rush over at all, but backed away to create a distance.

Continue to shoot the Rolling Stones and the Longbow to kill the Allied Forces of the Five Nations.

An effective system of play, very proficient.

The top experts of the Five Kingdoms screamed with anger, their eyes flushed.

(End of this chapter)

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