I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 756? Misty Illusion Array

Chapter 756 Misty Illusion Array
"Keep running, I don't believe how far they can go."

The top masters of the five countries are now murderous.

Even if they could escape to the two wings, they would not escape.

Da Zhou killed so many of their masters and soldiers.

I can't swallow this breath.

How can you relieve your hatred if you don't kill hundreds or thousands of Zhou people.

Even if it is death, Da Zhou must pay the corresponding price.

"I don't know whether to live or die, keep shooting, use crossbows, even if it is third-rank or fourth-rank, I will make them hate in the river!" On the battleship, Zhou Yu wore a red cloak and held an unopened folding fan in his hand.

On the side is the Crouching Dragon Zhuge Liang who cooperates tacitly.

Long Zhuge Liang's folding fan opened, swaying gently, and the breeze rippling.

His cold face was full of murderous intent.

This time, the layout of the Great Zhou is so careful, since the Allied Forces of the Five Nations have come, don't even think about leaving.

All the masters of the Great Zhou on board are even more serious.

Fully armed, just waiting for the masters of the five countries to come up.

At that time, they will understand what the strength of the Great Zhou is.

In this way, the two sides chased and entangled for four miles.

People in the Allied Forces of the Five Nations were constantly being killed by conventional weapons.

The masters of the Five Kingdoms were angry and annoyed, their internal strength was constantly being lost as they moved forward, and the more they were consumed, the less they were consumed.

He was even more impatient, if he continued like this, he would be dragged to death.

Only now did they understand why Da Zhou's battleship kept retreating.

Feelings are intended to exhaust their inner energy.

At this time, some people with active minds began to quietly leave the team towards the south bank of the river.

Those who saw it instinctively wanted to stop it, but for some unknown reason, some silently followed.

Some honestly continued to follow the five great witch kings to kill the Great Zhou fleet.

"It's almost time to start the battleship formation."

Zhou Yu raised his hand.

The command flag on the ship began to wave.

At the same time, the drum beat accelerated.

After receiving the signal, the ships began to stop and retreat, spread out and form a formation, and established a certain formation to establish contact.

At this time, Wolong Zhuge Liang also put away the folding fan in his hand.

The corners of his mouth raised slightly, and he grabbed eight cards from his sleeve.

"Know the fate, it's hard to go against the sky!"

Each of the eight cards is divided into things.

The sky and the earth are surging with wind and clouds, and the sound of rolling thunder is mixed.

On the big river, the water surged like violent sand.

"This is?"

The faces of the masters from the five countries all changed drastically, and their eyes were full of horror.

This day's aspect is unusual and somewhat peculiar.

Just when they stared at the sky for two seconds, they looked forward.

Where is the battle fleet of Dazhou.

When did the fog rise in the front, and it was a vast expanse of whiteness, and I don't know the depth.

Looking at the back and surroundings, it is also a vast expanse.

Where are the green mountains and green waters on both sides of the strait, let alone the warships of Dazhou.

"What's going on, what's the situation?"

The masters of the five countries panicked.

Something is so wrong.

"It's the people of Dazhou who did it. It's a cover-up. Just go ahead and kill him."

"Use our witch warriors, they are not deceived by blindfolds, let them take the lead!"

"Okay! Let's all shoot together and hit Da Zhou's warship directly. Then we will swarm up and start killing!"

The crowd joined in.

The five kings threw the gold-level witch fighters who were pointing at themselves into the white mist.

Five gold-ranked witch warriors rushed in majestically.

The fight started soon, and after a while, they lost contact.

The five kings vomited blood one after another.

Paled face.

"How is this possible, my gold-level wizard warrior is gone just like that!"

"Mine is gone too, how could it be destroyed in such a short time!"

Everyone showed doubts.

But looking around, there are no companions.

On the surface of the water, there is only myself and the underwater witch warrior.

Half a battle away is fog.

You can't see your partner at all.

"What about people!"

There is no sound in the question.

Moving to the side, I didn't see anyone from the Five Kingdoms.

Fear involuntarily hit the upper body.

"How is this possible, all of them have been tricked, or I have been hit by an illusion."

There is also a kind of phantom Gu in Dawu Mountain.

It is a high-level auxiliary Gu, which cannot be learned by non-kings.

That's why the masters of the five countries thought of this one after another.


A figure looted from him.


A huge force knocked away a wizard who was standing on top of the witch warrior.

The Great Witch King of Yangwu also noticed a person attacking from the right, so he slammed him with his palm.

"Boom!" With a sound, the black shadow flew out from the direction it came from.

Then there was a scream.

This is the voice of the West Barbarians.

Not big weeks.

The Great Witch King of Yang Wu frowned, his face gloomy.

Then another black shadow flew over from the right.

He hurriedly drove his silver-level wizard warriors to fight.

A hard charge, and then the silver-level wizard warrior took a few hits.

The opponent also used the same trick to ask for it.

Then they twisted each other's arms.

It was obviously a steel-like body, but the arm was twisted off.

It's not easy.

But when his silver-ranked witch warrior returned, the great witch king of Yangwu discovered that the broken arm of the opponent was also a black broken arm.

"This is also a silver-level wizard warrior!"

At this time, the great witch king of Yangsha took a deep breath.


Just now he fought with his own people.

In this vast fog, there is no enemy at all, let alone teammates.

But he knew very well that this was a psychedelic formation.

Da Zhou asked the five countries to fight each other and beat themselves.

In the end, they all died in their own hands.

This is how to do!
"Everyone, stop fighting, it's all our own people!"

"Can you hear it? Stop hitting after hearing it!"

"Everyone stop!"

The Great Witch King of Yang Wu shouted desperately.

I want to call other people from the Five Kingdoms.

However, apart from my own echo, no one from the other five countries agreed.

Suddenly, another black shadow rushed over.

The Great Witch King of the Sun Witch dodged reflexively, but didn't make a move.

The person who rushed over was a master in his own country.

Because the rope wrapped around the man's feet was given to this subordinate by him.

So he found out.

"Fortunately, I didn't make a move. It seems that this phantom array can isolate the voice of each of us."

"There are so many capable people in Dazhou, I don't know how long this phantom formation will last!"

Soon another black flew from behind.

The Great Witch King of the Yang Witch also hid there, and found out that it was a Bronze Witch Warrior.

"So for this phantom array, you only need to ignore these attackers and hide to avoid killing each other!"

The Great Witch King of Yang Wu seems to have discovered a remarkable law, which solved the secret of the Great Zhou Magic Formation.

But just as he thought, another black figure emerged from the water, and he dodged it.

The black shadow in the water pierced out with a single shot.

He didn't even have a place to hide.

He was assassinated.

Then there was no news from the black shadow, and he circled half a circle around him and got behind him.

Then he blasted out with a palm.


This palm was so powerful that it directly shattered his internal organs.

"You are the Supreme of the Great Zhou!"

The gun is so domineering, the speed is so fast, and it can hurt yourself with one palm.

According to the level of the Central Plains people, it should be above the sixth rank.

"I want to be a ghost!" Ye Qing said with a smile:
"Then I will tell you a little more, I am the Great Zhou Emperor Ye Qing, rank seven!"

(End of this chapter)

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