Chapter 757: Destruction of the Five Kingdoms

"Emperor of the Great Zhou!"

The great witch king of Yang Wu widened his eyes.

How could the emperor of the Great Zhou attack and kill them?

Seven products.

so tall.

"I'm surprised, but I'm not going to explain further!"

Ye Qingwu swung his spear and struck at it.

The great witch king of Yangwu hurriedly mobilized all the witch warriors to stand in front of him.

His hard power cannot beat Ye Qing.

But the masters of the Western barbarians rely on their own strength when they fight.

It all depends on several witch warriors working together to bully more and beat others less.


Ye Qing didn't take these witch fighters seriously.

One shot at one, directly forcibly hitting them with brute force.

A series of witch warriors lost contact.



The eyes of the great witch king Yang Wu were full of panic.

Ye Qing is too strong.

He destroyed his wizard warrior so easily and simply.

It makes people feel suffocated.

A series of internal injuries superimposed.

The great witch king of Yangwu knew that his life was not long.

So more and more desperate.

"Finally, I would like to ask, how did you, Da Zhou, know about our five-nation coalition forces?"

People from Dazhou cannot enter Dawu Mountain.

Where did the news come from, so many masters were sent.

Even the emperor himself came.

It can be seen that the news is well-informed.

However, Ye Qing didn't return him, instead, he stabbed directly, directly breaking the heart of the Great Witch King, the Yang Witch.

"There is a saying that villains die by talking too much!"

"And I am not a villain!"

In the fog formation, the same thing is constantly happening.

King Shawu was killed by Nie Gai.The sand witch, the little witch king, was killed by Qiao Feng.

All the other kings are masters, or they can kill each other.

Or be beheaded by the great masters of Dagao.

"Basically solved!"

As the eye of the array, Zhuge Liang, the crouching dragon, hastily withdrew eight cards and removed all the phantom fog.


A mouthful of blood spit out.

Bright red with a bit of black fishy smell.

His face was extremely pale.

Zhou Yu patted Wolong Zhuge Liang on the shoulder and said, "Next, you will have to rest for a few months."

"Come here, help Kongming into the warehouse to rest!"


Without the phantom fog array, everything around has returned to its original state.

It's just that at this time, there are warships of the Great Zhou on both sides of the east and west.

Floating on the surface of the river are the corpses of countless masters of the Allied Forces of the Five Nations, as well as one after another Wu Zan soldiers.

The masters of the Five Nations Allied Forces who were not killed or injured swept around in a daze.

Everyone's heart is wow cool.

"This... our king, died in battle!"

"All the people I returned to witches are gone!"

"Da Zhou, why are there so many masters here?"

The masters of the Five-Nation Allied Forces who survived in the middle burst into tears one by one.

His face was extremely miserable.

"Kill! Fight with the people of Dazhou!"

Soon these lucky people killed Ye Qing and others.

But soon these people were beheaded by the great masters of the Great Zhou.

Their great witch king is not yet an opponent.

What's more, there are only three or four masters.

"Your Majesty, all the five-nation coalition forces will be besieged and killed!"

Everyone jumped onto the upstairs boat one after another and returned to Ye Qing.

Ye Qingdao: "Let the navy clean up the corpses and salvage those usable witch warriors. Let's go back to Jiangzhou and go to Dawu Mountain!"


To increase Wushan, it is natural to attack the capitals of the other five kingdoms and kill the remaining little kings.


Facing Ye Qing and the others who had suddenly returned to Wuxi City, Xiwu Da Wuwang was one head and two big.

Because Da Zhou is going to go on an expedition, this time the four kingdoms of Changwu, Guiwu, Sandwu, and Yangwu will be destroyed.

"Ye Zun, is this too hasty?"

It has not been ten days since Yuan Wu was wiped out, and you are going to destroy another four countries.

"Are you in a hurry? I don't think so." Ye Qing said with a smile:
"I received news from my big week, saying that the five-nation alliance army was wiped out. Do you think this is good news!"

"What? The Allied Forces of the Five Nations are gone!" The Great Witch King of Xiwu was shocked beyond belief.

He didn't doubt Ye Qing's words.

Because Ye Qing didn't need to lie to him.

Ye Qing was right every time.

Zaijia Dazhou has always followed the rules.

To destroy other Wu Kingdoms, the Hexi Wu Kingdom will be the starting point.

The main thing is that the people of Da Zhou made the move.

So the other party doesn't have to lie to himself around the corner.

"Of course, the Allied Forces of the Five Nations seem to be powerful, but they are actually vulnerable. Any enemy is just a paper tiger in front of me!" Ye Qing said in an unquestionable tone:

"Go get ready, we're leaving tomorrow.

Let's start with the Sun Witch! "

Can I... can I refuse?
The Great Witch King of Xiwu wanted to cry in his heart.

It seems that the time to unify the witches is coming, but why am I not happy at all.

The next day, the Great Zhou Extermination Brigade sent out again.

Five days later, Mieyang Wu, eight days later Miegui Wu, thirteen days later Miechang Wu, 20 days later Miesha Wu.

After a round, the four countries were also annexed by Xi Wu.

It occupies three quarters of Dawu Mountain.

The rapid changes in Dawu Mountain really surprised the other three countries.

At the same time, there is a strong sense of oppression.

The three countries are more united.

"Send a message to the Fish Witch, Mountain Witch, and Wing Witch, and say that the big competition will be held now to choose the real ruler of Dawu Mountain!" Ye Qing did not rush back to Chang'an, but stopped at Dawu Mountain, facing the creek. Wu Xiaowang ordered.

The two looked at each other, Xiwu Xiaowuwang said: "Ye Zun, what if the Three Kingdoms refuse to send people to compare?"

No comparison, we can't still go to war and destroy the Three Kingdoms.

Ye Qing said: "They will come, just send a letter, if they don't come, we are thinking of other ways."

The witch king and the witch king looked at each other again, and said, "It's Ye Zun, we'll do it now."

The two went down and sent letters to the three kingdoms of Yuwu, Shanwu and Yiwu respectively.

After the three countries received the letter, they all hesitated. .

Then come together for an emergency consultation.

"What should we do now, Xiwu wants to force us to admit their status in Dawu Mountain!"

"We disagree, are they going to attack us?"

"Our Three Kingdoms are united in the same spirit, advancing and retreating together. I don't believe that Xi Wu still has the ability to eat our Three Kingdoms at the same time!"

"But if you don't go, it won't change that the Xi Wu Kingdom is the strongest force among the great witches, and they account for several times more people than we do.

You can directly declare yourself as the Lord of Dawu Mountain without going through us! "

Everyone's face became gloomy, and each of them sighed.

It's too fast for things to get to the way they are now.

As if in the blink of an eye.

"Go, at least we still have a chance to fight."

"Then... let's go!"

"Go, stretching out your head is a knife, and shrinking your head is also a knife.

Xiwu Kingdom really wants to kill us, and we can't hide from it! "

Soon the reply from the Three Kingdoms was sent to Xiwu Kingdom.

The witch kings, big and small, did not expect the Three Kingdoms to be so happy.

It really came.

He couldn't help admiring Ye Qing.

How did Da Zhou guess it?

Three days later.

The top of Dawu Mountain Holy Land.

The only remaining four countries on Dawu Mountain gathered together.

The Fish Witch, Mountain Witch, and Wing Witch who came to the meeting brought a large number of soldiers and horses, as well as Gao Hehe.

As for the Xi Wu Country, only the Great Witch King, Ye Qing and a dozen people came.

The total number is less than 50 people.

It looks rather flimsy.

(End of this chapter)

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