I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 758 ? Four Nations Tournament

Chapter 758
The Three Kingdoms of Fish Witch, Mountain Witch, and Wing Witch were extremely surprised.

I thought it would be better this time, and the Xiwu would send a large number of soldiers and horses over.

Press people with power.

As a result, they are the most low-key and bring the fewest people.

It really seems to be a comparison, and it is serious to choose the master of Dawu Mountain.

The great witch kings of the Three Kingdoms believed it at a glance.

The great witch king of the fish witch stood up first and said, "The great witch king of the stream witch, what is your intention in calling us here?"

Xi Wu Da Wu Wang said: "Simple, we will compare and choose our highest king according to our Da Wu's rules.

You have also seen that I, Xiwu Kingdom, did not bring many people with me, this was out of sincerity.

My country of Xiwu has no intention of oppressing other countries, let alone swallowing other countries. After all, we are all children of Dawushan.

They are all West barbarians and have a common heritage. "

"The Great Witch King of the Stream Witch speaks better than he sings. If you don't want to do this, why do you want to destroy the other eight kingdoms!" The Great Witch King of the Mountain Witch has a more aggressive personality, and he is more honest, and he just said the truth.

But the Great Witch King of Xi Wu was not angry either.

The opponent is Tie Hanhan, so there is no need to argue with him.

I am the one who wants to unify Wushan.

Be a real king.

How could he have common knowledge with him.

So the Great Witch King of Xiwu went on to say: "Because the eight kingdoms have either colluded with Chuyue Kingdom and become a different kind of Dawu Mountain.

Either it is because of my evil intentions towards Xiwu, so for the future of Dawushan, I stand up and clean up the door.

At the same time, fight back against those bad guys who hit my Xiwu idea! "

It is not a day or two for the twelve countries to attack each other.

So the Three Kings can't fault it.

And the Five Nations Alliance hooked up with Chuyue Kingdom, flirted with each other, and even received supplies.

This is well known to everyone, so we almost didn't say it clearly.

Xiwu Kingdom also seized the opportunity, taking advantage of the defeat of the Five Nations Alliance in the Great Zhou Dynasty, the entire army was wiped out, and then quickly annexed the territory of the Five Nations.

"Even so, that's a little unkind!" The Great Witch King of the Mountain Witch was still a little upset.

But Wing Witch stood up at this moment: "Ask:
"Xi Wu Da Wu Wang, how do you want to choose?"

It is meaningless to discuss the destruction of the Eight Kingdoms now.

Now let's figure out the attitude of Xiwu Kingdom.

The Great Witch King of Xiwu laughed and said: "It's simple, the capable go up, the mediocre go down, whichever country has the strongest people, that country will be the master of Dawu Mountain, and the others will be subordinates!"

Seems fair and just.

However, the expression of the Great Witch King of the Three Kingdoms suddenly changed.

To be able to destroy the other eight countries, the personal strength of the Great Witch King of Xiwu must be extremely powerful, at least stronger than these people.

Does this even compare?
It is obvious that I, the Great Witch King of Xi Wu, want to be the real king.

Anyone who opposes it will be invalid.

"No! It's unfair to choose this way, it's not fair to us!" The Great Witch King of the Mountain Witch was the first to stand up and object.

The face of the Great Witch King of Xi Wu became dark, and his voice became cold:
"It's so fair and just, and it's the tradition of my Dawushan. It's a joke for you to say it's unfair. Could it be that you're not from my Dawushan, and you don't have the blood of my Western barbarians!"

"You..." The great witch king of the mountain was so angry that his face turned purple, and he couldn't say a word for a long time.

Yi Wudao: "Rules are dead, people are alive, let's compete in teams, don't talk about individual martial arts, after all, the goal of our great witches to choose the real king is to unite the entire Dawu Mountain.

No longer killing each other, no longer consuming each other! "

"Team battle, you mean, you three kingdoms beat me to Xiwu and one country?" The great witch king of Xiwu showed a sinister smile, and sat back in his seat with a flick of his sleeves.

He showed a big face to the Great Witch King of the Three Kingdoms.

Forming a team is also one of the old rules of Dawu Mountain.

Countries can unite with each other, and then compete one by one.

The last winning regiment will PK internally.

This is also a way of seeking common ground while reserving differences.

In history, this method has been used four times in Dawu.

It can be said that it is used very rarely.

After all, it is often a strong alliance.

There is little hope for the weak.

"Since everyone is sticking to their own opinions!" Yu Wu said, "Why don't we... let's not compare. When we unify our opinions and methods, we will compare!"

"It's no comparison, they're all here. Don't they have to make a trip for nothing?" The Great Witch King of Xiwu didn't reply:

"It's fine if you want to fight in a team, then I will limit the number of people, only four people can participate in the battle, and the number of witch fighters can only be limited to four, one more will not work?"

Each of the four brought a witch warrior.

This is too...

Although the Three Kingdoms of Fish Witch, Mountain Witch, and Wing Witch wanted to refuse, they could form a regiment to deal with Xi Wu.

There is only one chance like this.

The next time the Great Witch King of Xiwu wakes up, he may not agree.

The Great Witch Kings of the Three Kingdoms looked at each other.

The eyes exchanged in the air.

All said: "It is possible!"

"it is good!"

"that's it!"

The Great Witch King of Xi Wu showed a sneer, and then led the people down.

The game starts, everyone must prepare first.

The Three Kingdoms will choose the five strongest players to play.

And it is best to cooperate with each other.

At the same time, we must prepare for the internal PK after winning the next team match.

Don't use up all your strength in the team competition, you will lose your strength in single-country PK.

That would be cheaper for the other three countries.

That's right, the Three Kingdoms haven't started fighting yet, and they have already begun to count each other.

On the side of Xi Wu Kingdom, naturally there is no great witch king to make a move.

The candidates have already been decided.

Ye Qing had already guessed the plan of the Three Kingdoms here.

So the lineup was discussed early, namely Ye Qing, Qiao Feng, Nie Gai, and Hong Qigong.

Two seventh-rank, two people with strong inner strength.

The Three Kingdoms are arguing over which one should have one more person.

They all hope that the other two countries will send one more person.

In the end, the upright mountain witch sent one more person out.

The three great witch kings went off in person.

All three of them carried gold-level wizard warriors.

The other one carried a bronze-level wizard warrior, obviously feeling like he was making up the numbers.

After all, the mountain witch and the great witch king are not stupid.

Soon four people and four wizards entered the field.

The field is like a bullfighting round playground.

Surrounded by stairs, there are seats for people to watch.

On the opposite side, Xi Wuguo slowly walked out of the four people.

All four of them covered their faces and wore black hats.

Holding their respective weapons in their hands.

"Here...how come there are only four people, not even witch warriors?"

"What the hell is going on in the Xiwu country? The great witch king of Xiwu has not ended."

"Do you want to defeat the eight of us with these four?"

The Xiwu people compare the Wu warriors to their closest relatives, so they never regard them as corpses.

But count as people.

"No matter what they do, if they are so big, don't blame us for being rude!"

"That's right, there may not be any decent witch fighters in the Xi Wu Kingdom."

"Kill! Stop talking nonsense!"


The four of them controlled the four witch warriors, and together with myself, they rushed over with weapons in their hands.

Ye Qing and the others stood back to back and made a defensive posture.

When the other party rushed to them, the four of them rushed out at the speed of light, and disappeared in place in an instant.

"A pointless charge!"

"Total Annihilation!"

"Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms!"

"Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms!"

(End of this chapter)

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