I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 759 Lord of the Great Wu Mountain

Chapter 759 Lord of the Great Wu Mountain

In an instant, all the wizard warriors were sent flying.

Although these witch fighters were fine, they were all beaten out of the duel arena.

According to the rules of the Western barbarians, as long as they cross the line, it is considered a failure.

Anyone who is kicked out, or the wizard warrior, cannot continue to play in J.

So a face-to-face meeting has changed from the original eight VS four to 4VS4.

One fight one.

A lot more fair and just.

The three great witch kings, Fish Witch, Mountain Witch, and Wing Witch, were all on the spot in a daze.

This is too fast.

What is the strength of the opponent, so powerful.
My own witch warrior, who could be a golden level, was so unbearable.

The Great Witch King of Xiwu held back his laughter. ,

He is too clear about the strength of Ye Qing and others.

At that time, their masters of Xi Wu were killed cleanly by the Supremes of Dazhou in this way.

Now the three great witch kings must have countless question marks in their hearts.

You have to taste the flavors I have tasted one by one.

"Kill! Don't stand still!"


The three great witch kings, Fish Witch, Mountain Witch, and Wing Witch, gritted their teeth and had no choice but to force themselves.

Without witch warriors, they are still powerful great witch kings.

It's just that there is one less helper.

It's really impossible to think that we are clay sculptures.


"Overlord Slash!"

The powerful impact force directly sent the Fish Witch and the Great Witch King flying.

The fish witch and the great witch king only felt that the weapons in their hands flew out.

Everyone reached the edge of the duel field.

A look of shock.

Hands are still shaking.

The others were not much better, being crushed and beaten by these masked men in black cloaks.

After a few tricks, he was defeated.

Especially the second level master of the Mountain Witch.

After three strokes, he was knocked out of the duel field.

He hit the stands, vomited a few mouthfuls of blood, and passed out.


The three great witch kings, the fish witch, the mountain witch, and the wing witch, approached each other cautiously.

There was more shock in my heart, and my face was full of fear.

There is some anxiety and anxiety in the eyes.

If this goes on, they will lose.

No wonder Xiwu can destroy the other eight countries.

It occupies three-quarters of Dawu Mountain.

It turned out that it was because of such strong experts.

You can be invincible without witch warriors.

If you add witch fighters, how can you fight.

There is no room for people to live.

It's annoying just thinking about it.

"How to do?"

"What else can I do? Continue to fight until you are out!"

"My mountain witch refuses to accept it. I don't believe that you can maintain such a strong fighting power."

The Great Witch King of Xiwu stood up and said with a smile: "Three, do you want to continue? Eight of you can't beat four of you. Do you think the three of you have a chance now?"

"Everyone, please be respectful. After all, I, the Xi Wu, have not committed any murderous actions. I have no intention of taking your lives or your territory."

This is true.

The facts are here.

What the Great Witch King of Xi Wu said was also an objective fact.

The faces of the two great witch kings, Shan Yu and Wing Witch, were uncertain.

After pondering for a moment, before the two of them could speak, the Great Witch King of the Mountain Witch rushed forward.

"Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms!"

Qiao Feng and Hong Qigong palmed at the same time.

One person, one palm, the mountain witch forced his hands to strike.

With a sound of "Boom!", the ground was cracked, dust was scattered everywhere, and the Qixuan exploded.

The Mountain Witch flew off the ground and fell into the stands.

After spitting out three mouthfuls of blood, he passed out directly.

"Your Majesty!"

All the people from Shanwu Kingdom stepped forward one after another.

Everyone panicked.

The king will not die.

If they die, what will happen to their Shan Wu Kingdom?

Just fainted.

The faces of Shan Yu and Yi Wu, the two great witch kings, turned pale.

Taking a deep breath and looking at each other, he said, "We admit defeat!"

"Hahaha, good, great!"

The Great Witch King of Xi Wu was overjoyed.

The Three Kingdoms finally surrendered.

The master of Dawu Mountain belongs to him.

Ye Qing and the others left the duel field without saying a word, and came to the side of the Great Witch King of Xiwu.

Only then did the Great Witch King of the Xiwu restrain his expression.

He is a fox pretending to be a tiger, how dare he be presumptuous in front of a real tiger.

"Great Witch King of Xiwu, I have a question, are the four of them from your Xiwu country? Are they from my Dawushan?"

Shanyu Great Witch King asked.

The Great Witch King of Xiwu said coldly, "Why, you are not convinced and want to make trouble?"

Avoid the important and take the light, this is the preparation that the Great Witch King of Xiwu has long made.

The appearance of Ye Qing and others will naturally be suspected and speculated by all parties in Dawushan.

The Three Kingdoms will find fault.

"We're not dissatisfied, but we just want to clarify something. After all, this body is about the future of our Dawu Mountain, and we don't want to hand over the future of Dawu Mountain to others!" Shanyu Dawu Wang Dayi said awe-inspiringly.

The Great Witch King of Xiwu snorted coldly and said in disdain: "I will take care of the future of Dawu Mountain, and you should do your part well."

"You..." The Great Witch King Shanyu wanted to say something more.

But seeing Ye Qing and Gai Nie's eyes of choosing someone and devouring them.

Inexplicably a little scared, they all shut up wisely.

"Okay, now that the big competition is over, representatives from each of your three countries will come up and make an oath!"

"Our Dawu Mountain has been unified for the first time in hundreds of years. We need to comfort our ancestors and the gods of our Dawu Mountain."

The two great witch kings, Shanyu and Yiwu, saw that the big witch king of Xiwu was aggressive, so they had no choice but to step forward.

As for the mountain witch, let the person with the most seniority and status in the country sign the signature instead of the great witch king.

After going through a whole set of procedures, everyone returned to their home countries.

From then on, the Xiwu Kingdom was honored, and the Three Kingdoms were subordinate countries, and they paid tribute to the Xiwu Kingdom.

Everything about Dawu Mountain is temporarily handed over to the Dawu King of Xiwu.

Unless the Three Kingdoms are strong enough to overthrow the Xiwu Kingdom again.

And there is a better reason for it.

Otherwise, it would be a betrayal, and would be cast aside by the western barbarians in Dawu Mountain.


Chuyue Kingdom!
Jiangling City, the Imperial Palace!

"Your Majesty, that's the way it is. The Allied Forces of the Five Nations that attacked the Great Zhou Jiangzhou were wiped out, and all five great witch kings and a little witch king died in battle!"

"The Five Kingdoms were successively destroyed by the Xiwu Kingdom, and the territory of the Five Kingdoms was annexed by the Xiwu Kingdom! Now the Xiwu Dawu King has become the actual king of Dawu Mountain, with strong strength and a vast territory."

Xiong Wan was dumbfounded after listening to his subordinate's report.

The mighty Allied Forces of the Five Nations unexpectedly fell into an ambush by Da Zhou.

Once it was destroyed, its country was annexed by others.

How did Da Zhou do it.

"This Xi Wu Kingdom has never been seen to be so strong before. How can it be so powerful now? In just a few months, it swept through Dawu Mountain!"

Xiong Wan couldn't accept it, he just couldn't reach Da Zhou, so he borrowed a knife to kill people, but he didn't succeed.

Da Zhou seems to be the chosen one, always being taken care of.

This luck is too good!

"Your Majesty, I suspect that this Xi Wu Kingdom has an affair with Da Zhou, and the masters of the country are all from Da Zhou!"

"Otherwise, with the strength of the Xiwu Kingdom, the Eight Kingdoms would never be wiped out so easily!"

"And if Dazhou didn't have Xiwu Kingdom to deliver the news, it would be impossible to set up an ambush in advance to encircle and suppress the Allied Forces of the Five Nations!"

(End of this chapter)

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