I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 760 You should hook up with Chuyue Kingdom

Chapter 760 You should hook up with Chuyue Kingdom
"Big week!"

Xiong Wan's expression was extremely gloomy.

"How could Da Zhou meddle in the matter of Da Wushan?"

"The idiots of the Five Kingdoms only accept our funding, but they don't allow our people to enter Dawu Mountain. If there were experts from our Chuyue Kingdom at that time, they would not have been wiped out!"

Xiong Wan had one head and two big ones, and he felt a headache.

Rubbing the temples.

The changes in Dawushan were beyond his expectation.

For Chuyue Kingdom, this is simply a world of ice and fire.

Originally, he wanted to rely on the Western barbarians to attack Da Zhou.

As a result, Da Zhou was not injured, but instead broke the tentacles extended by Chu Yue Kingdom.

What is Xiwu's attitude towards Chuyue Kingdom?

This is the big problem that Chuyue Kingdom will face next.

After all, there are too many borders between Chuyue Kingdom and Dawu Mountain.

There are three counties in Jingzhou next to it.

The savagery of these Western barbarians is obvious to all.

"Go and investigate, send people to investigate, and send experts to lurk in. At this time, Dawu Mountain must be in chaos. With the strength of Xiwu, it is absolutely impossible to defend Dawu.

There are many places to go deep.

In addition, we have cooperated with the five countries, and we have learned some of their skills, which is just right for us! "

Xiong Wan waved his hand, signaling the minister who handled the matter to go down.


Great Wushan!
Xi Wu Kingdom New King City.

The big and small witch kings listened to Ye Qing's guidance.

"Next, I will send sailors to explore the river system around Dawu Mountain, so that it will be easier to go east in the future!"

Ye Qing tapped his index finger on the table and continued:
"Chuyue Kingdom will definitely send someone to get in touch with you to find out your attitude towards Chuyue Kingdom."

"Ye Zun, don't worry, we will definitely kill all the people from Chuyue Kingdom who entered the mountain, and we will definitely not have any contact with Chuyue Kingdom."

"That's right, Ye Zun, we are devoted to Zhou. I, Xi Wu, is the Xi Wu Kingdom of Da Zhou. I will definitely not have an affair with Chuyue Kingdom like the Five Kingdoms!"

The big and small witch kings swore immediately.

Ye Qing smiled and motioned for the two to sit down:
"Don't worry, you shouldn't do this.

You can communicate with Chuyue Kingdom, not only to communicate, but also to receive benefits from Chuyue Kingdom.

If they don't give it away, you want it. In short, the relationship doesn't have to be so rigid.

Don't make them feel that you are hostile to them. "

"What... what does Ye Zun mean?" The big and small witch kings were a little at a loss.

What kind of set this is playing is a little confusing.

Ye Qingdao: "I want you to paralyze the Chuyue Kingdom and let him relax his vigilance. Then you big witches can launch a surprise attack on Nanjun, Wuling, etc.!"

It turned out to be the case.

This time, the big and small witch kings understood.

With Chuyue Guoxu and a snake.

The two looked at each other.

It seems that this is not bad.

No matter it is the most beneficial to Da Zhou or to their Xiwu Kingdom.

Although the Xi Wu Country surrendered to the Great Zhou, it was not the territory of the Great Zhou.

In the future, the Xiwu Kingdom will grow stronger, and sooner or later it will embark on an independent path.

If one day they break up with Da Zhou, there is still a Chuyue country that can cooperate or something.

So this is simply in the arms of the big and small witch kings.

"It's Ye Zun, we will take good care of Chuyue Kingdom and relieve the worries of the Great Zhou!" The big and small witch kings hurriedly showed their hospitality.

Ye Qing knew that they might not mean what they said.

Maybe he will secretly hook up with Chu Yueguo.

But it doesn't matter.

Because at least in the past few years, Xiwu Kingdom has not dared to betray Da Zhou.

Dawushan is not without other countries.

There are also the Three Kingdoms of Fish Witch, Mountain Witch, and Wing Witch.

As long as Da Zhou thinks about it, the Three Kingdoms can immediately replace the Xiwu Kingdom.

What Ye Qing wanted now was for Xiwu Kingdom to involve Chuyue Kingdom, so as to provide convenience for Da Zhou to send troops to Chuyue Kingdom.

Once the army and water army are completed, the operation of Xiwu Kingdom will be greatly weakened.

After Chuyue Kingdom lost its capital and withdrew from Jingzhou.

You can no longer really have any connection with Xiwu Kingdom.

If they want to attack Da Zhou from both sides, the Xiwu Kingdom should also think about it.

If you lose the Chuyue Kingdom in Jingzhou, you will not be qualified to fight against the Great Zhou.

It will only become a secondary country that can be seized by the Great Zhou.

If Xiwu Kingdom still hooked up with him at that time, Ye Qing would be very happy.

It happened to be an excuse to clean up Xiwu Country.


With Ye Qing's order, Xiwu Kingdom sent people to the border of Chuyue Kingdom to carry out activities.

Soon there was friction with the people of Chuyue Kingdom.

Many Chuyue kingdoms who entered the mountain were either killed or injured and fled back.

Xiwu Kingdom took the opportunity to send people to Chuyue Kingdom to question.

Ask Chu Yue to give an explanation.

Seeing that Xi Wu Kingdom was approaching menacingly in the direction of Chuyue Kingdom, they had no choice but to admit their mistakes and say good things.

And expressed his willingness to give some compensation to Xi Wuguo.

After hearing the words, Xiwu Kingdom's anger subsided a little.

But the lion began to speak loudly.


In the palace of Chuyue Kingdom.

Xiong Wan frowned slightly.

"This Xi Wu Kingdom is too much, asking for so many things."

"He regards my Chuyue Kingdom as a New Year's pig, and wants to kill one worth it!"

The emperor's anger could be heard.

However, the person in charge of this matter said:

"Your Majesty, in fact, from another perspective, this may not be a bad thing!"

Xiong Wan was puzzled and asked, "What do you mean?"

"Your Majesty, it is precisely because Xiwu Kingdom is greedy that it can take advantage of it.

I think Da Zhou must have spent a lot of resources in order to fund the Xiwu Kingdom.

And these Western barbarians are greedy, and over time, it is impossible for Da Zhou to give them too many supplies to satisfy the Xi Wu Kingdom.

At that time, Xiwu Kingdom must think of us, and seeing that we are so bold, they can turn to cooperate with us. "

The man bowed and said in congratulations: "Your Majesty, the resources of our Chuyue Kingdom are richer than Da Zhou's, no less than ten times more than Da Zhou's.

So this Xi Wu Kingdom will be used by us in the future, and this time, it is enough to give them something generously, so that we can form a good relationship, so that we can act in the future! "

The five countries all support it, why can't the Xiwu country.

In contrast, Xiwu Kingdom is more worthy of Chuyue Kingdom's win over.

According to the latest news, the Xiwu Kingdom has unified Dawu Mountain.

The great witch king of the Xiwu Kingdom became the real king of Dawu Mountain.

The master of the Other Dawu Mountain.

This kind of Xiwu country can only befriend, not offend.

Otherwise, it will harm Chuyue Kingdom for thousands of years.

"Hmm! This is a good way!" Xiong Wan suddenly understood.

It seems that this is not bad, as long as it can be bought with money, it is a trivial matter.

As long as Xiwu Kingdom can be won over.

As long as it's good for Da Zhou, that's fine.

"Let's do it. This matter should be done beautifully. If necessary, we can marry Xiwu Kingdom. Dawushan must not fall to Dazhou, and Dazhou cannot be wooed over.

At worst, let them remain unbiased, so that the Western barbarians can become our barrier instead! "

"Your Majesty is wise, I will reply right away!"

The man went down immediately and hurried to the important border area to negotiate with the people from Xiwu Kingdom.

When Xiwu Kingdom heard that Chuyue Kingdom was willing to meet its own conditions, they were all excited.

Even more arrogant.

(End of this chapter)

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