I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 764 Ambush Counter Routine

Chapter 764 Ambush Counter Routine

The masters who guarded Ye Qing were all transferred, and now there are stronger assassins.

All the soldiers felt like the sky was falling.

"Your Majesty, please go first, let's hold the assassin!"

All the soldiers said one after another.

They can die, but Ye Qing cannot.

Ye Qing is the spirit of their Great Zhou.

If Ye Qing is not dead, the Great Zhou will prosper.

Ye Qing has the strength of the seventh rank, and he wants to leave with all his heart, no one can stop him.

"Speaking of frustration, how could I abandon you and run away alone!"

Ye Qing patted the table and chair on his right hand, flew up to the roof of the train.

At the same time, Qiao Feng and other big Zhou masters also flew out one after another.

"It's really touching, His Majesty the Great Zhou Emperor, he is truly a benevolent gentleman, and a wise gentleman!"

The incoming assassin sneered.

They sneered one by one.

Ye Qing's escape route was completely blocked.

As long as Ye Qing wanted to escape, he would immediately intercept him.

"The people in the Blood Shadow Pavilion really can't change their shit, so continue to come to my big week to give away their heads." Ye Qing also sneered:
"Why does the Blood Shadow Pavilion think there are too many masters, so I can't wait to die!"

"Since the Emperor of Great Zhou knows that it is us, he will arrest me if he offends the Blood Shadow Pavilion. If he offends me, he must die. He will die sooner or later, so why be so stubborn!"

"From the Blood Shadow Pavilion, it's not like I haven't killed it before."

Ye Qing turned the epee lightly in his hand and snorted coldly: "A group of bugs who only live for money, accept money from Chuyue Kingdom and murder me, you will all be punished!"

Everyone in the Blood Shadow Pavilion was taken aback.

There was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Blood Shadow Pavilion has always been strict in accepting employers.

In the world, only Baixiao Pavilion may be able to feel a little bit of wind direction.

But now Baixiaoge realized that a strong Zhou would cause losses to him.

So no more convenience.

Could it be that they have changed again.

"Your Majesty, so what if you know? You will not escape death today!"

"That's right Your Majesty, there are only so few people around you, you can't stop us, don't delay!"

The people from the Blood Shadow Pavilion approached step by step.

Prepare for the strongest blow.

The longer the delay, the more variables.

The other masters of the Great Zhou will return one after another.

Although these people did not affect this assassination.

But in the end, I am also afraid of accidents.

"You think I'm delaying time, but you don't know that I'm giving you one more moment to live, you really won't be grateful!" Ye Qing glanced at the dozen or so experts of the Blood Shadow Pavilion as if he was looking at a dead person.

Among them, there are at least eight supreme beings, five fifth ranks, and four fourth ranks.

The facelift is quite luxurious.

It can be seen that this assassination is also a mental preparation.

The calculation is very careful.

But no matter how careful it is, it is not as good as Guo Jia's arrangement.


Suddenly, Ye Qing let out a roar.

With a leap of his body, the epee in his hand rushed out.

"Fearless charge!"

Suddenly, he arrived in front of a sixth-rank man on the opposite side.

The man was startled, Ye Qing's speed was too fast.

Fortunately, he had expected it, and quickly swung his sword to block it.

Unexpectedly, Ye Qing's speed was so fast that he couldn't dodge it at all.

The epee pierced over.

With a sound of "Clang!", the sword of the master of the Blood Shadow Pavilion broke directly.


The epee has no front, but it hurts people.


The people in Blood Shadow Pavilion couldn't believe that Yi was injured so quickly.

Was stabbed by the emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

"Why, you just opened the net of the Blood Shadow Pavilion, and you didn't even find out what my strength is, yet you dare to come and die!" Ye Qing pulled out lightly, and slashed again with his sword.

The man stood upright and swung his sword at each other.

Bring out all your inner strength.

It's not that they didn't find out Ye Qing's strength, but that they couldn't believe that Ye Qing had such a strong strength.



Others also waved their weapons to make a rescue.

But at this time when the train got off, countless black shadows suddenly flew out.

These black shadows all had stiff expressions and were wearing black iron clothes.

A dozen or so flew out at once, and killed the people in the Blood Shadow Pavilion.

Qiao Feng also took the opportunity to slap each other, and then Ding Chunqiu and others flew out of the car.

When Ye Qing came to Luoyang, he set up a net early on.

On the surface, there are not many masters, and they all went after the first batch of assassins.

In fact, the real masters stayed in the military vehicles.

And it was shown that these people did not get on the car in Chang'an, but got in when they were adding fire and coal on the way.

Thus deceiving the eyes and ears of the Blood Shadow Pavilion.

And before setting off, there are witch fighters hidden in every wagon.

With these wizard warriors, Uncle Ninth's fighting power has soared.

Can gang up on enemies.

Use one as ten.

In an instant, Da Zhou leveled up his fighting power.

Even after Nie Gai came out, his strength suddenly shifted to Da Zhou's side.

"Damn it, Da Zhou has already ambushed, retreat!"

"Withdraw, I will kill the Great Zhou Emperor in the future!"

"Bastard, what the hell are you getting in here? It won't kill you, it won't hurt!"

The people in Blood Shadow Pavilion were not stupid, they knew immediately that they had been duped.

In the ambush of Da Zhou.

They are retreating one after another.

But Da Zhou refused to give up and continued to fight around them.

Especially the sorcerer, the people in the Blood Shadow Pavilion didn't have to cry even if they wanted to.

It is meaningless to beat a dead person who cannot be killed.


Soon Ye Qing beheaded two sixth-rank realms.

Nie Gai also beheaded one person.

Uncle Jiu has been pestering the people in the Blood Shadow Pavilion with witch warriors to prevent them from leaving.

"Damn it, it's never over, die!"

Suddenly someone found Uncle Jiu and saw that he was suspicious, so he jumped to kill him.

However, Uncle Jiu took a step back and changed his gesture.

Two more witch warriors flew out from under the train.

The person was intercepted.

The two witch warriors trembled with it.

He was so entangled that he couldn't get away.

At the same time, Zhuge Zhengwo, Shi Potian and others rushed back one after another.

Added siege.

The people in the Blood Shadow Pavilion didn't dare to stay any longer, and ran for their lives in four directions.

"Chase, don't let anyone go."

Ye Qing led people to chase after him personally.

Everyone also chased after the opponent they could kill.

Half a day later, they returned one after another.

Reported their respective gains.

"Your Majesty's ambush this time killed five sixth-rank masters of the Blood Shadow Pavilion and injured two; killed five fifth-rank masters, three fourth-rank masters, and several others."

Such a result is already very brilliant.

Although not completely eliminated.

But it was also a heavy blow to the Blood Shadow Pavilion.

"Clear the roadblock and continue eastward!"

"It's Your Majesty!"

The train put on a new driver and continued to Luoyang.

The train directly passes into the expanded Luoyang New City.


More than 1 soldiers protected the surrounding airtightly.

Han Xin, Xun You and others greeted him personally at the train station.

The train slowly entered the station and finally stopped.

The door is open.

The guard's soldiers got out of the car first.

Then came Ye Qing and Baiguan.

"Chen Han Xin, bring the Azure Dragon Group Army to meet His Majesty!"

"Your Majesty, ten thousand years, Great Zhou ten thousand years!"

Ye Qing took a glance, and the most elite soldiers of the Qinglong Army walked up to Han Xin.

Then he said: "The soldiers of Da Zhou have worked hard, you have made great contributions to Da Zhou, Da Zhou will not forget you."

(End of this chapter)

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