Chapter 765: Chuyue Kingdom's Response
"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

The soldiers of the Qinglong Army replied excitedly.

Ye Qing went on to say: "Luoyang is the accompanying capital of my Great Zhou Dynasty. With your protection and construction, it is now grand and magnificent. I am proud of you!"

"I am honored to wait for Your Majesty, Your Majesty, and the Great Zhou Dynasty!" Han Xin led all the soldiers and replied one after another.

"Respectfully, Your Majesty, move to inspect and accompany the capital."

Ye Qing nodded slightly, and then walked outside the train station under the guidance of the guard of honor.

Luxury carriages were parked outside.

These cars are equipped with protective devices and steel plates are placed in the middle.

From the train station, Ye Qing began to pay attention to the buildings on both sides of the street.

Luoyang is different from Chang'an.

Chang'an is eight waters around Chang'an.

Luoyang is a Luo River running through, from the northwest to the southeast.

Luoyang is divided into two urban structures, one large and one small.

To the north of Luoyang is the palace of the accompanying capital, as well as the wealthy district.

The south of Luoyang is a civilian area.

Civilian areas are divided into commercial and industrial.

The industrial zone is in Dongcheng, the lower reaches of the Luo River.

The city is full of red brick and concrete houses.The design layout is also neat and unified.

The living area is larger than that of Chang'an.

Because Luoyang seeks space upwards as much as possible, the population density per square meter is high.

This is also for the sake of taking over the population of the Kanto region in the future.

Although the street is not as wide as Chang'an, it is clean, flat and tidy.

And because of the inner and outer cities, there are many fortresses.

Troops can be stationed inside and outside the city.

Turn around Luoyang and enter the palace.

There is a tall tower in the palace, overlooking the whole Luoyang.

"Your Majesty, the construction of Luoyang City is satisfactory!"

Xun You asked.

The soldiers of the Qinglong Army also held their breath.

Ye Qingdao: "Very good, such a grand capital has been built in just a few years, not only has civilian facilities, but also a large number of military facilities.

Very good, with such an accompanying capital, we can continue to go east and fight all the way to the coastal areas. "

"Your Majesty, is it possible for our Qinglong Army this year?" A head of the Qinglong Army wanted to ask eagerly, but Ye Qing waved his hand and said:
"In the new city of the capital, we need to hoard food, grass and weapons.

The train has to go to Hulao Pass and Sanguan Pass.So the task of your Qinglong Army is to train and gain momentum! "

"No!" Han Xin and others replied one after another.

"Of course, the more important task is to absorb the people in the Han Wei and Kanto regions.

Don't be afraid of too much, Luoyang can fully accommodate, if not, there are Hexi and Shuozhou. "

Three days later, Luoyang New Town was officially unveiled.

In the whole city, gongs and drums were resounding, and there were countless celebrations.

And Ye Qing also justly accused Chuyue Kingdom and Blood Shadow Pavilion during the unveiling speech.

Chuyue Kingdom was immediately set on fire.

And ordinary people all over the world also know about the killer organization called Blood Shadow Pavilion.

The newspapers of the big week are full of publicity.

All kinds of black materials in the past of Blood Shadow Pavilion were revealed.

For a while, public opinion boiled.

It's not just the people of Da Zhou who hate the Blood Shadow Pavilion deeply.

Even the common people and aristocratic families from all over the world gritted their teeth in hatred for the Blood Shadow Pavilion.

After all, no one wants to have such a dark sword hanging over their head.

Get killed by these killer organizations at any time.

So the Blood Shadow Pavilion suddenly became a rat crossing the street and everyone shouted and beat it.

And as another target of the event.

The Chuyue Kingdom was also under increasing pressure.

Chuyue Kingdom was attacked by Zhou Dynasty three times.

Greatly hurt.

The common people are somewhat war-weary.

Finally signed an armistice agreement.

In the end, our emperor colluded with a black-hearted organization like the Blood Shadow Pavilion again in the blink of an eye, and started another war.

Isn't this forcing our son and relatives who have just joined the army to die?
Therefore, Chuyue Kingdom's dissatisfaction with Emperor Xiong Wan also suddenly increased.

"Bastard, who is it? Which country is framing us?"

Xiong Wan was so angry that he directly kicked the dragon case.

Don't play like this.

I, Chu Yue Kingdom, really want to break up with Da Zhou.

But that was a year later, when Chuyue Kingdom's millions of new troops re-trained.

Now it's the devil who wants to continue fighting.

The Western barbarians in Dawu Mountain have not been completely settled yet.

It is obviously not in the interests of Chuyue to start a war with Da Zhou now.

"Your Majesty, there are only a few countries in the Kanto region, and there are very few who are capable enough to afford the Blood Shadow Pavilion!" The head of the Jing family reminded.

It’s not that there are only five remaining in Kanto.

Chu Yue State, Northern Qi State, Donghai State, South Korea, Wei State.

Donghai and Dazhou are allies, so it is impossible to do this.

Northern Qi's financial resources are limited, so the price of recruiting so many sixth-rank masters can be imagined.

With this money, it would be better for Northern Qi to use it to expand its army and fight against the East China Sea.

The rest is Korea and Wei.

Which of the two countries will do it?
Xiong Wan couldn't figure it out.

The Patriarch of the Qu family said: "Your Majesty, could it be that Da Zhou did it himself, they are thieves calling for a thief.

Hire the Blood Shadow Pavilion, and then ambush the Blood Shadow Pavilion, so as to find an excuse to attack our country.

Kill two birds with one stone! "

The Patriarch of the Zhao family shook his head: "Probably not, if Da Zhou wants to find an excuse and find other ways, there is no need to offend the Blood Shadow Pavilion again, and he will have to pay a huge price.

Ye Qing is very realistic, you let him spend so much money just for a plausible excuse.

He definitely won't do such a stupid thing! "

"Then which country in Han and Wei are you talking about!" Xiong Wan was upset when he heard that.

"This... the minister can't guess."

"But Your Majesty, we can check! Find out which country is secretly acting as a villain and plotting against us."

Xiong Wan waved his hand and said: "Then go and investigate, find out as soon as possible, and return my innocence to Chuyue Kingdom.

At the same time, mobilize food and grass to prepare for the battle. Da Zhou may really start a war against us. "

"It's Your Majesty!"

The patriarchs of the three clans went down immediately.

It's just that two months later, I haven't seen any movement from Da Zhou.

Ye Qing stayed in Luoyang and did not leave.

South Korea in the east is anxious.

It feels like Da Zhou has targeted them with suspicion.

To attack South Korea.

So every ten days another wave of envoys was sent to
Xiong Wan and Chu Yueguo breathed a sigh of relief.

Da Zhou had no intention of attacking Chuyue Kingdom.

"It seems that Da Zhou actually knows that someone is framing us, and he is also looking for the culprit!"

"Your Majesty, shall we continue to increase troops at the border?" A courtier asked.

Millions of troops have been preparing for war for three months, not to mention exhausted physically and mentally.

The consumption of food and grass is huge.

Usually training is two meals a day, and I will not be full.

During the war, three meals a day ensured physical strength and nutrition.

Meat such as fish is also needed.

Around is the Chuyue country has a solid foundation and abundant money and food.

It can't withstand the wear and tear of millions of troops day and night.

Xiong Wan thought about it, and shook his head: "No need, let's remove half of the manpower, and return them to their original garrison places."

"It's enough to keep the front line of Runan and Lankou to gather the army in this area!"

The officials of Chuyue Kingdom also felt that there was no problem.

After all, Da Zhou is going to fight, and this time it is impossible to go as smoothly as the previous few times.

(End of this chapter)

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