Chapter 766

The general performance of Chuyue Kingdom was soon learned by Da Zhou.

Ye Qingzao quietly left Luoyang, passed through Yingchuan and then arrived at Xiangyang City in Nanyang.

"Your Majesty, everything is as we wished. The Chuyue Kingdom couldn't stand it any longer and began to withdraw half of its soldiers and horses." Di Qing handed over the recently collected information form.

"According to His Majesty's instructions, we did not mobilize troops and horses, so the defense of Chuyue Kingdom has also been relaxed a lot!"

Ye Qing glanced briefly, and then said: "How about the defense of the capital of Chuyue Kingdom?"

"Your Majesty was really nervous at the beginning, Chuyue Kingdom was afraid that we would send troops from Xiangyang to attack Jiangling, so they also deployed heavy troops in Jiangling.

But now the army transferred into the city has also been withdrawn, and it will be maintained under the original foundation! "Di Qing truthfully reported.

Only then did Ye Qing say: "You are not the main attacker when you send troops this time. Your main purpose is to restrain the army on the border of Chuyue Kingdom and create opportunities and time for the Tianji Army to capture Chuyue Kingdom."

"Your Majesty, I understand that once Jiangling is captured by the Tianji Army, the Chuyue army gathered at Lankou will surely collapse.

I will definitely return to aid Jiangling, and that is the time for my Suzaku army to go south. "Di Qing replied with a clear mind.

Although the first credit will go to the Tianji Army.

However, the important achievement of annihilating the enemy army remained in the Suzaku Army.

And he can't do it even if he wants to win.

The Suzaku Army doesn't have any warships.

Once near Jiangling, the Suzaku Army lost its advantage.

On the contrary, the advantage of the Tianji Army is more obvious, and it will also be the same when attacking Jiangxia and other counties.

Chuyue Kingdom's navy is the main target of Dazhou this time.

The navy of Chuyue Kingdom is not a recruit.

All elite veterans.


Chuyue Kingdom, Jingzhou City!
This is a city located not far to the west of Jiangling.

It is also on the north bank of the river.

It is the Acropolis of Jiangling.

However, unlike Jiangling, there is a Jingshui to the east of Jingzhou, and Jingzhou is sandwiched between the two rivers.

Chuyue Kingdom has a small amount of navy stationed here.

The main purpose is to be vigilant.

But because there are no enemies in the upper reaches of the river.

The Western barbarians don't go out of the mountains, and they don't go down the river by rowing boats.

So the defense here is pretty lax.

Night! Quietly.

Both the guards of the city gate and the Chuyue people in the city fell asleep one after another.

In the river temple in the city, the stone statue suddenly turned.

Discover the sound of stones rubbing against each other.

The old man guarding the temple heard the movement, lit a candle, and opened the temple door cautiously.

Against the wind, he guarded the candle and looked towards the direction of the stone statue.

Seeing the statue move, the old man blinked, then rubbed again.

I thought I was in a daze, so I continued walking forward.

It turned out that the base of the stone statue was indeed removed.

A shaft begins to reveal itself.

The old man still wants to continue the investigation.

At this time, a black shadow suddenly flew out.

The candle in the old man's hand was blown out by the strong wind.

The old man's eyes bulged in shock, and he fainted the next moment.

The shadow shifted to the temple gate, but there was no movement outside.

Only then did I imitate a cat meowing a few times.

Then more shadows crawled down the shaft.

"I checked, and this old man is the only one in the whole temple."

"It should be the guardian of the temple for generations. Depending on the situation, the temple is still well maintained!"

"The exit is in such a place, I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing!"

"What are you worried about? From now on, it will be my Dazhou's place. Just find a reason to seal off this river temple. At worst, build a new one."

"That's right, let's start to act. Today's work is beautiful, and it is related to the goal of A. If we make a mistake here, it will not be enough to apologize!"


Jingzhou, this is the most critical point for capturing Jiangling.

Whether the sneak attack on Jiangling can be successfully carried out depends entirely on the success of tonight's operation.

When all the personnel came up, they left the temple in batches and headed towards their respective goals.

For today's moment, the soldiers and masters of Da Zhou rehearsed no less than ten times.

Soon all the main points in the city were attacked by the people of Da Zhou.

Although Jingzhou is an acropolis, there are not many masters.

What's more, Ye Qing sent Nie Gai and others over.

No matter how many masters there are in the city, they can escape the first wave of attacks.

But you can't escape the second wave.

After half an hour.

Jingzhou City and County Yali.

Nie Gai and others gathered together.

"The east of the city is cleared!"

"Clear the west of the city!"

"The north of the city is done!"

"The south of the city is done!"

Everyone nodded.

"Very good, since that's the case, from now on, the city will be closed, no one can enter or leave the city, and the news will be blocked. Everyone will continue to wear the armor and clothes of the Chuyue Kingdom."

"At the same time, numb the direction of Jiangling."

"Finally, wait for our naval army to come over. During the period, there will be Chuyue people who escaped from the west, and they will intercept and kill them all!"

At the same time, Zhou Yu, Han Shizhong, Guan Yu, Gan Ning and others of the Dimensity Group Army set up a [-]-sea army and marched southward.

Among them, there are [-] Tianji Army and [-] Yaoguang (Breaking Army) Army.

There are countless warships.

Along the way, the Westman led the way, passing through the canyon and river of the Dawu Mountain.

All the way east, everyone sighed when they saw the situation on both sides.

"It is said that both sides of Dawu Mountain and the river are cliffs. When I saw it today, it really is so!"

"It's such a beautiful scenery, it's a pity that the two sides can't build a city, otherwise there will be supplies along the way, and we can stop and repair something!"

"Wushan Mountain, thousands of miles of rivers and waterways, the communication between the land of Bashu and Jingyang, I don't know how many years.

Today it finally came true in the hands of my Da Zhou, in the hands of His Majesty, and in our hands. "

"Gentlemen, this is a great feat that must be recorded in history."

Everyone agrees.

Zhou Yu stared at the cliffs on both sides and pointed all the way.

Wolong Zhuge Liang came over and said, "Gongjin, what do you think?"

Zhou Yu said: "I don't think it's impossible to build a city on the two banks, it's absolutely possible to build some cliff cities along the mountain, and finally lead to the top of the mountain.

Now there is such a good thing as cement, and docks can also be built in water.

The Wanli waterway cannot rely solely on the accompanying supplies, at least three cities must be built on the Dawushan waterway. "

"In this way, the project will be very huge, and it will consume a lot of people's, material and financial resources. At present, we can't afford it in Dazhou, and we can't support such a project." Crouching Dragon Zhuge Liang half-closed his eyes and said:
"I do have an idea. I can use the array of Qishan Pavilion to arrange a speeding and stable array on both sides of the river to ensure the safety of the boat and shorten the passage time."

"In this way, there is no need to consume too many materials, and the deployment time is also short, so it can be put into use quickly."

Han Shizhong said: "I think what Mr. Wolong said is very reasonable. The shortened travel time will definitely strengthen the business and trade between Bashu, Jingzhou and Yangzhou, prosper the two places, and achieve great economic growth."

(End of this chapter)

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